QuokkaTips is an AR application designed for teachers that superimposes tutorials of classroom software over the user’s field of vision. The app revolves around empathy, as a cute quokka guides the user in real-time learning, discovering, and staying up to date with a set of trending classroom software.
- Category: Utilities
- Platform: Mobile-first experience, utilizes camera view, best used on a smartphone or tablet, iOS or Android
- Market: Teachers who need assistance with using classroom software
- Scope: V1 allows the user explore classroom software related to their interests/subjects, learn specific features of classroom software (through AR, videos, or text with images), and stay up-to-date with new features of classroom software. V2 can include a social network, where users can follow each other and build their profiles.
- Habit: Users can form a habit to check this app (summon Quokka) whenever they encounter technical issues with classroom software for real-time troubleshooting, rather than calling the school's IT. The explore feature of this app can also direct the user in planning lessons and learning from other teachers.
- User can create a new account, login, and logout
- User can navigate between 3 tabs
- User can view a list of saved guides ("My Guides" tab)
- User can explore a list of unsaved apps ("Explore" tab)
- User can ask Quokka for help in their camera view ("Ask Quokka" tab)
- User can click an app to view its details
- User can navigate between the "Info" and "Features" tabs of an app
- User can add an app to their saved guides
- User can remove an app from their saved guides
- User can see a list of features of an app
- User can click a feature to view its details
- User can view a camera tutorial of a feature
- User can view a video demo of a feature
- User can view text/image instructions of a feature
- User can identify and review new features
- User can pin/unpin a feature
- User can see their chat history with Quokka
- User can explore apps with categorization
- User can click "View All" to expand a category
- User can use a search bar to filter saved guides, unsaved apps, or features of an app
- User can click a review to see its details
- User can view a QuokkaTips walkthrough
- User can view the about page of QuokkaTips
- User can write a review for an app
- User can edit their account info
- User can sort guides in different orders
- User can sort features in different orders
- Login Screen
- User can login
- Signup Screen
- User can create a new account
- Saved Guides Screen (Tab)
- User can view a list of saved guides
- User can user a search bar to filter saved guides
- User can click an app to view its details
- (User can sort their guides in different orders)
- Explore Screen (Tab)
- User can explore a list of unsaved apps
- User can explore apps with categorization
- User can click "View All" to expand a category
- User can use a search bar to filter unsaved apps
- Help Screen (Tab)
- User can see Quokka and their camera view
- User can chat with Quokka
- Chat History Screen
- User can see their chat history with Quokka
- App Detail Screen
- User can navigate between the "Info" and "Features" tab of an app
- User can add an app to their saved guides
- User can remove an app from their saved guides
- User can see a list of features of an app
- User can click a feature to view its details
- User can use a search bar to filter features of an app
- User can identify and review new features
- User can click a review to see its details
- (User can sort features in different orders)
- (User can write a review for an app)
- Feature Detail Screen
- User can view a video demo of a feature
- User can view a camera tutorial of a feature
- User can view text/image instructions of a feature
- User can pin/unpin a feature
- Drawer
- User can view a QuokkaTips walkthrough
- User can view the about page of QuokkaTips
- User can logout
- (User can edit their account info)
Screen-to-screen Navigation
- Login Screen => Saved Guides Screen
- Signup Screen => Saved Guides Screen
- Saved Guides Screen => App Detail Screen
- Explore Screen => App Detail Screen
- Help Screen => Chat History Screen
- Chat History Screen => None
- App Detail Screen => Feature Detail Screen
- Feature Detail Screen => None
- Drawer => None
Property | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique id for a classroom software |
name | String | The name of the classroom software |
slogan | String | The slogan of the classroom software |
description | String | Short description of the classroom software |
rating | Double | Rating (out of 5) of the classroom software |
ratingEngagement | Double | Rating of student engagement (out of 5) |
ratingEase | Double | Rating of ease of use (out of 5) |
logo | String | URL of the logo of the classroom software |
numRatings | Integer | Number of ratings |
numRatingsEngagement | Integer | Number of ratings |
numRatingsEase | Integer | Number of ratings |
tags | String[] | tags of the classroom software |
screenshots | String[] | URLs of screenshots of the classroom software |
reviews | Review[] | Reviews of the classroom software |
features | Feature[] | Features of the classroom software |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique id for the user |
String | Email of the user | |
name | String | Name of the user |
password | String | Password of the user (protected) |
subjects | String[] | Subjects that the user teaches |
gradeLevels | String[] | Grade levels that the user teaches |
guides | String[] | List of guideIds that the user uses |
picture | String | URL of the profile picture of the user |
pinned | Map<String, String[]> | Map of guideId -> list of featureIds |
unread | Map<String, String[]> | Map of guideId -> list of featureIds |
Property | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique id for the feature |
name | String | The name of the feature |
description | String | Short description of the feature |
updates | String | Newest updates of the feature |
guide | Integer | The guideId of the guide that the feature belongs to |
videoId | String | Video ID of the Youtube video (e.g., C4sptqFb0Bk ) |
instructions | String[] | Text tutorial of the feature (image URL or text) |
Property | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique id for the review |
createdAt | Date | Date at which the review was created |
title | String | Short title for the review |
user | String | The userId of the user who wrote the review |
guide | Integer | The guideId of the guide that the review is about |
rating | Double | Overall rating (out of 5) |
ratingEngagement | Double | Rating of student engagement (out of 5) |
ratingEase | Double | Rating of ease of use (out of 5) |
usage | String | How the user uses the app |
myTake | String | The user's take on the app |
CRUD | HTTP Verb | Example |
Create | POST | Creating a new post |
Read | GET | Fetching posts for a user's feed |
Update | PUT | Changing a user's profile image |
Delete | DELETE | Deleting a comment |
Saved Guides Screen
- Read/GET: Query all the user's saved guides
Explore Screen
- Read/GET: Query all classroom software
Help Screen
- Read/GET: Query the Quokka AR tutorial
- Create/POST: Add to the user's chat history with Quokka
Chat History Screen
- Read/GET: Query the user's chat history with Quokka
App Detail Screen
- Read/GET: Query basic info, reviews, and features of an app
- Create/POST: User writes an review for the app
- Create/POST: Add an app to the user's saved guides
- Delete/DELETE: Remove an app from the user's saved guides
Feature Detail Screen
- Read/GET: Query basic info of a feature
- Read/GET: Query the Quokka AR tutorial
- Update/PUT: Mark the feature as read or unread
- Update/PUT: Mark the feature as pinned or unpinned