These scripts log you into eSchool, runs Upload or Download definitions, Uploads files or Downloads files. This requires a completed and ready file to upload, pre-built Upload or Download Definitions. Sample script and Upload/Download definitions are provided.
The initial use case for this was uploading and then inserting/updating student emails into their mailing contact records. Our office folks often mis-type student email address, or don't put them in at all, and then those records don't come across to Clever, iStation, etc., causing various issues for students.
Contributors: Ben Janelle, Charles Weber, Craig Millsap, Albert Crosby
-username 0401cmillsap
-InFile "students.csv" #Any file you want uploaded to your user directory.
-InterfaceID ASDFG #Any Upload Definition you want to run after uploading the file.
-RunMode V #V for Verify or R for Run.
-username 0000username
-reportname "studentemails" #Files that have a specific name
-reportnamelike "HomeAccessPasswords" #Files that have the timestamp put at the end. This will download the latest version.
-rawfilename "REG_CONTACT.csv" #Specify the exact filename to download. Not the Name displayed in eSchool.
-outputfile #Path to place downloaded file. If not specified it will use the filename from eSchool.
-InterfaceID #Your Download Definition. This will create the file specified by reportname. Script waits until all tasks are complete. This must be 5 characters. If you have a 3 character InterfaceID you must character pad it with spaces. Example:"WEB "
-username 0000username
-ADField EmployeeID #What Active Directory Field do we need to match on?
-skipupload #Create upload files but don't upload them.
-EnableWebAccess #Optionally enable WEB_ACCESS flag on student accounts.
-EnableGuardianWebAccess #Enable Guardians WEB_ACCESS flag.
-GuardianPriority 2 #Enable WEB_ACCESS for Guardians up to this Priority Number.
-RunMode R #Everything is run in VERIFY mode by default.
Using Powershell 7 can you can run create the needed Upload/Download tasks for email by running:
This will create three definitions used to accomplish this task. This will not overwrite any existing definitions. The definitions will need to be named EMLDL,EMLUP,EMLAC.