Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations. Examples include:
let a = 5 + 3; // addition
let b = 10 - 4; // subtraction
let c = 4 * 2; // multiplication
let d = 10 / 3; // division
let e = 10 % 3; // modulus (remainder)
Comparison operators compare values and return a boolean. Examples include:
let a = 5 > 3; // greater than
let b = 10 <= 4; // less than or equal to
let c = 4 === 4; // equal to (strict equality)
let d = 10 !== 3; // not equal to (strict inequality)
Logical operators are used to combine or negate conditions. Examples include:
let a = (5 > 3) && (10 < 4); // logical AND
let b = (5 > 3) || (10 < 4); // logical OR
let c = !(5 > 3); // logical NOT
The ternary operator provides a concise way to write conditional statements. Example:
let age = 17;
let message = (age >= 18) ? "You can vote" : "You cannot vote";
console.log(message); // Output: "You cannot vote"