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Revamping the 21st digital website to offer an enhanced user experience with a fresh, modern design, utilizing the latest in web technologies for superior performance and accessibility.

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About 21st digital

21st digital is your partner for developing innovative digital products. We are more than just software developers – we are your allies in navigating the journey of digital transformation. We challenge the status quo, optimize processes, and implement the right strategies to ensure not only the success of digital products but also the transformation of entire business models.

Project Overview

This repository contains the source code for the 21st digital company website. The site is powered by Statamic CMS, a flat-file content management system that provides a flexible, user-friendly interface for managing website content.


  • Statamic CMS: Utilizes a modern, flat-file CMS that doesn't rely on databases, offering speed and security.
  • Custom Design: Features a tailored design that reflects our brand's identity and values.
  • Responsive Layout: Optimized for all devices, ensuring a seamless experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • SEO Optimized: Built with best practices in mind to achieve high search engine rankings.


To run this project, ensure your local environment meets the following requirements:

  • PHP: Version 8.3 or higher, for compatibility with the latest features and security updates.
  • Composer: Version 2.0 or higher, to manage PHP dependencies effectively.
  • Node.js and NPM: Latest stable versions, to handle frontend dependencies and build processes.

Make sure all dependencies are installed and properly configured before proceeding with the setup. This ensures a smooth development and deployment process.

Getting Started

Before setting up the project, ensure you have all the necessary requirements listed in the Requirements section. Follow these steps to set up the project locally:

To set up the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    Use the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:

 git clone
  1. Install Dependencies:

    Make sure PHP, NPM, and Composer are installed. Then, install the required dependencies by running:

  composer install
  npm install
  1. Set Up Environment Variables:

    Copy the example environment file to a new .env file and modify it according to your local setup:

 cp .env.example .env
  1. Run Local Server:

    Start the Statamic local development server using the command below:

php please serve

Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser to view the website.

Environment Configuration

The .env file is crucial for configuring the environment settings for your application. Below are tables describing each environment setting, grouped by category to help you configure your setup accurately.

Application Settings

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
APP_NAME The name of your application.
APP_ENV The environment the application is running in. local, production, staging, testing
APP_KEY A 32-character base64 string used for encryption. base64:your_generated_key_here
APP_DEBUG Enables or disables debug mode. true, false
APP_TIMEZONE The timezone for your application. Europe/Berlin
APP_URL The base URL of the application. http://localhost
APP_LOCALE The default language locale of the application. en, de, fr
APP_FALLBACK_LOCALE The locale to use when the current locale is not available. en, de
APP_FAKER_LOCALE The locale used by Faker for generating fake data. en_US, de_DE

Maintenance Mode Settings

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
APP_MAINTENANCE_DRIVER The driver used for maintenance mode. file, redis
APP_MAINTENANCE_STORE The store where maintenance mode data is saved. file, redis

Security Settings

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
BCRYPT_ROUNDS The number of rounds to use for Bcrypt password hashing. 10, 12

Logging Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
LOG_CHANNEL The logging channel to use. stack, single, daily
LOG_STACK The type of stack driver for logging. single, daily
LOG_DEPRECATIONS_CHANNEL Where to log deprecation warnings. null, log
LOG_LEVEL The log level threshold. debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency

Session Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
SESSION_DRIVER The session driver to use. file, cookie, database, redis
SESSION_LIFETIME The number of minutes the session should be active before expiring. 120, 240
SESSION_ENCRYPT Enables or disables session encryption. true, false
SESSION_PATH The path for which the session is available. /, /app
SESSION_DOMAIN The domain that the session cookie is available to. null,

Cache and Queue Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
BROADCAST_CONNECTION The broadcast connection to use. log, pusher, redis
FILESYSTEM_DISK The default filesystem disk to use. local, public, s3
QUEUE_CONNECTION The queue connection to use. sync, database, redis
CACHE_STORE The cache store to use. file, redis
CACHE_PREFIX The prefix to use for cache keys. your_prefix_

Redis Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
MEMCACHED_HOST The host for the Memcached connection.
REDIS_CLIENT The Redis client to use. phpredis, predis
REDIS_HOST The Redis server hostname.
REDIS_PASSWORD The password for the Redis connection. null, your_password
REDIS_PORT The port number for the Redis server. 6379

Mail Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
MAIL_MAILER The mailer to use for sending emails. smtp, sendmail, mailgun, ses, log
MAIL_HOST The host for the SMTP server.,
MAIL_PORT The SMTP server port. 2525, 587
MAIL_USERNAME The username for the SMTP server. null, your_username
MAIL_PASSWORD The password for the SMTP server. null, your_password
MAIL_ENCRYPTION The encryption protocol for the SMTP connection. tls, ssl, null
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS The email address to use for sending emails. "[email protected]"
MAIL_FROM_NAME The name to use for the From address in emails. ""

Additional Settings

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
VITE_APP_NAME The name of the application for use with Vite. ""

Statamic Specific Settings

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
STATAMIC_LICENSE_KEY Your Statamic license key. your_statamic_license_key
STATAMIC_PRO_ENABLED Enables or disables Statamic Pro features. true, false
STATAMIC_STACHE_WATCHER Enables or disables the Stache watcher for auto-updates. true, false
STATAMIC_STATIC_CACHING_STRATEGY The caching strategy to use. null, full, partial
STATAMIC_REVISIONS_ENABLED Enables or disables content revisions. true, false
STATAMIC_GRAPHQL_ENABLED Enables or disables GraphQL API. true, false
STATAMIC_API_ENABLED Enables or disables REST API. true, false
STATAMIC_GIT_ENABLED Enables or disables automatic Git integration. true, false
STATAMIC_GIT_AUTOMATIC Enables or disables automatic Git commits for content changes. true, false
STATAMIC_GIT_PUSH Determines if the system should push Git commits automatically. true, false
STATAMIC_GIT_USER_NAME The Git user name for automated commits. your_git_username
STATAMIC_GIT_USER_EMAIL The Git user email for automated commits. [email protected]
STATAMIC_OAUTH_ENABLED Enables or disables OAuth for authentication. true, false
STATAMIC_EMAIL_LOGIN_ENABLED Enables or disables email login for authentication. true, false

Google OAuth Configuration

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID The Client ID provided by Google for OAuth. your_google_client_id
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET The Client Secret provided by Google for OAuth. your_google_client_secret
GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI The redirect URI after Google authentication. http://localhost/auth/google/callback

DigitalOcean Spaces Configuration

DigitalOcean's object storage is used to store various assets instead of relying on the local drive. This approach reduces the repository size while providing a cost-effective and scalable solution.

Setting Description Possible Values / Examples
DO_SPACES_KEY Your DO Spaces access key, generated in the API section of the DO dashboard. DO000000000000000000
DO_SPACES_SECRET Your DO Spaces secret key, generated in the API section of the DO dashboard. 0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t
DO_SPACES_ENDPOINT The endpoint URL for your DigitalOcean Space (found in the Space's settings).
DO_SPACES_REGION The region where your DO spaces is hosted. fra1, sfo2, nyc3
DO_SPACES_BUCKET The unique name of your DO Space. my-asset-space
DO_SPACES_URL The base URL for accessing assets in your DO Space.

Conventional Commits

We follow the Conventional Commits specification for our commit messages. This standard helps maintain a readable commit history and generates change logs automatically.

Commit Message Format

Each commit message should have the following format:

[optional scope]: [optional body] [optional footer(s)]


The following types are allowed:

  • feat: A new feature for the user.
  • fix: A bug fix for the user.
  • docs: Documentation changes or additions.
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.).
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
  • perf: A code change that improves performance.
  • test: Adding or updating tests.
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example: npm, composer).
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts.
  • chore: Other changes that don’t modify src or test files.
  • revert: Reverts a previous commit.

Example Commit Messages

  • feat(auth): add OAuth support for Google and GitHub
  • fix(api): handle 500 errors gracefully in user endpoint
  • docs(readme): update installation instructions

By following these conventions, we ensure that our commit history is easy to understand and navigate. This also helps in automating the release process and generating changelogs.


For any inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for visiting our repository! We hope you find our work inspiring and useful.


Revamping the 21st digital website to offer an enhanced user experience with a fresh, modern design, utilizing the latest in web technologies for superior performance and accessibility.




