A lite rpc library with no IDL, no cross-language. Supports:
req-res mode
sub-pub mode with tag and topic
automatically compress (zstd)
It is written by c++17.
Strongly limit the rpc func param number for avoiding mistake. If you want more func param number, please use std::tuple or struct to package them.
rpc_server(typename Resource) is used for avoiding competition. If you make a special resource_pool for every parallel, you will not get competition, and the special pool just need one item. Usually the parallel number equal to hardware_concurrency.
Boost.asio. Because of asio coroutine (prepare for c++20 coroutine).
MessagePack c++. Because of serialization, https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c/tree/cpp_master.
Facebook zstd. Because of compression, https://github.com/facebook/zstd, enable or disable by macro in rpc_common.hpp.
The lib do not need to compile, headonly.
MessagePack c++, do not need to compile, headonly.
Boost.asio, need to compile.
Facebook zstd, need to compile if you enable compression.
Boost.asio is not under the contrib dir, you should get it by yourself. MessagePack c++ and zstd is under the contrib dir.
a common header file which is used for defining common data structure. Recommend this very strongly. It will make no error espacially for weak type rpc.
#pragma once
#include "rpc_common.hpp"
struct example_struct{
int a;
std::string b;
char c[16];
using example_struct_req = example_struct;
using example_struct_res = std::string;
using example_tuple_req = std::tuple<int, std::string, std::string>; //Recommend this, do not need MSGPACK_DEFINE.
using example_tuple_res = std::string;
A very simple example about request-response:
client code:
#include <future>
#include "rpc_client.hpp"
#include "rpc_define.h"
int main() {
std::promise<void> f;
auto c = std::make_shared<lite_rpc::rpc_client>();
c->connect_async("", "31236", 5, [&f]() {
example_struct_req struct_req{};
struct_req.a = 11;
struct_req.b = "22";
strcpy_s(struct_req.c, "33");
c->remote_call_async("example_struct", struct_req, [](example_struct_res&& res) {
printf("res:%s\n", res.c_str()); //11+22+33
//use tuple instead of struct is better.
c->remote_call_async("example_tuple", example_tuple_req{ 11,"22","33" }, [](example_tuple_res&& res) {
printf("res:%s\n", res.c_str()); //11+22+33
return 0;
server code:
#include "rpc_server.hpp"
#include "rpc_define.h"
int main() {
auto parallel_num = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
auto rpc_server = std::make_shared<lite_rpc::rpc_server<lite_rpc::empty_resource>>((uint16_t)31236);
rpc_server->register_method("example_struct", [](example_struct_req&& req) {
return example_struct_res{ std::to_string(req.a) + "+" + req.b + "+" + req.c };
rpc_server->register_method("example_tuple", [](example_tuple_req&& req) {
auto&& [a, b, c] = std::move(req);
return example_tuple_res{ std::to_string(a) + "+" + std::move(b) + "+" + std::move(c) };
return 0;
A very simple example about subscribe-publish:
client code:
#include <future>
#include "rpc_client.hpp"
#include "rpc_define.h"
int main() {
std::promise<void> f;
auto c = std::make_shared<lite_rpc::rpc_client>();
c->connect_async("", "31236", 5, [&f]() {
//topic is haha, tag is z
c->subscribe("haha", "z", [](example_struct&& ex) {
printf("subscribe:%s\n", (std::to_string(ex.a) + "+" + ex.b + "+" + ex.c).c_str());
//match all tags about topic haha
c->subscribe("haha", "*", [](example_struct&& ex) {
printf("subscribe:%s\n", (std::to_string(ex.a) + "+" + ex.b + "+" + ex.c).c_str());
//match tag aaa, bb, cc, dd about topic haha
c->subscribe("haha", "aaa||bb||cc||dd", [](example_struct&& ex) {
printf("subscribe:%s\n", (std::to_string(ex.a) + "+" + ex.b + "+" + ex.c).c_str());
return 0;
server code:
#include "rpc_server.hpp"
#include "rpc_define.h"
int main() {
auto parallel_num = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
auto rpc_server = std::make_shared<lite_rpc::rpc_server<lite_rpc::empty_resource>>((uint16_t)31236);
std::thread th([rpc_server]() {
example_struct ex{};
ex.a = 11;
ex.b = "22";
strcpy_s(ex.c, "33");
while (true) {
rpc_server->publish("haha", "z" ex);
rpc_server->publish("haha", "zz" ex);
return 0;
Under the example dir, has very detailed examples.