The previous post was about Geneva - the CL documentation system. Vasily Postnicov mentioned on twitter another Lisp documentation tool called Codex.
Codex is based on Scriba
markup and today we’ll look at how to use it.
POFTHEDAY> (scriba.parser:parse-string "Blah minor")
(:DOCUMENT "Blah minor")
POFTHEDAY> (scriba.parser:parse-string "@b(Blah) minor")
(:DOCUMENT (:NAME "b" :ATTRS NIL :BODY ("Blah")) " minor")
But this is an internal AST representation. Scriba
is based on other
Fernando Boretti’s library - CommonDoc
and they should be used in tandem:
POFTHEDAY> (make-instance 'scriba:scriba)
#<SCRIBA:SCRIBA {10023FD193}>
POFTHEDAY> (defparameter *format* (make-instance 'scriba:scriba))
POFTHEDAY> (common-doc.format:parse-document *format* "@b(Hello) @i(World)!")
POFTHEDAY> (common-doc.format:emit-to-string *format* *)
There is also another CL library, also made by Fernando - pandocl
. It
can be used when you need to convert the document into HTML
or another
For example, here how we can render our hello world into the HTML:
POFTHEDAY> (pandocl:parse-string
"@b(Hello) @i(World)!"
POFTHEDAY> (pandocl:emit * "hello.html")
POFTHEDAY> (alexandria:read-file-into-string "hello.html")
"<!DOCTYPE html>
But what I’m really interested in is Scriba’s extensibility. The text consists of inline and multiline blocks. Each block has a name and optional attributes.
Let’s pretend, everyday we are writing texts, mentioning different twitter users and want a shorthand syntax for them! When rendering into HTML, these tags should be transformed into the link and real user name.
Naive approach does not work, because we did nothing to extend the protocol:
POFTHEDAY> (common-doc.format:parse-document *format*
"Hello @twitter(bob)!")
; Debugger entered on #<SIMPLE-ERROR "No node with name twitter" {100324FCC3}>
But I found the way to do this. Thanks to the CLOS!
What we need, is to define the twitter
node, using this CommonDoc
POFTHEDAY> (common-doc:define-node twitter (common-doc:markup)
(:tag-name "twitter"))
POFTHEDAY> (common-html.emitter::define-emitter (node twitter)
(let* ((username (common-doc:text (first (common-doc:children node))))
(url (format nil "https://twitter/~A" username))
(name (format nil "@~A" username)))
(common-html.emitter::with-tag ("a" node :attributes `(("href" . ,url)))
(write-string name
POFTHEDAY> (common-doc.format:parse-document *format* "Hello @twitter(bob)!")
POFTHEDAY> (pandocl:emit * "hello.html")
POFTHEDAY> (alexandria:read-file-into-string "hello.html")
"<!DOCTYPE html>
Hello <a href=\"https://twitter/bob\">@bob</a>!
As you can see, I’ve used a bunch of internal symbols, to extend
Common HTML
and make it work the way I need. Probably it will be a good
idea to make this API public.
Anyway, I like Scriba and Common Doc because it was relatively easy to hack and do what I need.