The following instructions will walk you through building the latest version of DIGITS from source. These instructions are for installation on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.
Alternatively, see this guide for setting up DIGITS and Caffe on Windows machines.
Other platforms are not officially supported, but users have successfully installed DIGITS on Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS, OSX, and possibly more. Since DIGITS itself is a pure Python project, installation is usually pretty trivial regardless of the platform. The difficulty comes from installing all the required dependencies for Caffe, Torch7 , Tensorflow, and configuring the builds. Doing so is your own adventure.
You need an NVIDIA driver (details and instructions).
Run the following commands to get access to some package repositories:
# For Ubuntu 14.04
# For Ubuntu 16.04
# Install repo packages
wget "$CUDA_REPO_PKG" -O /tmp/cuda-repo.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/cuda-repo.deb && rm -f /tmp/cuda-repo.deb
wget "$ML_REPO_PKG" -O /tmp/ml-repo.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/ml-repo.deb && rm -f /tmp/ml-repo.deb
# Download new list of packages
sudo apt-get update
Install some dependencies with Deb packages:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends git graphviz python-dev python-flask python-gevent python-h5py python-numpy python-pil python-pip python-scipy python-tk
Follow these instructions to build Torch7 (suggested).
Follow these instructions to build Tensorflow (required).
# example location - can be customized
git clone $DIGITS_ROOT
Throughout the docs, we'll refer to your install location as DIGITS_ROOT
in this case), though you don't need to actually set that environment variable.
Several PyPI packages need to be installed:
sudo pip install -r $DIGITS_ROOT/requirements.txt
DIGITS needs to be installed to enable loading data and visualization plug-ins:
sudo pip install -e $DIGITS_ROOT
Starts a server at http://localhost:5000/
$ ./digits-devserver --help
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-d] [--version]
DIGITS development server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to run app on (default 5000)
-d, --debug Run the application in debug mode (reloads when the
source changes and gives more detailed error messages)
--version Print the version number and exit
Now that you're up and running, check out the Getting Started Guide.
If you are interested in developing for DIGITS or work with its source code, check out the Development Setup Guide
Most configuration options should have appropriate defaults. Read this doc for information about how to set a custom configuration for your server.