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Hi we have solved an issue on the Sticky list where records were reloading, without any results. #23

digidestination opened this issue Oct 13, 2018 · 5 comments


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I have made a comment regarding this issue on WordPress plugin page (support).
Today we have found the reason there is a mess created by WooCommerce and here is updated file that could solve it

We changed file: class-sticky-list.php :


Attention developers
There is a fully documented and commented version of this file on Github

Preimum features (to be implemented):
Multi page form support
Multiple file upload
Fully compatible with Gravity Forms “limit entries” and “No Duplicates” features [done]
Export list to .csv from front end (based of search results)
Choose who can view/edit/delete and who can see the entries
Abillity to control all settings from within the shortcode

if (class_exists("GFForms")) {

class StickyList extends GFAddOn {

    protected $_version = "1.5.1";
    protected $_min_gravityforms_version = "";
    protected $_slug = "sticky-list";
    protected $_path = "gravity-forms-sticky-list/sticky-list.php";
    protected $_full_path = __FILE__;
    protected $_title = "Gravity Forms Sticky List";
    protected $_short_title = "Sticky List";
    protected $_capabilities_form_settings = 'gravityforms_stickylist';
    protected $_capabilities_uninstall = 'gravityforms_stickylist_uninstall';
    protected $_capabilities = array('gravityforms_stickylist', 'gravityforms_stickylist_uninstall');

    public function init(){

        // Add localization

        // Add setting to fields settings tab
        add_action("gform_field_standard_settings", array( $this, "stickylist_field_settings"), 10, 2);

        // Add the Sticky List shortcode
        add_shortcode( 'stickylist', array( $this, 'stickylist_shortcode' ) );

        // Add supporting scripts to field settings page
        add_action("gform_editor_js", array($this, "editor_script"));

        // Add field settings page tooltips
        add_filter("gform_tooltips", array( $this, "add_stickylist_tooltips"));

        // Add css
        add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", array( $this, "register_plugin_styles"), 5);

        // View or Edit entries
        add_filter("gform_pre_render", array($this,"pre_entry_action"));
        add_action("gform_after_submission", array($this, "post_edit_entry"), 10, 2);

        // Delete entries

        // Add notification options
        add_action("gform_notification_ui_settings", array($this, "stickylist_gform_notification_ui_settings"), 10, 3 );
        add_action("gform_pre_notification_save", array($this, "stickylist_gform_pre_notification_save"), 10, 2 );
        add_filter("gform_disable_notification", array($this, "stickylist_gform_disable_notification" ), 10, 4 );
        add_filter("gform_notification", array($this, "stickylist_modify_notification" ), 10, 3 );

        // Add confirmation options
        add_action("gform_confirmation_ui_settings", array($this, "stickylist_gform_confirmation_ui_settings"), 10, 3 );
        add_action("gform_pre_confirmation_save", array($this, "stickylist_gform_pre_confirmation_save"), 10, 2 );
        add_filter("gform_confirmation", array($this, "stickylist_gform_confirmation"), 10, 4);

        // Update connected Wordpress post if exsists
        add_filter("gform_post_data", array( $this, "stickylist_gform_post_data" ), 10, 3 );

        // Make sure required file fields validate when prepopulated whith existing file during edit
        add_filter('gform_validation', array( $this, "stickylist_validate_fileupload" ) );

        // Allow edits of entries in forms with entry limit
        add_filter( 'gform_pre_validation', array( $this, "stickylist_validate_limit" ) );

        // Allow edits of entries in forms with no duplicate fields
        add_filter( 'gform_is_duplicate', array( $this, "stickylist_validate_duplicate" ), 10, 4 );

    // This helps with initiating the add-on
    private static $_instance = null;
	public static function get_instance() {
		if ( self::$_instance == null ) {
			self::$_instance = new StickyList();
		return self::$_instance;

     * Sticky List localization function
    function stickylist_localize() {
        load_plugin_textdomain('sticky-list', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' );

     * Sticky List field settings function
    function stickylist_field_settings($position, $form_id){

        // Get the form
        $form = GFAPI::get_form($form_id);

        // Get form settings
        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        // Only show settings if Sticky List is enabled for this form
        if(isset($settings["enable_list"]) && true == $settings["enable_list"]){

            // Show below everything else
            if($position == -1){ ?>

                <li class="list_setting">
                    Sticky List
                    <input type="checkbox" id="field_list_value" onclick="SetFieldProperty('stickylistField', this.checked);" /><label class="inline" for="field_list_value"><?php _e('Show in list', 'sticky-list'); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_field_list_value") ?></label>
                    <input type="checkbox" id="field_nowrap_value" onclick="SetFieldProperty('stickylistFieldNoWrap', this.checked);" /><label class="inline" for="field_nowrap_value"><?php _e('Don\'t wrap text from this field', 'sticky-list'); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_field_nowrap_value") ?></label>
                    <input type="checkbox" id="field_nopopulate_value" onclick="SetFieldProperty('stickylistFieldNoPopulate', this.checked);" /><label class="inline" for="field_nopopulate_value"><?php _e('Don\'t populate this field on edit', 'sticky-list'); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_field_nopopulate_value") ?></label>
                    <label class="inline" for="field_list_text_value"><?php _e('Column label', 'sticky-list'); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_field_text_value") ?></label><br><input class="fieldwidth-3" type="text" id="field_list_text_value" onkeyup="SetFieldProperty('stickylistFieldLabel', this.value);" />


     * Format date field according to user preference
    function format_the_date($timestamp,$format) {
        switch ( $format ) {
            case 'mdy' :
                $format_name = 'm/d/Y';
            case 'dmy' :
                $format_name = 'd/m/Y';
            case 'dmy_dash' :
                $format_name = 'd-m-Y';
            case 'dmy_dot' :
                $format_name = 'd.m.Y';
            case 'ymd_slash' :
                $format_name = 'Y/m/d';
            case 'ymd_dash' :
                $format_name = 'Y-m-d';
            case 'ymd_dot' :
                $format_name = 'Y.m.d';
            case '' :
                $format_name = 'Y-m-d';
        return date($format_name, strtotime($timestamp));

     * Sticky List field settings JQuery function
    function editor_script(){
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // Bind to the load field settings event to initialize the inputs
            jQuery(document).bind("gform_load_field_settings", function(event, field, form){
                jQuery("#field_list_value").attr("checked", field["stickylistField"] == true);
                jQuery("#field_nowrap_value").attr("checked", field["stickylistFieldNoWrap"] == true);
                jQuery("#field_nopopulate_value").attr("checked", field["stickylistFieldNoPopulate"] == true);

     * Sticky List field settings tooltips function
    function add_stickylist_tooltips($tooltips){
       $tooltips["form_field_list_value"] = __('<h6>Show field in list</h6>Check this box to show this field in the list.','sticky-list');
       $tooltips["form_field_nowrap_value"] = __('<h6>Don\'t wrap whitespace</h6>Check this box to prevent wraping of text from this field','sticky-list');
       $tooltips["form_field_nopopulate_value"] = __('<h6>Don\'t populate this field</h6>Check this box to prevent this field from being populated with the saved on edit','sticky-list');
       $tooltips["form_field_text_value"] = __('<h6>Header text</h6>Use this field to override the default text header.','sticky-list');
       return $tooltips;

     * Helper function to get current user
    public function stickylist_get_current_user() {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $current_user_id = $current_user->ID;

        // If we didnt get a user ID we might be on buddypress
        if( $current_user_id == NULL && function_exists("bp_loggedin_user_id") ) {
            $current_user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
        return $current_user_id;

     * Helper function to get form settings
    function get_sticky_setting($setting_key, $settings) {
        if(isset($settings[$setting_key])) {
            $setting = $settings[$setting_key];
            $setting = "";
        return $setting;

     * Sticky List shortcode function
    function stickylist_shortcode( $atts ) {
        $shortcode_id = shortcode_atts( array(
            'id'            => '1',
            'user'          => '',
            'showto'        => '',
            'field'         => '',
            'value'         => '',
            'test'          => ''
        ), $atts );

        // Get the form ID from shortcode
        $form_id = $shortcode_id['id'];

        // Get the user ID from shortcode
        $user_id = $shortcode_id['user'];

        // Get the user ID from shortcode
        $showto = $shortcode_id['showto'];

        // Get the filter field from shortcode
        $filterField = $shortcode_id['field'];

        // Get the filter value from shortcode
        $filterValue = $shortcode_id['value'];

        // Get the form
        $form = GFAPI::get_form($form_id);

        // Get form settings
        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        // Setting variables
        $enable_list            = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_list", $settings);
        $show_entries_to        = $this->get_sticky_setting("show_entries_to", $settings);
        $max_entries            = $this->get_sticky_setting("max_entries", $settings);
        $value_separator        = $this->get_sticky_setting("value_separator", $settings);
        $enable_clickable       = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_clickable", $settings);
        $enable_postlink        = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_postlink", $settings);
        $link_label             = $this->get_sticky_setting("link_label", $settings);
        $enable_view            = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_view", $settings);
        $enable_view_label      = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_view_label", $settings);
        $enable_edit            = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_edit", $settings);
        $enable_edit_label      = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_edit_label", $settings);
        $new_entry_id           = $this->get_sticky_setting("new_entry_id", $settings);
        $enable_delete          = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_delete", $settings);
        $enable_delete_label    = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_delete_label", $settings);
        $confirm_delete         = $this->get_sticky_setting("confirm_delete", $settings);
        $confirm_delete_text    = $this->get_sticky_setting("confirm_delete_text", $settings);
        $enable_duplicate       = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_duplicate", $settings);
        $enable_duplicate_label = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_duplicate_label", $settings);
        $enable_pdf             = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_pdf", $settings);
        $pdf_label              = $this->get_sticky_setting("pdf_label", $settings);
        $pdf_id                 = $this->get_sticky_setting("pdf_id", $settings);
        $action_column_header   = $this->get_sticky_setting("action_column_header", $settings);
        $enable_sort            = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_sort", $settings);
        $initial_sort           = $this->get_sticky_setting("initial_sort", $settings);
        $initial_sort_direction = $this->get_sticky_setting("initial_sort_direction", $settings);
        $enable_search          = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_search", $settings);
        $embedd_page            = $this->get_sticky_setting("embedd_page", $settings);
        $enable_pagination      = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_pagination", $settings);
        $page_entries           = $this->get_sticky_setting("page_entries", $settings);

        // If a Custom embed url is set we override the selected embedd page
        if(isset($settings["custom_embedd_page"]) && $settings["custom_embedd_page"] != "") {
            $embedd_page = $settings["custom_embedd_page"];
        // If a showto value is set in the shortcode we override the value in settings
        if(isset($showto) && $showto != "") $show_entries_to = $showto;

        // Only render list if Sticky List is enabled for this form

            // Get current user or get user ID from shortcode
            if($user_id != "") {
                $current_user_id = $user_id;
                $show_only_to_specific_user = true;
                $current_user_id = $this->stickylist_get_current_user();

            //Set max nr of entries to be shown
            if($max_entries == "") { $max_entries = 999999; }

            // Set sorting variables
            if($enable_sort && $initial_sort) {
                if($initial_sort == "date_added") {
                    $sorting = array();
                    $sorting = array('key' => $initial_sort, 'direction' => $initial_sort_direction );
                $sorting = array();

            // Set paging variables
            $paging = array('offset' => 0, 'page_size' => $max_entries );

            // Get entries to show depending on settings
            // Show only to creator
            if($show_entries_to === "creator" || isset($show_only_to_specific_user)){

                $search_criteria["field_filters"][] = array("key" => "status", "value" => "active");

                // Admin can allways see all entries
                if (!current_user_can('administrator')) {
                    $search_criteria["field_filters"][] = array("key" => "created_by", "value" => $current_user_id);

                $entries = GFAPI::get_entries($form_id, $search_criteria, $sorting, $paging);

            // Show to all logged in users
            }elseif($show_entries_to === "loggedin"){

                if(is_user_logged_in()) {
                    $search_criteria["field_filters"][] = array("key" => "status", "value" => "active");
                    $entries = GFAPI::get_entries($form_id, $search_criteria, $sorting, $paging);

            // Show to everyone
            }elseif($show_entries_to === "everyone"){

                $search_criteria["field_filters"][] = array("key" => "status", "value" => "active");
                $entries = GFAPI::get_entries($form_id, $search_criteria, $sorting, $paging);

            // Show to selected user role
                $user = wp_get_current_user();
                // Check if the current user has the selectecd role OR is admin
                if( in_array( $show_entries_to, (array) $user->roles ) || in_array( "administrator", (array) $user->roles )) {
                    $search_criteria["field_filters"][] = array("key" => "status", "value" => "active");
                    $entries = GFAPI::get_entries($form_id, $search_criteria, $sorting, $paging);

            // If a filter is set in the shortcode we filter out all entries that do not match
            if(!empty($entries) && $filterField) {
                 foreach ($entries as $id => $data) {
                    if($data[$filterField] != $filterValue) {

            // Allow for entries filtering
            if(!empty($entries)) {
                $entries = apply_filters( 'filter_entries', $entries );

            // If we have some entries, lets loop trough them and start building the output html
            if(!empty($entries)) {

                // Maybe reverse sort order
                if($initial_sort == "date_added" && $initial_sort_direction == "ASC") {
                    $entries = array_reverse($entries);

                // This vaiable will hold all html for the form
                $list_html = "<div id='sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id' class='sticky-list-wrapper'>";

                // If sorting and searching is enabled, show search box
                if($enable_sort && $enable_search) {
                    $list_html .= "<input class='search' placeholder='" . __("Search", "sticky-list") . "' />";

                $list_html .= "<table class='sticky-list'><thead><tr>";

                // Get all fields
                $fields = $form["fields"];

                // Make a counter for use in sorting
                $i = 0;

                // Make table header
                foreach ($fields as $field) {

                    if(isset($field["stickylistField"]) && $field["stickylistField"] != "") {

                        // If we have a custom field label we use that, if not we use the fields standard label
                        if(isset($field["stickylistFieldLabel"]) && $field["stickylistFieldLabel"] != "") {
                            $label = $field["stickylistFieldLabel"];
                            $label = $field["label"];

                        $class_label = "header-" . str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($label));

                        $list_html .= "<th class='sort $class_label' data-sort='sort-$i'>$label</th>";

                        // Increment sorting counter

                // If view, edit, delete, postlink, duplicate or pdf is enabled we need an extra column
                if($enable_view || $enable_edit || $enable_delete || $enable_postlink || $enable_duplicate || $enable_pdf) {

                    $list_html .= "<th class='sticky-action'>$action_column_header</th>";

                $list_html .= "</tr></thead><tbody class='list'>";

                // Make table rows
                foreach ($entries as $entry) {

                    $entry_id = $entry["id"];

                    // Make is_read class
                    $is_read = ($entry["is_read"]) ? "is_read" : "not_read" ;

                    $list_html .= "<tr class='" . $is_read . "'>";

                    // Recycle the sorting counter we used above

                    // Loop trough all the fields
                    foreach( $form["fields"] as $field ) {
                        // If the field is active
                        if (isset($field["stickylistField"]) && $field["stickylistField"] != "") {
                            // ...we get the value for it
                            $field_value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $entry, $field );

                            // Set a class variable to use in list table
                            $tdClass = "stickylist-" . $field["type"];

                            // If nowrap is set for this field we add a class to it
                            $nowrap = "";
                            if(isset($field["stickylistFieldNoWrap"]) && $field["stickylistFieldNoWrap"] != "") {
                                $nowrap = " sticky-nowrap";

                            // Set $custom_file_upload to true if this is a custom field file upload
                            if($field["type"] == "post_custom_field" && $field["inputType"] == "fileupload") { $custom_file_upload = true; }else{ $custom_file_upload = false; }

                            // If the field is a product field
                            if ($field["type"] == "product" || $field["type"] == "shipping" || $field["type"] == "option") {

                                // ...and the value is an array
                                if(is_array($field_value)) {

                                    // If this product field is an option field
                                    if($field["type"] == "option") {

                                        // Remove the price from the string
                                        foreach ($field_value as &$option) {
                                            $option = substr($option, 0, strpos($option, "|"));

                                        // Remove empty values and implode the array
                                        $field_value = array_filter($field_value);
                                        $field_value = implode(", ", $field_value);


                                        // Get the total number of products (last item in array)
                                        $field_value = end($field_value);

                                    $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";


                                    // Remove the price from the string
                                    $field_value = substr($field_value, 0, strpos($field_value, "|"));
                                    $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";

                            // If the value is an array (i.e. address field, name field, etc)
                            elseif(is_array($field_value)) {

                                // Sort the array by key so that the fields are shown in the correct order
                                $field_values = "";

                                if($value_separator == "") $value_separator = " ";

                                // Concatenate field values into string separated by a space
                                foreach ($field_value as $field => $value) {
                                    if(!empty($value)) $field_values .= $value . $value_separator;
                                $field_values = trim($field_values, $value_separator);
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_values</td>";

                            // If the field is a file field we use strtok to remove any metadata used by post_image filed (meta data is stored after "|" in string)
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "fileupload" || $field["type"] == "post_image" || $custom_file_upload == true ) {

                                $field_value = strtok($field_value, "|");
                                $file_name = basename($field_value);

                                // Make file clickable or not
                                if($enable_clickable && $field_value != "") {
                                    $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'><a href='$field_value'>$file_name</a></td>";
                                    $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$file_name</td>";

                            // If the field is a date field we need to format it
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "date" && $field_value != "") {
                                $field_value = $this->format_the_date($field_value,$field["dateFormat"]);
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";

                            // If the field is an URL we need to format it
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "website" && $field_value != "") {
                                $tdClass = "stickylist-url";
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'><a href='$field_value'>$field_value</a></td>";

                            // If the field is an number field we need to format it
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "number" && $field_value != "") {
                                $tdClass = "stickylist-number";
                                if ($field["numberFormat"] == "decimal_comma") {
                                    $field_value = number_format($field_value,2,",",".");
                                    $field_value = str_replace(",00", "", $field_value);
                                }elseif ($field["numberFormat"] == "decimal_dot") {
                                    $field_value = number_format($field_value,2,".",",");
                                    $field_value = str_replace(".00", "", $field_value);
                                }elseif ($field->numberFormat == "currency") {
                                    $currency = new RGCurrency( GFCommon::get_currency() );
                                    $field_value   = $currency->to_money( $field_value );
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";

                            // If the field is a post category we need to remove the ID from the string
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "post_category" && $field_value != "") {
                                $tdClass = "stickylist-category";
                                $field_value = strtok($field_value, ":");
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";

                            // If the field is a list field we need to unserialize it, flatten the array and implode it into a string
                            elseif ($field["type"] == "list" && $field_value != "") {
                                if(is_array(maybe_unserialize($field_value))) {
                                    $list = maybe_unserialize($field_value);
                                    $field_value = iterator_to_array(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($list)), FALSE);
                                    $field_value = implode(", ", $field_value);
                                    $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";

                            // All other fields
                                $list_html .= "<td class='sort-$i $nowrap $tdClass'>$field_value</td>";
                            // Increment sorting counter

                    // If view, edit, delete, postlink, duplicate or pdf is enabled we need a cell with appropiate links
                    if($enable_view || $enable_edit || $enable_delete || $enable_postlink || $enable_duplicate){
                        $list_html .= "<td class='sticky-action'>";

                            // Only show view link if view is enabled
                            if($enable_view) {
                                $list_html .= "
                                    <form action='$embedd_page' method='post'>
                                        <button class='sticky-list-view submit'>$enable_view_label</button>
                                        <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='view'>
                                        <input type='hidden' name='view_id' value='$entry_id'>

                            // Only show edit link if edit is enabled
                            if($enable_edit) {

                                // ...and current user is the creator OR has the capability to edit others posts
                                if($entry["created_by"] == $this->stickylist_get_current_user() || current_user_can('edit_others_posts') || current_user_can('stickylist_edit_entries')) {
                                    $list_html .= "
                                        <form action='$embedd_page' method='post'>
                                            <button class='sticky-list-edit submit'>$enable_edit_label</button>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='edit'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='edit_id' value='$entry_id'>

                            // Only show delete link if delete is enabled
                            if($enable_delete) {

                                // ...and current user is the creator OR has the capability to delete others posts
                                if($entry["created_by"] == $this->stickylist_get_current_user() || current_user_can('delete_others_posts') || current_user_can('stickylist_delete_entries')) {

                                    $list_html .= "
                                        <button class='sticky-list-delete submit'>$enable_delete_label</button>
                                        <input type='hidden' name='delete_id' class='sticky-list-delete-id' value='$entry_id'>

                                    // If the entry is connected to a post we add a hidden field with the post ID
                                    if($entry["post_id"] != null ) {
                                        $delete_post_id = $entry["post_id"];
                                        $list_html .= "<input type='hidden' name='delete_post_id' class='sticky-list-delete-post-id' value='$delete_post_id'>";

                            // Only show post link if postlink is enabled
                            if($enable_postlink && $entry["post_id"] != NULL) {

                                $permalink = get_permalink($entry["post_id"]);
                                $list_html .= "<button class='sticky-list-postlink submit' onclick='document.location.href=\"$permalink\"'>$link_label</button>";

                            // Only show duplicate link if duplicate is enabled
                            if($enable_duplicate) {

                                $list_html .= "
                                    <form action='$embedd_page' method='post'>
                                        <button class='sticky-list-duplicate submit'>$enable_duplicate_label</button>
                                        <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='duplicate'>
                                        <input type='hidden' name='duplicate_id' value='$entry_id'>

                            if($enable_pdf) {
                                $list_html .= "
                                    <a href='". get_bloginfo('url') ."/pdf/$pdf_id/$entry_id/' target='_blank'><button type='button' class='sticky-list-view submit'>$pdf_label</button></a>";

                        $list_html .= "</td>";

                    $list_html .= "</tr>";

                $list_html .= "</tbody></table>";

                // If paignation is enabled we add the paignation container if there are more entries than what would fit in a page
                if($enable_pagination && $page_entries < count($entries)) {
                    $list_html .= "<ul class='pagination'></ul>";

                $list_html .= "</div>";

                // If list sorting or pagination is enabled
                if($enable_sort || $enable_pagination) {

                    // Build sort fields string
                    $sort_fileds = "";
                    for ($a=0; $a<$i; $a++) {
                        $sort_fileds .= "'sort-$a',";

                    // Include list.js
                    $list_html .= "<script src='" . plugins_url( 'gravity-forms-sticky-list/js/list.min.js' ) . "'></script>";

                    // Include list.js pagination plugin
                    if($enable_pagination) {
                        $list_html .= "<script src='" . plugins_url( 'gravity-forms-sticky-list/js/list.pagination.min.js' ) . "'></script>";

                    // If both sort and paignation is enabled
                    if($enable_sort && $enable_pagination) {
                        $list_html .= "<script>var options = { valueNames: [$sort_fileds], page: $page_entries, plugins: [ ListPagination({ outerWindow: 1 }) ] };var userList = new List('sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id', options); function callback() { window.listUpdated() } userList.on('updated', callback);</script><style>table.sticky-list th:not(.sticky-action) {cursor: pointer;}</style>";

                    // If only sort is enabled
                    }elseif($enable_sort && !$enable_pagination) {
                        $list_html .= "<script>var options = { valueNames: [$sort_fileds] };var userList = new List('sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id', options);</script><style>table.sticky-list th:not(.sticky-action) {cursor: pointer;}</style>";

                    // If only paignation is enabled
                    }elseif(!$enable_sort && $enable_pagination) {
                        $list_html .= "<script>var options = { valueNames: ['xxx'], page: $page_entries, plugins: [ ListPagination({ outerWindow: 1 }) ] };var userList = new List('sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id', options); function callback() { window.listUpdated() } userList.on('updated', callback);</script></style>";

                // If delete is enabled we need to insert ajax scripts to help with deletion
                if($enable_delete) {

                    // Set som variables to use in the ajax function
                    $ajax_delete = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'ajax-delete.php';
                    $ajax_spinner = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'img/ajax-spinner.gif';
                    $delete_failed = __('Delete failed','sticky-list');

                    $list_html .= "
                        <img src='$ajax_spinner' style='display: none;'>
                        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

                            window.listUpdated = function(){

                                $('#sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id .sticky-list-delete').click(function(event) {


                                    var delete_id       = $(this).siblings('.sticky-list-delete-id').val();
                                    var delete_post_id  = $(this).siblings('.sticky-list-delete-post-id').val();
                                    var current_button  = $(this);
                                    var current_row     = current_button.parent().parent();
                                    var confirm_delete  = $confirm_delete;

                                    if(confirm_delete == 1) {
                                        var confirm_dialog = confirm('$confirm_delete_text');

                                    if (confirm_dialog == true || confirm_delete != 1) {

                                        current_button.html('<img src=\'$ajax_spinner\'>');

                                        $.post( '', { mode: 'delete', delete_id: delete_id, delete_post_id: delete_post_id, form_id: '$form_id' })
                                        .done(function() {
                                                background: '#fbdcdc',
                                                color: '#fff'
                                            current_row.hide('slow', function() {
                                                remaining_rows = $('#sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id tbody tr');
                                                if(remaining_rows.length === 0) {
                                                    $('#sticky-list-wrapper_$form_id table').html('" . esc_js($settings["empty_list_text"]) . "');
                                        .fail(function() {


            // If we dont have any entries, show the "Empty list" text to the user
                $list_html = $settings["empty_list_text"] . "<br>";

            return $list_html;

     * Add Sticky List stylesheet
    public function register_plugin_styles() {
        wp_register_style( 'stickylist', plugins_url( 'gravity-forms-sticky-list/css/sticky-list_styles.css' ) );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'stickylist' );

     * Performs actions when entrys are clicked in the list
    public function pre_entry_action($form) {

        // Maybe enable get requests
        $enable_get_requests = $this->get_sticky_setting("enable_get_requests", $this->get_form_settings($form));
        if ($enable_get_requests) {
            $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);

        if( isset($_POST["mode"]) == "edit" || isset($_POST["mode"]) == "view" || isset($_POST["mode"]) == "duplicate") {

            // No limits on edit/views
            $form["limitEntries"] = false;

            // Add lib to help with ajax in multi page forms
            echo "<script src='" . plugins_url( 'gravity-forms-sticky-list/js/arrive.min.js' ) . "'></script>";

            if($_POST["mode"] == "edit") {
                $edit_id = $_POST["edit_id"];
                $form_fields = GFAPI::get_entry($edit_id);

            if($_POST["mode"] == "view") {
                $view_id = $_POST["view_id"];
                $form_fields = GFAPI::get_entry($view_id);

            if($_POST["mode"] == "duplicate") {
                $duplicate_id = $_POST["duplicate_id"];
                $form_fields = GFAPI::get_entry($duplicate_id);

            // If we have an entry that is active

// echo '

// print_r($_POST);
// print_r($form_fields);
// echo '
// echo '
well ' . is_wp_error($form_fields);
// echo '
well ' . $form_fields["status"];
// exit;
if(!is_wp_error($form_fields) && $form_fields["status"] == "active") {

                // ...and the current user is the creator OR has the capability to edit others posts OR is viewing the entry OR is duplicating the entry
                if($form_fields["created_by"] == $this->stickylist_get_current_user() || current_user_can('edit_others_posts') || current_user_can('stickylist_edit_entries') || $_POST["mode"] == "view" || $_POST["mode"] == "duplicate") {

                    // Loop trough the form fields and check for upload- and category fields. If found, store ID in array
                    foreach ($form["fields"] as $fkey => &$fvalue) {
                        if($fvalue["type"] == 'fileupload' || $fvalue["type"] == "post_image") {
                            $uploads[] = $fvalue["id"];
                        }elseif ($fvalue["type"] == "post_custom_field" && $fvalue["inputType"] == "fileupload") {
                            $uploads[] = $fvalue["id"];
                        }elseif ($fvalue["type"] == 'post_category') {
                            $categories[] = $fvalue["id"];
                    if (!isset($uploads)) $uploads = "";
                    if (!isset($categories)) $categories = "";

                    // This variable will hold upload fields
                    $upload_inputs = false;

                    // Buid array of field id's that should not be populated on edit
                    $no_populate = array();
                    foreach ($form["fields"] as $test_field) {
                        $no_populate[$test_field->id] = $test_field->stickylistFieldNoPopulate;

                    // Loop trough all the fields
                    foreach ($form_fields as $key => &$value) {

                        // If the key is numeric we need to change it from [X.X] to [input_X_X]
                        if (is_numeric($key)) {

                            // Skip the field if No Populate is set
                            if($no_populate[substr($key, 0, 1)])

                            // If the current field is a list field we need to unserialize it and flatten the array
                            if(is_array(maybe_unserialize($value))) {
                                $list = maybe_unserialize($value);
                                $value = iterator_to_array(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($list)), FALSE);

                            // If the current field is a post category field we need to remove all but the id from it (id is stored after : in string)
                            if (is_array($categories) && in_array( $key, $categories ) ) {
                                $value = substr( $value, strpos( $value, ':') + 1);

                            // If the value is numeric we might need to format if
                            if (is_numeric($value)) {
                                $field = GFFormsModel::get_field($form, $key);
                                if ($field->type == "number") {
                                    if ($field->numberFormat == "decimal_comma") {
                                        $value = str_replace(".", ",", $value);

                            // Format the key
                            $new_key = str_replace(".", "_", "input_$key");
                            $form_fields[$new_key] = $form_fields[$key];

                            // If the current field is an upload field we build the html to display it
                            if (is_array($uploads) && in_array( $key, $uploads ) ) {
                                if ($value != "") {

                                    // Use strtok to remove any metadata used by post_image field (meta data is stored after "|" in string)
                                    $path = strtok($value, "|");
                                    $file = basename($path);
                                    $delete_icon = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'img/delete.png';

                                    // Only show the remove icon if we are in edit mode
                                    if ($_POST["mode"] == "edit") {
                                        $show_delete = " <a title=\"" . __("Remove","sticky-list") . "\" class=\"remove-entry\"><img alt=\"" . __("Remove","sticky-list") . "\" src=\"$delete_icon\"></a>";
                                        $show_delete = "";

                                    $upload_inputs = true;

                                    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                                        $('input[name="<?php echo $new_key ?>"]').before('<div class="file_<?php echo $key?>"><a href="<?php echo $path?>"><?php echo $file?></a><?php echo $show_delete?><input name="file_<?php echo $key?>" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $value?>"></div>');
                                        $(document).arrive("form", function(el) {
                                            $('input[name="<?php echo $new_key ?>"]').before('<div class="file_<?php echo $key?>"><a href="<?php echo $path?>"><?php echo $file?></a><?php echo $show_delete?><input name="file_<?php echo $key?>" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $value?>"></div>');

                            // Unset old key

                    // Add is_submit_id field
                    $form_id = $form['id'];

                    // ...only for the form that was acutally submitted
                    if (isset($_POST["mode"])) $form_fields["is_submit_$form_id"] = "1";
                    if (isset($_POST["gform_submit"]) && $_POST["gform_submit"] == $form_id) $form_fields["is_submit_$form_id"] = "1";

                    // Get current form settings
                    $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

                    // Maybe mark as read
                    $mark_read_view = $this->get_sticky_setting("mark_read_view", $settings);
                    $mark_read_edit = $this->get_sticky_setting("mark_read_edit", $settings);
                    if($_POST["mode"] == "edit") if($mark_read_edit) GFAPI::update_entry_property( $form_fields["id"], "is_read", 1);
                    if($_POST["mode"] == "view") if($mark_read_view) GFAPI::update_entry_property( $form_fields["id"], "is_read", 1);

                    // Get update text
                    if(isset($settings["update_text"])) $update_text = $settings["update_text"]; else $update_text = ""; ?>

                    <!-- Add JQuery to help with view/update/delete -->
                    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                        var thisForm = $('#gform_<?php echo $form_id;?>');

            <?php   // If we are in edit mode we insert two hidden fields with entry id and mode = edit
                    if($_POST["mode"] == "edit") { ?>

                        var edit = '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />';
                        var edit_id = '<input type="hidden" name="edit_id" value="<?php echo $edit_id; ?>" />';
                        var mode = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit" />';
                        thisForm.append(edit, edit_id, mode);
                        $("#gform_submit_button_<?php echo $form_id;?>").val('<?php echo $update_text; ?>');
                        $(document).arrive(".gform_wrapper form", function(el) {
                            $(el).append(edit, edit_id, mode);
                            $("#gform_submit_button_<?php echo $form_id;?>").val('<?php echo $update_text; ?>');
                    // If we are in view mode we insert two hidden fields with entry id and mode = view
                    if($_POST["mode"] == "view") { ?>
                        var view_id = '<input type="hidden" name="view_id" value="<?php echo $view_id; ?>" />';
                        var mode = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="view" />';
                        thisForm.append(view_id, mode);
                        formFieldsWrapper = $("#gform_wrapper_<?php echo $form_id;?> .gform_fields");
                        formFieldsWrapper.find('input, select, textarea').not("input[type=file]").attr("disabled","disabled");
                        $("#gform_submit_button_<?php echo $form_id;?>").remove();
                        $(document).arrive(".gform_wrapper form", function(el) {
                            $(el).append(view_id, mode);
                            $("#gform_submit_button_<?php echo $form_id;?>").remove();

                    // If we have a post ID it means that there is a post field present. We then insert a hidden field with the post ID for use later
                    if($form_fields["post_id"] != null ) { ?>

                        thisForm.append('<input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php echo $form_fields["post_id"];?>" />');
                        $(document).arrive("form", function(el) {
                            $(el).append('<input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php echo $form_fields["post_id"];?>" />');
            <?php   }

                    // If we have one ore more upload fields we output the html to help with editing
                    if($upload_inputs) { ?>
                        $('div[class^=\"file_\"] .remove-entry').click( function(event){ event.preventDefault; $(this).parent().remove();});
                        $(document).arrive("form", function(el) {
                            $('div[class^=\"file_\"] .remove-entry').click( function(event){ event.preventDefault; $(this).parent().remove();});
                    } ?>

                    <!-- End JQuery -->

            <?php   // Add our manipulated fields to the $_POST variable
                    $_POST = array_merge($form_fields,$_POST);

        return $form;

     *  Editing entries
    public function post_edit_entry($entry, $form) {

        // If we are in edit mode
        if(isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] == "edit") {

            // Get original entry id
            $original_entry_id = $_POST["edit_id"];

            // Get original entry
            $original_entry =  GFAPI::get_entry($original_entry_id);

            // Save old and new entries for use in hook
            $old_entry = $original_entry;
            $new_entry = $entry;

            // If we have an original entry
            if($original_entry && is_wp_error($original_entry) == false) {

                // Make sure the entry is active (not in trash)
                if($original_entry["status"] == "active") {

                    // If the current user is creator OR has the capability to edit others posts
                    if($original_entry["created_by"] == $this->stickylist_get_current_user() || current_user_can('edit_others_posts') || current_user_can('stickylist_edit_entries')) {

                        // Keep starred and read status and original poster
                        $entry["is_read"] = $original_entry["is_read"];
                        $entry["is_starred"] = $original_entry["is_starred"];
                        $entry["created_by"] = $original_entry["created_by"];

                        // Look for admin only fields and pass them on from the original entry
                        foreach ($form["fields"] as $field) {
                            if($field["adminOnly"] == true) {
                                $entry[$field["id"]] = $original_entry[$field["id"]];

                        // Look for existing file uploads and use them to keep the files
                        foreach ($_POST as $key => &$value) {
                            if (strpos($key, "file_") !== false) {
                                $entry[str_replace("file_", "", $key)] = $value;

                        // If new entry ID is not checked
                        $new_entry_id = $this->get_sticky_setting("new_entry_id", $this->get_form_settings($form));
                        if (!$new_entry_id) {

                            // Uppdate original entry with new fields
                            $success_uppdate = GFAPI::update_entry($entry, $original_entry_id);

                            // Delete newly created entry

                            // Save the old entry ID for use in hook
                            $new_entry["id"] = $old_entry["id"];

                        // If checked we delete the original entry

                            // Uppdate new entry with original fields
                            $success_uppdate = GFAPI::update_entry($entry, $entry["id"]);

                            // Delete original entry

            // If we were unable to edit an entry we must delete the newly created entry
            if(is_wp_error($original_entry)) {
                $success_delete = GFAPI::delete_entry($entry["id"]);
                do_action( 'stickylist_entry_edited', $old_entry, $new_entry );

     * Helper function delete an entry
    function stickylist_delete_entry($entry_delete_id) {

        // Get entry to be deleted
        $entry_delete = GFAPI::get_entry($entry_delete_id);

        // Empty the entry before deletion (to keep attached files)
        foreach ($entry_delete as $key => &$value) {

            // Dont empty the ID or we wont be able to update and remove the entry
            if ($key != "id") {
                // Set to empty or else we wont be able to delete the entry
                $entry_delete[$key] = "";

        $empty_the_entry = GFAPI::update_entry($entry_delete, $entry_delete_id);
        $success_delete = GFAPI::delete_entry($entry_delete_id);
        global $wpdb;
        $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'rg_lead', [ 'id' => $entry_delete_id ], [ '%d' ] );

     * Allow edits of entries in forms with no dupelicate fields
    function stickylist_validate_duplicate($count, $form_id, $field, $value) {

        if(isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] == "edit") {

            // Temporarily remove no duplicate restriction
            $entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $_POST["edit_id"] );
            $old_value = $entry[$field["id"]];
            $new_value = $value;

            if ($old_value == $new_value) {
                $count = 0;
        return $count;

     * Allow edits of entries in forms with entry limit
    function stickylist_validate_limit($form) {
        if(isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] == "edit") {
            // Temporarily remove entry limit
            $form["limitEntries"] = false;
        return $form;

     * Validate required file input fields
    function stickylist_validate_fileupload($validation_result) {

        // Get the validation results
        $form = $validation_result["form"];

        foreach($form['fields'] as &$field){

            // If we have a file upload field

            if($field["type"] == "post_custom_field" && $field["inputType"] == "fileupload") { $custom_file_upload = true; }else{ $custom_file_upload = false; }
            if($field["type"] == 'fileupload' || $field["type"] == "post_image"|| $custom_file_upload == true) {

                // If the field is not empty
                if(rgpost("file_{$field['id']}") != "") {

                    // Remove isRequired and set failed_validation to false
                    $field["isRequired"] = 0;
                    $field['failed_validation'] = false;

                    // Set the whole form as valid
                    $validation_result["is_valid"] = true;

        // Save our updated form back to the validation results
        $validation_result['form'] = $form;

        // Recheck all fields and set form to not valid if these is a non valid field
        foreach($form['fields'] as &$field) {
            if ($field['failed_validation'] == true) {
                $validation_result["is_valid"] = false;

        return $validation_result;

     * Sticky List update Wordpress post
    function stickylist_gform_post_data( $post_data, $form, $entry ) {

        // If post ID is set we need to update the post
        if (isset($_POST["post_id"])) {
            $post_id = $_POST["post_id"];
            $post_data['ID'] = $post_id;

            // To prevent duplicate post meta when a form has custom field fields we need to remove the previous meta prior to saving.
            delete_post_meta($post_id, "_gform-entry-id");
            delete_post_meta($post_id, "_gform-form-id");
            $form_fields = $form["fields"];
            foreach ($form_fields as $form_field) {
                if($form_field["type"] == "post_custom_field") {
                    delete_post_meta($post_id, $form_field["postCustomFieldName"]);

            // Get the post and check the comment status and post date
            $this_post = get_post($post_id);
            $post_data["comment_status"] = $this_post->comment_status;
            $post_data["post_date"] = $this_post->post_date;
            $post_data["post_date_gmt"] = $this_post->post_date_gmt;
        return ( $post_data );

     * Delete entries
     * This function is used to delete entries with an ajax request
     * Could use better (or at least some) error handling
    public function maybe_delete_entry() {

        // First we make sure that delete mode is set to "delete" and that we have the entry id and form id
        if(isset($_POST["mode"]) && $_POST["mode"] == "delete" && isset($_POST["delete_id"]) && isset($_POST["form_id"])) {

            // Get form id
            $form_id = $_POST["form_id"];

            // Get the form
            $form = GFAPI::get_form($form_id);

            // Get delete settings
            $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);
            $enable_delete = $settings["enable_delete"];
            $delete_type = $settings["delete_type"];

            // Make sure that delete is enabled
            if($enable_delete) {

                $delete_id = $_POST["delete_id"];
                $entry = GFAPI::get_entry($delete_id);

                // If we were able to retrieve the entry
                if(!is_wp_error($entry)) {

                    // ...and the current user is the creator OR has the capability to delete others posts
                    if($entry["created_by"] == $this->stickylist_get_current_user() || current_user_can('delete_others_posts') || current_user_can('stickylist_delete_entries')) {

                        // If we have a connected post, we get the post ID
                        if($_POST["delete_post_id"] != null) {
                            $delete_post_id = $_POST["delete_post_id"];
                            $delete_post_id = "";

                        // Move to trash
                        if($delete_type == "trash") {
                            $entry["status"] = "trash";
                            $success = GFAPI::update_entry($entry, $delete_id);

                            // If we have a connected post, we move it to trash
                            if($delete_post_id != "") {
                                wp_delete_post( $delete_post_id, false );

                        // Delete permanently
                        if($delete_type == "permanent") {
                            $success = GFAPI::delete_entry($delete_id);

                            // if we have a connected post, we delete it permanently
                            if($delete_post_id != "") {
                                 wp_delete_post( $delete_post_id, true );

                        // If delete (regardles of type) was successful, we send the notification (if any)
                        if($success) {

                            // Get all notifications for current form
                            $notifications = $form["notifications"];
                            $notification_ids = array();

                            // Loop trough the notifications
                            foreach ($notifications as $notification) {

                                // Gett current notification type
                                $notification_type = $notification["stickylist_notification_type"];

                                // Collect ids from notifications that are set to "all" or "delete"
                                if($notification_type == "delete" || $notification_type == "all") {
                                    $id = $notification["id"];
                                    array_push($notification_ids, $id);

                            // Send the notification(s)
                            GFCommon::send_notifications($notification_ids, $form, $entry);
                        do_action( 'stickylist_entry_deleted', $entry );

     * Form settings page
    public function form_settings_fields($form) {
        // Instert headers into the settings page. Since we need the headers to be translatable we set them here
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-0 h4').html('<?php _e("General settings","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-1 h4').html('<?php _e("View, edit, delete, duplicate & pdf","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-2 h4').html('<?php _e("Labels","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-3 h4').html('<?php _e("Sort & search","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-4 h4').html('<?php _e("Pagination","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-header-5 h4').html('<?php _e("Donate","sticky-list"); ?>')
            $('#gaddon-setting-row-donate .donate-text').html('<?php _e("Sticky List is completely free. But if you like, you can always <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">donate</a> a few bucks.","sticky-list"); ?>')

        // Build an array of all post to allow for selection in "embedd page" dropdown
        $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 1001, 'post_type' => 'any', 'post_status' => 'any', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC');
        $posts = get_posts( $args );
        $posts_array = array();
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $post_title = get_the_title($post->ID);
            $post_url = get_permalink($post->ID);

            // We do not want attachments
            if($post->post_type != 'attachment') {
                $posts_array = array_merge(
                            "label" => $post_title,
                            "value" => $post_url
        $posts_array = array_reverse($posts_array);

        if(count($posts_array) > 1000) {
            $embedd_post_page_label = __('Embedd page/post','sticky-list') . "<br><small>" . __('<strong>NOTE</strong>: Only the latest 1000 items are shown. Use "custom url" below if your desired post is not listed.','sticky-list') . "</small>";
        }else {
            $embedd_post_page_label = __('Embedd page/post','sticky-list');

        // Buld an array of all fields to allow for selection in the "initial sort" dropdown
        $fields_array = array();

        // Manually add the "date added" choise
        $fields_array = array_merge(
                    "label" => __('Date added','sticky-list'),
                    "value" => "date_added"

        foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $value) {

            // If the field is not in the list, we exclude it
            if ($value["stickylistField"]) {

                // If the field has no label we use the ID instead
                if($value["label"] == "") {
                    $label = __('Field ','sticky-list')  . $value["id"];
                    $label = $value["label"];

                // If a field has sub fields (ex Name field)
                if ($value["inputs"]) {
                    foreach ($value["inputs"] as $inputKey => $inputValue) {

                        // ...that is not hidden
                        if (!isset($inputValue["isHidden"]) || $inputValue["isHidden"] == false) {

                            // We make it selectable
                            $fields_array = array_merge(
                                        "label" => $label . " (" . $inputValue["label"] . ")",
                                        "value" => $inputValue["id"]

                // If not, proceed as normal
                    $fields_array = array_merge(
                                "label" => $label,
                                "value" => $value["id"]
        $fields_array = array_reverse($fields_array);

        // Buld roles array
        $roles_array = array();
        $roles_array = array_merge(
                    "label" => __('Everyone','sticky-list'),
                    "value" => "everyone"
                    "label" => __('All logged in users','sticky-list'),
                    "value" => "loggedin"
                    "label" => __('Entry creator','sticky-list'),
                    "value" => "creator"

        //Get all avalible roles
        global $wp_roles;
        $roles = $wp_roles->get_names();

        foreach ($roles as $key => $value) {
            $roles_array = array_merge(
                        "label" => $value,
                        "value" => $key
        $roles_array = array_reverse($roles_array);

        return array(
                "title"  => __('Sticky List Settings','sticky-list'),
                "fields" => array(
                        "label"   => __('Enable for this form','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_list",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable Sticky List for this form','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => "",
                                "name"  => "enable_list"
                        "label"   => __('Show entries in list to','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "select",
                        "name"    => "show_entries_to",
                        "tooltip" => __('Select who should be able to se the entries in the list. Administrators will always see all entries','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => $roles_array
                        "label"   => $embedd_post_page_label,
                        "type"    => "select",
                        "name"    => "embedd_page",
                        "tooltip" => __('The page/post where the form is embedded. This page will be used to view/edit the entry','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => $posts_array
                        "label"   => __('Custom url','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "custom_embedd_page",
                        "tooltip" => __('Manually input the url of the form. This overrides the selection made in the dropdown above. Use this if you cannot find the page/post in the list.','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "medium"
                        "label"   => __('Max nr of entries','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "max_entries",
                        "tooltip" => __('Maximum number of entries to be shown in the list.','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small"
                        "label"   => __('Enable GET requests','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_get_requests",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable GET requests. This can be used to link to specific entries','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_get_requests"
                        "label"   => __('Multiple values separator','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "select",
                        "name"    => "value_separator",
                        "tooltip" => __('Select a separator to use for fields that contain multiple values','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Space','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => " "
                                "label" => __('Comma','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => ", "
                        "label"   => __('Make files clickable','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_clickable",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to make uploaded files that are shown in the list clickable','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_clickable"
                        "label"   => __('Link to post','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_postlink",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to insert a link to the WordPress post in the action column. Only applicable if the list actually contains WordPress posts.','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_postlink"
                        "label"   => __('Link label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "link_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the post link.','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Post','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('View entries','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_view",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable users to view the complete submitted entry.','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_view"
                        "label"   => __('View label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "enable_view_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the view button','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('View','sticky-list')

                        "label"   => __('Edit entries','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_edit",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable user to edit submitted entries. An "Edit" link will appear in the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_edit"
                        "label"   => __('Edit label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "enable_edit_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the edit button','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Edit','sticky-list')

                        "label"   => __('Update button text','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "update_text",
                        "tooltip" => __('Text for the submit button that is displayed when editing an entry','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Update','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('New entry ID','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "new_entry_id",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to give an edited entry a new ID every time it is updated.','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "new_entry_id"
                        "label"   => __('Delete entries','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_delete",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable user to delete submitted entries. A "Delete" link will appear in the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_delete"
                        "label"   => __('Delete label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "enable_delete_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the delete button','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Delete','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('Confirm delete','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "confirm_delete",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to require deletions to be confirmed by clicking OK in a dialog box','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "confirm_delete"
                        "label"   => __('Confirm delete text','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "confirm_delete_text",
                        "tooltip" => __('Text for the confirm delete dialog box','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Really delete this entry?','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('On delete','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "select",
                        "name"    => "delete_type",
                        "tooltip" => __('Move deleted entries to trash or delete permanently?','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Move to trash','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => "trash"
                                "label" => __('Delete permanently','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => "permanent"
                        "label"   => __('Duplicate entries','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_duplicate",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable user to duplicate entries in the list. A "Duplicate" link will appear in the list that allows the user to use an existing entry as a template for a new one.','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_duplicate"
                        "label"   => __('Duplicate label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "enable_duplicate_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the duplicate button','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('Duplicate','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('Mark entries as read','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "mark_read",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check these boxes to mark an entry as read when viewed or edited.','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('On view','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "mark_read_view"
                                "label" => __('On edit','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "mark_read_edit"
                        "label"   => __('View PDF','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_pdf",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable users to view the complete submitted entry as a PDF (requires Gravity PDF Addon). A "PDF" link will appear in the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_pdf"
                        "label"   => __('PDF button label','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "pdf_label",
                        "tooltip" => __('Label for the PDF button','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => __('PDF','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('Gravity PDF ID','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "pdf_id",
                        "tooltip" => __('The Gravity PDF id, found in the settings for each PDF created, without any slashes, dashes, etc. Example = 579e892aaf1b5','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "label"   => __('Action column header','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "action_column_header",
                        "tooltip" => __('Text to show as header for the action column','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "medium"
                        "label"   => __('Empty list text','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "empty_list_text",
                        "tooltip" => __('Text that is shown if the list is empty','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "medium",
                        "default_value" => __('The list is empty. You can edit or remove this text in settings','sticky-list')
                        "label"   => __('List sort','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_sort",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable sorting for the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_sort"
                        "label"   => __('Initial sort by','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "select",
                        "name"    => "initial_sort",
                        "tooltip" => __('Initially sort the list by a specific field or by date added. ','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => $fields_array
                        "label" => __('Sort direction','sticky-list'),
                        "type" => "radio",
                        "horizontal" => true,
                        "name" => "initial_sort_direction",
                        "default_value" => "DESC",
                        "tooltip" => __('Select the direction in which the list should be sorted when first rendered','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Descending','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => "DESC"
                                "label" => __('Ascending','sticky-list'),
                                "value" => "ASC"
                        "label"   => __('List search','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_search",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable search for the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_search"
                        "label"   => __('List pagination','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "checkbox",
                        "name"    => "enable_pagination",
                        "tooltip" => __('Check this box to enable pagination for the list','sticky-list'),
                        "choices" => array(
                                "label" => __('Enabled','sticky-list'),
                                "name"  => "enable_pagination"
                        "label"   => __('Entries per page','sticky-list'),
                        "type"    => "text",
                        "name"    => "page_entries",
                        "tooltip" => __('Number of entries to be shown on each page.','sticky-list'),
                        "class"   => "small",
                        "default_value" => "10"

     * Include admin scripts
    public function scripts() {
    $scripts = array(
        array("handle" => "sticky_list_js",
            "src" => $this->get_base_url() . "/js/sticky-list_scripts.js",
            "version" => $this->_version,
            "deps" => array("jquery"),
            "enqueue" => array(
                    "admin_page" => array("form_settings"),
                    "tab" => "sticky-list"
        return array_merge(parent::scripts(), $scripts);

     * Include admin css
    public function styles() {
        $styles = array(
            array("handle" => "sticky-list_admin_styles",
                "src" => $this->get_base_url() . "/css/sticky-list_admin_styles.css",
                "version" => $this->_version,
                "enqueue" => array(
                    "admin_page" => array("form_settings"),
                    "tab" => "sticky-list"
        return array_merge(parent::styles(), $styles);

     * Add new notification settings
    function stickylist_gform_notification_ui_settings( $ui_settings, $notification, $form ) {

        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        if(isset($settings["enable_list"]) && true == $settings["enable_list"]){

            // Add new notification options
            $type = rgar( $notification, 'stickylist_notification_type' );
            $options = array(
                'all' => __( "Always", 'sticky-list' ),
                'new' => __( "When a new entry is submitted", 'sticky-list' ),
                'edit' => __( "When an entry is updated", 'sticky-list' ),
                'delete' => __( "When an entry is deleted", 'sticky-list' )

            $option = '';

            // Loop trough the options
            foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {

                $selected = '';
                if ( $type == $key ) $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                $option .= "<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$value}</option>\n";

            // Oputput the new setting
            $ui_settings['sticky-list_notification_setting'] = '
                <th><label for="stickylist_notification_type">' . __( "Send this notification", 'sticky-list' ) . '</label></th>
                <td><select name="stickylist_notification_type" value="' . $type . '">' . $option . '</select></td>

        return ( $ui_settings );

     * Save the notification settings
    function stickylist_gform_pre_notification_save($notification, $form) {

        $notification['stickylist_notification_type'] = rgpost( 'stickylist_notification_type' );
        return ( $notification );

     * Maybe disable notification notification type
    function stickylist_gform_disable_notification( $is_disabled, $notification, $form, $entry ) {

        // Get form settings
        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        // Only send notifications if Sticky List is enabled for the current form
        if(isset($settings["enable_list"]) && true == $settings["enable_list"]){

            if(isset($notification["stickylist_notification_type"]) && $notification["stickylist_notification_type"] != "") {

                $is_disabled = true;

                // If we are in edit mode
                if(isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] == "edit") {

                    // ...and the current notification has the "edit" or "all" setting
                    if($notification["stickylist_notification_type"] == "edit" || $notification["stickylist_notification_type"] == "all") {
                        $is_disabled = false;

                // Or if this is a new entry

                    // ...and the current notification has the "new" or "all" setting
                    if ( $notification["stickylist_notification_type"] == "new" || $notification["stickylist_notification_type"] == "all" ) {
                        $is_disabled = false;

        return ( $is_disabled );

     * Make sure that the notification has the correct ID
    function stickylist_modify_notification($notification, $form, $entry) {

        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);
        if(isset($_POST["edit_id"]) && $_POST["edit_id"] != "") {
            if(true != $settings["new_entry_id"]){
                $entry["id"] = $_POST["edit_id"];
        return $notification;

     * Add new confirmation settings
    function stickylist_gform_confirmation_ui_settings( $ui_settings, $confirmation, $form ) {

        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        if(isset($settings["enable_list"]) && true == $settings["enable_list"] && !isset($confirmation["event"])){

            // Add new confirmation options
            $type = rgar( $confirmation, 'stickylist_confirmation_type' );

            $options = array(
                'all' => __( "Always", 'sticky-list' ),
                'never' => __( "Never", 'sticky-list' ),
                'new' => __( "When a new entry is submitted", 'sticky-list' ),
                'edit' => __( "When an entry is updated", 'sticky-list' ),

            $option = '';

            // Loop trough the options
            foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {

                $selected = '';
                if ( $type == $key ) $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                $option .= "<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$value}</option>\n";

            // Oputput the new setting
            $ui_settings['sticky-list_confirmation_setting'] = '
                <th><label for="stickylist_confirmation_type">' . __( "Display this confirmation", 'sticky-list' ) . '</label></th>
                <td><select name="stickylist_confirmation_type" value="' . $type . '">' . $option . '</select></td>

        return ( $ui_settings );

     * Save the confirmation settings
    function stickylist_gform_pre_confirmation_save($confirmation, $form) {

        $confirmation['stickylist_confirmation_type'] = rgpost( 'stickylist_confirmation_type' );
        return ( $confirmation );

     * Show confirmations
    function stickylist_gform_confirmation($original_confirmation, $form, $lead, $ajax){

        // Get form settings
        $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form);

        // Only show confirmations if Sticky List is enabled for the current form
        if(isset($settings["enable_list"]) && true == $settings["enable_list"]){

            // Get all confirmations for the current form
            $confirmations = $form["confirmations"];
            $new_confirmation = "";

            // If action is not set we assume its a new entry
            if(!isset($_POST["action"])) {
                $_POST["action"] = "new";

            // Make sure that the conformation has the correct ID
            if(isset($_POST["edit_id"]) && $_POST["edit_id"] != "") {
                if(true != $settings["new_entry_id"]){
                    $lead["id"] = $_POST["edit_id"];

            // Loop trough all confirmations
            foreach ($confirmations as $confirmation) {

                // Get and set the confirmation type
                if (isset($confirmation["stickylist_confirmation_type"])) {
                    $confirmation_type = $confirmation["stickylist_confirmation_type"];
                    $confirmation_type = "";

                // Show matching confirmations
                if( $confirmation_type == $_POST["action"] || $confirmation_type == "all" || !isset($confirmation["stickylist_confirmation_type"])) {

                    // If this is not a "save & continue" confirmation
                    if (!isset($confirmation["event"])) {

                        // If the confirmation is a message and is not a save-event we add that message to the output string
                        if($confirmation["type"] == "message") {
                            $new_confirmation .= $confirmation["message"] . " ";

                        // If not, we set the redirect variable to true
                            $new_confirmation = $original_confirmation;

            // Apply merge tags to the confirmation message if its not a redirect
            if(!isset($new_confirmation["redirect"]) ) {

                $new_confirmation = GFCommon::replace_variables($new_confirmation, $form, $lead);
                $new_confirmation = '<div id="gform_confirmation_message_' . $form["id"] . '" class="gform_confirmation_message_' . $form["id"] . ' gform_confirmation_message">' . $new_confirmation . '</div>';
                return $new_confirmation;
                return $new_confirmation;


            // If Sticky List is not enabled for the current form
            return $original_confirmation;


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13pixlar commented Oct 13, 2018

Thank you. What exactly did you change? Please consider making a pull request so that this can be merged into the code.

Copy link

Thank you for this very useless issue, @digidestination

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digidestination commented Jan 25, 2019 via email

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Hello do you fix it?

No. Since I have no idea exactly what code you changed.

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digidestination commented Jan 26, 2019 via email

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3 participants