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377 lines (248 loc) · 15.3 KB


Inherits: :ref:`Node2D<class_Node2D>` < :ref:`CanvasItem<class_CanvasItem>` < :ref:`Node<class_Node>` < :ref:`Object<class_Object>`

A 2D line.


A line through several points in 2D space.


:ref:`bool<class_bool>` :ref:`antialiased<class_Line2D_property_antialiased>` false
:ref:`LineCapMode<enum_Line2D_LineCapMode>` :ref:`begin_cap_mode<class_Line2D_property_begin_cap_mode>` 0
:ref:`Color<class_Color>` :ref:`default_color<class_Line2D_property_default_color>` Color( 0.4, 0.5, 1, 1 )
:ref:`LineCapMode<enum_Line2D_LineCapMode>` :ref:`end_cap_mode<class_Line2D_property_end_cap_mode>` 0
:ref:`Gradient<class_Gradient>` :ref:`gradient<class_Line2D_property_gradient>`  
:ref:`LineJointMode<enum_Line2D_LineJointMode>` :ref:`joint_mode<class_Line2D_property_joint_mode>` 0
:ref:`PackedVector2Array<class_PackedVector2Array>` :ref:`points<class_Line2D_property_points>` PackedVector2Array( )
:ref:`int<class_int>` :ref:`round_precision<class_Line2D_property_round_precision>` 8
:ref:`float<class_float>` :ref:`sharp_limit<class_Line2D_property_sharp_limit>` 2.0
:ref:`Texture2D<class_Texture2D>` :ref:`texture<class_Line2D_property_texture>`  
:ref:`LineTextureMode<enum_Line2D_LineTextureMode>` :ref:`texture_mode<class_Line2D_property_texture_mode>` 0
:ref:`float<class_float>` :ref:`width<class_Line2D_property_width>` 10.0
:ref:`Curve<class_Curve>` :ref:`width_curve<class_Line2D_property_width_curve>`  


void :ref:`add_point<class_Line2D_method_add_point>` ( :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` position, :ref:`int<class_int>` at_position=-1 )
void :ref:`clear_points<class_Line2D_method_clear_points>` ( )
:ref:`int<class_int>` :ref:`get_point_count<class_Line2D_method_get_point_count>` ( ) const
:ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` :ref:`get_point_position<class_Line2D_method_get_point_position>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` i ) const
void :ref:`remove_point<class_Line2D_method_remove_point>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` i )
void :ref:`set_point_position<class_Line2D_method_set_point_position>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` i, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` position )


enum LineJointMode:

  • LINE_JOINT_SHARP = 0 --- The line's joints will be pointy. If sharp_limit is greater than the rotation of a joint, it becomes a bevel joint instead.
  • LINE_JOINT_BEVEL = 1 --- The line's joints will be bevelled/chamfered.
  • LINE_JOINT_ROUND = 2 --- The line's joints will be rounded.

enum LineCapMode:

  • LINE_CAP_NONE = 0 --- Don't draw a line cap.
  • LINE_CAP_BOX = 1 --- Draws the line cap as a box.
  • LINE_CAP_ROUND = 2 --- Draws the line cap as a circle.

enum LineTextureMode:

  • LINE_TEXTURE_NONE = 0 --- Takes the left pixels of the texture and renders it over the whole line.
  • LINE_TEXTURE_TILE = 1 --- Tiles the texture over the line. The texture must be imported with Repeat enabled for it to work properly.
  • LINE_TEXTURE_STRETCH = 2 --- Stretches the texture across the line. Import the texture with Repeat disabled for best results.

Property Descriptions

Default false
Setter set_antialiased(value)
Getter get_antialiased()

If true, the line's border will be anti-aliased.

Default 0
Setter set_begin_cap_mode(value)
Getter get_begin_cap_mode()

Controls the style of the line's first point. Use :ref:`LineCapMode<enum_Line2D_LineCapMode>` constants.

Default Color( 0.4, 0.5, 1, 1 )
Setter set_default_color(value)
Getter get_default_color()

The line's color. Will not be used if a gradient is set.

Default 0
Setter set_end_cap_mode(value)
Getter get_end_cap_mode()

Controls the style of the line's last point. Use :ref:`LineCapMode<enum_Line2D_LineCapMode>` constants.

Setter set_gradient(value)
Getter get_gradient()

The gradient is drawn through the whole line from start to finish. The default color will not be used if a gradient is set.

Default 0
Setter set_joint_mode(value)
Getter get_joint_mode()

The style for the points between the start and the end.

Default PackedVector2Array( )
Setter set_points(value)
Getter get_points()

The points that form the lines. The line is drawn between every point set in this array.

Default 8
Setter set_round_precision(value)
Getter get_round_precision()

The smoothness of the rounded joints and caps. This is only used if a cap or joint is set as round.

Default 2.0
Setter set_sharp_limit(value)
Getter get_sharp_limit()

The direction difference in radians between vector points. This value is only used if joint mode is set to :ref:`LINE_JOINT_SHARP<class_Line2D_constant_LINE_JOINT_SHARP>`.

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

The texture used for the line's texture. Uses texture_mode for drawing style.

Default 0
Setter set_texture_mode(value)
Getter get_texture_mode()

The style to render the texture on the line. Use :ref:`LineTextureMode<enum_Line2D_LineTextureMode>` constants.

Default 10.0
Setter set_width(value)
Getter get_width()

The line's width.

Setter set_curve(value)
Getter get_curve()

The line's width varies with the curve. The original width is simply multiply by the value of the Curve.

Method Descriptions

Adds a point at the position. Appends the point at the end of the line.

If at_position is given, the point is inserted before the point number at_position, moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If at_position is not given, or is an illegal value (at_position < 0 or at_position >= [method get_point_count]), the point will be appended at the end of the point list.

  • void clear_points ( )

Removes all points from the line.

Returns the Line2D's amount of points.

Returns point i's position.

Removes the point at index i from the line.

Overwrites the position in point i with the supplied position.