Given some point on a plane surface (coordinate x and y is represented by two integers), calculate the maximum number of points passed by the line which is drawn to pass points as many as possible.
The input is given with the following format.
D N1 x11 y11 x12 y12 : x1N1 y1N1 N2 x21 y21 x22 y22 : x2N2 y2N2 : ND xD1 yD1 xD2 yD2 : xDND yDND
D is a number of data sets. For the ith dataset, Ni is the number of points, xij and yij are a coordinate of jth point.
- 1 <= D <= 100
- 1 <= i <= D を満たすすべての整数iについて、
- 2 <= Ni <= 50
- さらに、1 <= j, k <= Ni を満たすすべての整数j, kについて、
- -100 <= xij <= 100
- -100 <= yij <= 100
- j ≠ k ならば (xij, yij) ≠ (xik, yik)
The input satisfies the following constraints.
- 1 <= D <= 100
- For i satisfying 1 <= i <= D
- 2 <= Ni <= 50
- For j satisfying 1 <= j, k <= Ni
- -100 <= xij <= 100
- -100 <= yij <= 100
- if j ≠ k then (xij, yij) ≠ (xik, yik)
Write the maximum number of points passed by a line with respect to each data set.
2 5 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 2 2 3 -3 6 5 0 0 -2 0 1 0 7 1 3 2 4
4 3