diff --git a/README.MD b/README.MD
index 56350cf..a2f3069 100644
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type Throttler interface {
`Throttler` interface exposes pair of counterpart methods: `Acquire` takes a part of *throttling quota* or returns error if *throttling quota* is drained and needs to be called right before shared resource acquire; `Release` puts a part of *throttling quota* back or returns error if this is not possible and needs to be called just after shared resource release; **Note:** all derived throttler implementations are thread safe, so they could be used concurrently without additional locking. **Note:** all acquired throttlers should be released exatly the same amount of times they have been acquired. **Note:** despite throttler `Release` method has the same signature as `Acquire` has, `Release` implementations should try to handle any internal error gracefully and return error back rarely, nevertheless all errors returned by `Release` should be handeled by client.
-In Gohalt throtllers could be easily combined with each other to build complex pipelines. There are multiple composite throttlers (all, any, ring, pattern, not, etc) as well as leaf throttlers (timed, latency, monitor, metric, percentile, etc) to work with in Gohalt. If you don't find in [existing throttlers](#Throttlers) the one that fits your needs you can create custom throttler by implementing `Throttler` interface. Such custom throttler should work with existing Gohalt throttlers and tools out of box.
+In Gohalt throtllers could be easily combined with each other to build complex pipelines. There are multiple composite throttlers (all, any, ring, pattern, not, generator, etc) as well as leaf throttlers (timed, latency, monitor, metric, percentile, etc) to work with in Gohalt. If you don't find in [existing throttlers](#Throttlers) the one that fits your needs you can create custom throttler by implementing `Throttler` interface. Such custom throttler should work with existing Gohalt throttlers and tools out of box.
Gohalt includes multiple supporting surrounding tools to make throttling more sugary.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func WithTimestamp(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time) context.Context
func WithPriority(ctx context.Context, priority uint8) context.Context
// WithKey adds the provided key to the provided context
// to add additional call identifier to context.
-// Resulted context is used by: `pattern` throtttler.
+// Resulted context is used by: `pattern` and `generator` throtttlers.
func WithKey(ctx context.Context, key string) context.Context
// WithMessage adds the provided message to the provided context
// to add additional message that need to be used to context.
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ You can find list of returning error types for all existing throttlers in thrott
| echo | `func NewThrottlerEcho(err error) Throttler` | Always throttles with the specified error back.
- could return any specified error; |
| wait | `func NewThrottlerWait(duration time.Duration) Throttler` | Always waits for the specified duration. |
| square | `func NewThrottlerSquare(duration time.Duration, limit time.Duration, reset bool) Throttler` | Always waits for square growing *[1, 4, 9, 16, ...]* multiplier on the specified initial duration, up until the specified duration limit is reached.
If reset is set then after throttler riches the specified duration limit next multiplier value will be reseted. |
-| jitter | `func NewThrottlerJitter(initial time.Duration, limit time.Duration, reset bool, jitter float64) Throttler` | Waits accordingly to undelying square throttler but also adds the provided jitter delta distribution on top.
Jitter value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0] range and defines which part of square delay could be randomized in percents.
Implementation uses `math/rand` as PRNG function and expects rand seeding by a client. |
+| jitter | `func NewThrottlerJitter(initial time.Duration, limit time.Duration, reset bool, jitter float64) Throttler` | Waits accordingly to undelying square throttler but also adds the provided jitter delta distribution on top.
Jitter value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0] range and defines which part of square delay could be randomized in percents.
Implementation uses secure `crypto/rand` as PRNG function. |
| context | `func NewThrottlerContext() Throttler` | Always throttless on *done* context.
- could return `ErrorInternal`; |
| panic | `func NewThrottlerPanic() Throttler` | Always panics with `ErrorInternal`. |
| each | `func NewThrottlerEach(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each periodic *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ You can find list of returning error types for all existing throttlers in thrott
| after | `func NewThrottlerAfter(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call after the *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| past | `func NewThrottlerPast(threshold time.Time) Throttler` | Throttles each call befor timestamp defined by the specified UTC time threshold.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| future | `func NewThrottlerFuture(threshold time.Time) Throttler` | Throttles each call after timestamp defined by the specified UTC time threshold.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
-| chance | `func NewThrottlerChance(threshold float64) Throttler` | Throttles each call with the chance *p* defined by the specified threshold.
Chance value is normalized to *[0.0, 1.0]* range.
Implementation uses `math/rand` as PRNG function and expects rand seeding by a client.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
+| chance | `func NewThrottlerChance(threshold float64) Throttler` | Throttles each call with the chance *p* defined by the specified threshold.
Chance value is normalized to *[0.0, 1.0]* range.
Implementation uses secure `crypto/rand` as PRNG function.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| running | `func NewThrottlerRunning(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold.
- could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| buffered | `func NewThrottlerBuffered(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Waits on call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold until the running quota is available again. |
| priority | `func NewThrottlerPriority(threshold uint64, levels uint8) Throttler` | Waits on call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold until the running quota is available again.
Running quota is not equally distributed between *n* levels of priority defined by the specified levels.
Use `func WithPriority(ctx context.Context, priority uint8) context.Context` to override context call priority, *1* by default. |
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ You can find list of returning error types for all existing throttlers in thrott
| suppress | `func NewThrottlerSuppress(thr Throttler) Throttler` | Suppresses provided throttler to never throttle. |
| retry | `func NewThrottlerRetry(thr Throttler, retries uint64) Throttler` | Retries provided throttler error up until the provided retries threshold.
If provided onthreshold flag is set even `ErrorThreshold` errors will be retried.
Internally retry uses square throttler with `DefaultRetriedDuration` initial duration.
- could return any underlying throttler error; |
| cache | `func NewThrottlerCache(thr Throttler, cache time.Duration) Throttler` | Caches provided throttler calls for the provided cache duration, throttler release resulting resets cache.
Only non throttling calls are cached for the provided cache duration.
- could return any underlying throttler error; |
+| generator | `func NewThrottlerGenerator(gen Generator, capacity uint64, eviction float64) Throttler` | Creates new throttler instance that throttles if found key matching throttler throttles.
If no key matching throttler has been found generator used insted to provide new throttler that will be added to existing throttlers map.
Generated throttlers are kept in bounded map with capacity *c* defined by the specified capacity and eviction rate *e* defined by specified eviction value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0], where eviction rate affects number of throttlers that will be removed from the map after bounds overflow.
Use `WithKey` to specify key for throttler matching and generation.
- could return `ErrorInternal`;
- could return any underlying throttler error; |
## Integrations
diff --git a/context.go b/context.go
index de1ab9b..7bdd808 100644
--- a/context.go
+++ b/context.go
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func ctxPriority(ctx context.Context, limit uint8) uint8 {
// WithKey adds the provided key to the provided context
// to add additional call identifier to context.
-// Resulted context is used by: `pattern` throtttler.
+// Resulted context is used by: `pattern` and `generator` throtttlers.
func WithKey(ctx context.Context, key string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, ghctxkey, key)
diff --git a/generators.go b/generators.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c128b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generators.go
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package gohalt
+// Generator defines func signature that is able
+// to generate new throttlers by provided key.
+type Generator func(string) (Throttler, error)
diff --git a/math.go b/math.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa30d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math.go
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package gohalt
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "math"
+ "math/big"
+func rndf64(fallback float64) float64 {
+ rnd, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
+ if err != nil {
+ return fallback
+ }
+ return float64(rnd.Int64()) / math.MaxInt64
diff --git a/throttlers.go b/throttlers.go
index 3ae22e9..d4f1c89 100644
--- a/throttlers.go
+++ b/throttlers.go
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package gohalt
import (
- "math/rand"
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ type tjitter struct {
// adds the provided jitter delta distribution on top.
// Jitter value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0] range and defines
// which part of square delay could be randomized in percents.
-// Implementation uses `math/rand` as PRNG function and expects rand seeding by a client.
+// Implementation uses secure `crypto/rand` as PRNG function.
func NewThrottlerJitter(initial time.Duration, limit time.Duration, reset bool, jitter float64) Throttler {
jitter = math.Abs(jitter)
if jitter > 1.0 {
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ func (thr *tjitter) Acquire(ctx context.Context) error {
base := float64(duration) * thr.jitter
- side := (float64(duration) - base) * rand.Float64()
+ side := (float64(duration) - base) * rndf64(1.0)
return sleep(ctx, time.Duration(base+side))
@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ type tchance struct {
// NewThrottlerChance creates new throttler instance that
// throttles each call with the chance p defined by the specified threshold.
// Chance value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0] range.
-// Implementation uses `math/rand` as PRNG function and expects rand seeding by a client.
+// Implementation uses secure `crypto/rand` as PRNG function.
// - could return `ErrorThreshold`;
func NewThrottlerChance(threshold float64) Throttler {
threshold = math.Abs(threshold)
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ func NewThrottlerChance(threshold float64) Throttler {
func (thr tchance) Acquire(context.Context) error {
- if thr.threshold > 1.0-rand.Float64() {
+ if thr.threshold > 1.0-rndf64(0.0) {
return ErrorThreshold{
Throttler: "chance",
Threshold: strpercent(thr.threshold),
@@ -1009,3 +1008,68 @@ func (thr tcache) Release(ctx context.Context) error {
_ = thr.reset(ctx)
return nil
+type tgenerator struct {
+ gen Generator
+ thrs sync.Map
+ size uint64
+ capacity uint64
+ evict Runnable
+// NewThrottlerGenerator creates new throttler instance that
+// throttles if found key matching throttler throttles.
+// If no key matching throttler has been found generator see `Generator` used insted
+// to provide new throttler that will be added to existing throttlers map.
+// Generated throttlers are kept in bounded map with capacity c defined by the specified capacity
+// and eviction rate e defined by specified eviction value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0], where eviction rate affects number of
+// throttlers that will be removed from the map after bounds overflow.
+// Use `WithKey` to specify key for throttler matching and generation.
+// - could return `ErrorInternal`;
+// - could return any underlying throttler error;
+func NewThrottlerGenerator(gen Generator, capacity uint64, eviction float64) Throttler {
+ thr := &tgenerator{gen: gen, capacity: capacity}
+ eviction = math.Abs(eviction)
+ if eviction > 1.0 {
+ eviction = 1.0
+ }
+ num := uint64(math.Ceil(float64(capacity) * eviction))
+ thr.evict = locked(func(c context.Context) error {
+ var i uint64
+ thr.thrs.Range(func(key interface{}, _ interface{}) bool {
+ thr.thrs.Delete(key)
+ atomicBDecr(&thr.size)
+ i++
+ return i < num
+ })
+ return nil
+ })
+ return thr
+func (thr *tgenerator) Acquire(ctx context.Context) error {
+ key := ctxKey(ctx)
+ if thr, ok := thr.thrs.Load(key); ok {
+ return thr.(Throttler).Acquire(ctx)
+ }
+ gthr, err := thr.gen(key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return ErrorInternal{
+ Throttler: "generator",
+ Message: err.Error(),
+ }
+ }
+ if size := atomicGet(&thr.size) + 1; size > thr.capacity {
+ gorun(ctx, thr.evict)
+ }
+ thr.thrs.Store(key, gthr)
+ atomicBIncr(&thr.size)
+ return gthr.Acquire(ctx)
+func (thr *tgenerator) Release(ctx context.Context) error {
+ if thr, ok := thr.thrs.Load(ctxKey(ctx)); ok {
+ return thr.(Throttler).Release(ctx)
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/throttlers_test.go b/throttlers_test.go
index 00b904e..45feed3 100644
--- a/throttlers_test.go
+++ b/throttlers_test.go
@@ -1128,6 +1128,99 @@ func TestThrottlers(t *testing.T) {
+ "Throttler generator should throttle on generator error": {
+ tms: 3,
+ thr: NewThrottlerGenerator(
+ func(string) (Throttler, error) {
+ return NewThrottlerEcho(nil), testerr
+ },
+ 10,
+ 0.1,
+ ),
+ ctxs: []context.Context{
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "test"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "nontest"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "111"),
+ },
+ errs: []error{
+ ErrorInternal{
+ Throttler: "generator",
+ Message: testerr.Error(),
+ },
+ ErrorInternal{
+ Throttler: "generator",
+ Message: testerr.Error(),
+ },
+ ErrorInternal{
+ Throttler: "generator",
+ Message: testerr.Error(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "Throttler generator should throttle on matching throttler key": {
+ tms: 5,
+ thr: NewThrottlerGenerator(
+ func(string) (Throttler, error) {
+ return NewThrottlerAfter(1), nil
+ },
+ 10,
+ 0.1,
+ ),
+ ctxs: []context.Context{
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "125"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "125"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "test"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "nontest"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "125"),
+ },
+ errs: []error{
+ nil,
+ ErrorThreshold{
+ Throttler: "after",
+ Threshold: strpair{current: 2, threshold: 1},
+ },
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ ErrorThreshold{
+ Throttler: "after",
+ Threshold: strpair{current: 3, threshold: 1},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "Throttler generator should evict throttlers on bounds overflow pattern": {
+ tms: 7,
+ thr: NewThrottlerGenerator(
+ func(string) (Throttler, error) {
+ return NewThrottlerAfter(1), nil
+ },
+ 2,
+ 1000,
+ ),
+ ctxs: []context.Context{
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "111"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "test"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "111"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "test1"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "kkk"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "kkk"),
+ WithKey(context.Background(), "test2"),
+ },
+ errs: []error{
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ ErrorThreshold{
+ Throttler: "after",
+ Threshold: strpair{current: 2, threshold: 1},
+ },
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ ErrorThreshold{
+ Throttler: "after",
+ Threshold: strpair{current: 2, threshold: 1},
+ },
+ nil,
+ },
+ },
for tname, ptrtcase := range table {
t.Run(tname, func(t *testing.T) {