The module has transforms/opacity
, y
, opacity
etc.) predefined properties listed below. Browsers can handle animation of that properties easily, so ideally you should not use properties besides predefined set.
const html = new mojs.Html({
// HTMLElement to animate. {String, Object} [selector, HTMLElement]
el: null,
// ∆ :: translateX property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
x: 0,
// ∆ :: translateY property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
y: 0,
// ∆ :: translateZ property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
z: 0,
// ∆ :: skewX property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
skewX: 0,
// ∆ :: skewY property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
skewY: 0,
// ∆ :: rotateX property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
angleX: 0,
// ∆ :: rotateY property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
angleY: 0,
// ∆ :: rotateZ property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
angleZ: 0,
// ∆ :: scale property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
scale: 1,
// ∆ :: scaleX property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
scaleX: 1,
// ∆ :: scaleY property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
scaleY: 1,
// ∆ :: opacity property. {String, Number, Object} [value, delta]
opacity: 1,
For other CSS properties please see `Other CSS properties` section.
// Custom properties to alter mojs behaviour (see `Teach mojs with customProperties` section). {Object}
customProperties: null,
// If should be shown before animation starts. {Boolean}
isShowStart: true,
// If should stay shown after animation ends. {Boolean}
isShowEnd: true,
// If should trigger composite layer for the module. {Boolean}
isForce3d: false,
// If should hide module with `transforms` instead of `display`. {Boolean}
isSoftHide: true,
// If refresh state on subsequent plays. {Boolean}
isRefreshState: true,
// Context callbacks will be called with. {Object}
callbacksContext: this
// Duration {Number}
duration: 350,
// Delay {Number}
delay: 0,
// If should repeat after animation finished {Number} *(1)
repeat: 0,
// Speed of the tween {Number}[0..∞]
speed: 1,
// If the progress should be flipped on repeat animation end {Boolean}
isYoyo: false,
// Easing function {String, Function}[ easing name, path coordinates, bezier string, easing function ]
easing: 'sin.out',
// Easing function for backward direction of the tween animation (fallbacks to `easing`) {String, Function}[ easing name, path coordinates, bezier string, easing function ]
backwardEasing: null,
// properties fro entire timeline
timeline: {
Fires on every update of the tween in any period (including delay periods). You probably want to use `onUpdate` method instead.
@param p {Number} Normal (not eased) progress.
@param isForward {Boolean} Direction of the progress.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If in `yoyo` period.
onProgress (p, isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the entire progress reaches `0` point(doesn't fire in repeat periods).
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onStart (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the progress reaches `0` point in normal or repeat period.
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onFirstUpdate (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires on first update of the tween in sufficiently active period (excluding delay periods).
@param ep {Number} Eased progress.
@param p {Number} Normal (not eased) progress.
@param isForward {Boolean} Direction of the progress.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If in `yoyo` period.
onUpdate (ep, p, isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the progress reaches `1` point in normal or repeat period.
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onRepeatComplete (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the entire progress reaches `1` point(doesn't fire in repeat periods).
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onComplete (isForward, isYoyo) {},
/* Fires when the `.play` method called and tween isn't in play state yet. */
onPlaybackStart () {},
/* Fires when the `.pause` method called and tween isn't in pause state yet. */
onPlaybackPause () {},
/* Fires when the `.stop` method called and tween isn't in stop state yet. */
onPlaybackStop () {},
/* Fires when the tween end's animation (regardless progress) */
onPlaybackComplete () {},
Creates next state transition chain.
@param options {Object} Next shape state.
.then({ /* next state options */ })
Starts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.play( shift = 0 )
Starts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.playBackward( shift = 0 )
Resumes playback in direction it was prior to `pause`.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.resume( shift = 0 )
Pauses playback.
Stops playback.
@param {Number} Progress to set after the stop [0...1].
.stop( progress = 0 )
Restarts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replay( shift = 0 )
Restarts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replayBackward( shift = 0 )
Sets progress of the tween.
@param progress {Number} Progress to set [ 0..1 ].
.setProgress( progress )
Sets speed of the tween.
@param speed {Number} Progress to set [ 0..∞ ].
.setSpeed ( speed )
/* Stops and resets the tween. */
.reset ( speed )
Other CSS
properties would be inferred automatically, please set them in camelCase
const html = new mojs.Html({
el: '#js-el',
borderColor: { 'cyan': '#FA3204' },
borderWidth: { 2: 12 }
If property doesn't work as expected you can teach mojs
with a customProperties
const html = new mojs.Html({
el: '#js-el',
customProperties: {
originY: 50,
anotherCustomProp: 0,
draw (el, props) {['transformOrigin'] = `50% ${props.originY}%`;
object should have
- list of custom properties names with their
value (originY: 50, anotherCustomProp: 0
). draw
function that will be responsible for rendering that custom properties. It will be called on each animation frame and will be provided withel
object that contain current states for all custom properties (props.originY, props.anotherCustomProp
). Feel free to apply that state to theel
any way that works for you.
All custom properties are expected to be plain numbers
, you can define units
in the draw
All delta
values of the Html
module could have entire set of Tween
properties and can be animated individually:
const html = new mojs.Html({
el: '#js-el',
x: { 200: 0, delay: 200, duration: 2000, easing: '' },
y: { 0: 200, duration: 2000, easing: 'cubic.out', onComplete () { /* ... */ } }
This makes mojs
animations ultimately flexible.