A small JavaScript/JQuery module that provides an easy and fast interface for building tables using data tables plugin based on the builder design pattern.
let table = new Table('#myTableId')
.setUrlData(function () { // Data that is sent with the url
return {
firstName: "Daniel",
lastName: "Bunny"
.addTableButton({icon: 'fa fa-plus', hint: 'Add new'}, addNewFunction);
.addTableButton({icon: 'fa fa-sign-in', hint: 'Sign in'}, anotherFunction);
// You can also use the created table object to call the methods
.addSelectColumn(true) // Add check box near each row
.addColumn({title: 'First Name', data: 'firstName'})
// Add a button in each row
.addActionColumn('', function (data, type, row) {
return TableAction({icon: 'fa fa-plus', hint: 'Edit my row'});
}, editFunction)
// Show data in sub table
.addSubRow([{title: 'Middle Name', data: 'middleName'}, {title: 'Date of Birth', data: 'dateOfBirth'}])
.addSubRow([{title: 'Gender', data: 'gender'}, {title: 'Address', data: 'address'}])
// Make sure to call this method after your table configurations