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Request (class)

Object of this class is used in RequestHandler.OnBeforeBrowse() and RequestHandler.OnBeforeResourceLoad().

Table of contents:



Return static Request

You cannot instantiate Request class directly, use this static method instead by calling cefpython.Request.CreateRequest().


Return bool

Returns true if this object is read-only.


Return str

Get the fully qualified url.


Parameter Type
url string
Return void

Set the fully qualified url.


Return str

Get the request method type. The value will default to POST if post data is provided and GET otherwise.


Parameter Type
method string
Return void

Set the request method type.


Return list/dict

Get the post data. If the form content type is "multipart/form-data" then the post data will be returned as a list. If the form content type is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then the post data will be returned as a dict.


Parameter Type
postData list/dict
Return void

Set the post data. See GetPostData() for an explanation of the postData type.


Return dict

Get the header values. Will not include the Referer value if any.

Duplicate values are overwritten by the last one.


Return list

Get the header values. Will not include the Referer value if any.

Returns list of tuples (name, value). Headers may have duplicate keys, if you want to ignore duplicates use GetHeaderMap().


Parameter Type
headerMap dict
Return void

Set the header values. If a Referer value exists in the header map it will be removed and ignored.


Parameter Type
headerMultimap list
Return void

Set the header values. If a Referer value exists in the header map it will be removed and ignored.

headerMultimap must be a list of tuples (name, value).


Return int

Get the flags used in combination with WebRequest.

Available flags below. Can be accessed via cefpython.Request.Flags["xxx"]. These flags are also defined as constants starting with "UR_FLAG_" in the cefpython module.requ

  • None - Default behavior.
  • SkipCache - If set the cache will be skipped when handling the request. Setting this value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: no-cache" request header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE will cause the request to fail.
  • OnlyFromCache - If set the request will fail if it cannot be served from the cache (or some equivalent local store). Setting this value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: only-if-cached" request header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE will cause the request to fail.
  • AllowStoredCredentials - If set user name, password, and cookies may be sent with the request, and cookies may be saved from the response.
  • ReportUploadProgress - If set upload progress events will be generated when a request has a body.
  • NoDownloadData - If set the WebRequestClient::OnDownloadData method will not be called.
  • NoRetryOn5xx - If set 5xx redirect errors will be propagated to the observer instead of automatically re-tried. This currently only applies for requests originated in the browser process.
  • StopOnRedirect - If set 3XX responses will cause the fetch to halt immediately rather than continue through the redirect.


Parameter Type
flags int
Return void

Set the flags used in combination with WebRequest. See GetFlags() for possible values.


Return str

Get the url to the first party for cookies used in combination with WebRequest.


Parameter Type
url string
Return void

Set the url to the first party for cookies used in combination with WebRequest.


Return int

Not yet implemented in CEF Python.

Get the resource type for this request. Only available in the browser process.


Return int

Not yet implemented in CEF Python.

Get the transition type for this request. Only available in the browser process and only applies to requests that represent a main frame or sub-frame navigation.