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Set up Qt 6.4 & OpenCV 4.7.0


1- Download Files

1 - Download Qt 6.4 from Qt installer
make sure I am choosing mingw64 from the tools and inside the qt version
2- Download OpenCV 4.7.0 from
uncompress the files to any folder you like
3-Download cmake-gui from
set up the program
make sure you check the "add to system enviroments for all user check box"

2- Set up system enviroment

Go to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\bin
Copy the path
Put it in System Enviroments
Make sure you make at the top of the list
Go to C:\Qt\Tools\mingw1120_64\bin
Copy the path
Put it in System Enviroments
Make sure you make at the top of the list put under the above path

3- Compiling OpenCV

Go to <Your openCV Directory>
you will find 2 folders "sources" & "build"
create folder "release"

open cmake-gui

where is the source code: <Your openCV Directory>\sources
where to build the binaries:  <Your openCV Directory>\release

Then click Configure, let cmake create the build directory, and choose the following settings:

Specify the generator for this project: MinGW Makefiles
Specify native compilers, next
Compilers C: D:\Qt\Tools\Tools\mingw1120_64\bin\gcc.exe
Compilers C++: D:\Qt\Tools\Tools\mingw1120_64\bin\g++.exe
Check the box [X]WITH_QT
Check the box [X]WITH_OPENGL
Uncheck the box []ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS if checked

make sure that the qt looks likes like this

QT_MAKE_EXECUTABLE to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\bin\qmake.exe
Qt5Concurrent_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt5Concurrent
Qt5Core_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt6Core
Qt5Gui_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt6Gui
Qt5Test_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt6Test
Qt5Widgets_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt6Widgets
Qt5OpenGL_DIR to C:\Qt\6.4.2\mingw_64\lib\cmake\Qt6OpenGL
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release or RelWithDebInfo if not set up

if not set them up & then click configure again Then click generate

if they are okay click generate only

cd  <Your openCV Directory>\release
shift & right click
show more (if you are windows 11)
open powershell here

mingw32-make -j 12 (if your pc has 8 cores processor)
mingw32-make install
add  <Your openCV Directory>\release\bin to system enviroment
add  C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin to system enviroments

open new Qt project, make sure you select qmake as your build system and in the .pro file add

INCLUDEPATH +=  <Your openCV Directory>\release\install\include

LIBS += -L<Your openCV Directory>\release\lib \
    -lopencv_calib3d470 \
    -lopencv_core470 \
    -lopencv_features2d470 \
    -lopencv_flann470 \
    -lopencv_highgui470 \
    -lopencv_imgproc470 \
    -lopencv_imgcodecs470 \
    -lopencv_photo470 \
    -lopencv_stitching470 \
    -lopencv_ts470 \
    -lopencv_video470 \
    -lopencv_videoio470 \