diff --git a/devlib/target.py b/devlib/target.py
index 9f2a5c128..19f8a7281 100644
--- a/devlib/target.py
+++ b/devlib/target.py
@@ -668,10 +668,22 @@ async def _prepare_xfer(self, action, sources, dest, pattern=None, as_root=False
         transfering multiple sources.
-        once = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+        def once(f):
+            cache = dict()
+            @functools.wraps(f)
+            async def wrapper(path):
+                try:
+                    return cache[path]
+                except KeyError:
+                    x = await f(path)
+                    cache[path] = x
+                    return x
+            return wrapper
         _target_cache = {}
-        def target_paths_kind(paths, as_root=False):
+        async def target_paths_kind(paths, as_root=False):
             def process(x):
                 x = x.strip()
                 if x == 'notexist':
@@ -691,7 +703,7 @@ def process(x):
                     for path in _paths
-                res = self.execute(cmd, as_root=as_root)
+                res = await self.execute.asyn(cmd, as_root=as_root)
                 _target_cache.update(zip(_paths, map(process, res.split())))
             return [
@@ -700,7 +712,7 @@ def process(x):
         _host_cache = {}
-        def host_paths_kind(paths, as_root=False):
+        async def host_paths_kind(paths, as_root=False):
             def path_kind(path):
                 if os.path.isdir(path):
                     return 'dir'
@@ -727,47 +739,55 @@ def path_kind(path):
             src_excep = HostError
             src_path_kind = host_paths_kind
-            _dst_mkdir = once(self.makedirs)
+            _dst_mkdir = once(self.makedirs.asyn)
             dst_path_join = self.path.join
             dst_paths_kind = target_paths_kind
-            dst_remove_file = once(functools.partial(self.remove, as_root=as_root))
+            @once
+            async def dst_remove_file(path):
+                return await self.remove.asyn(path, as_root=as_root)
         elif action == 'pull':
             src_excep = TargetStableError
             src_path_kind = target_paths_kind
-            _dst_mkdir = once(functools.partial(os.makedirs, exist_ok=True))
+            @once
+            async def _dst_mkdir(path):
+                return os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
             dst_path_join = os.path.join
             dst_paths_kind = host_paths_kind
-            dst_remove_file = once(os.remove)
+            @once
+            async def dst_remove_file(path):
+                return os.remove(path)
             raise ValueError('Unknown action "{}"'.format(action))
         # Handle the case where path is None
-        def dst_mkdir(path):
+        async def dst_mkdir(path):
             if path:
-                _dst_mkdir(path)
+                await _dst_mkdir(path)
-        def rewrite_dst(src, dst):
+        async def rewrite_dst(src, dst):
             new_dst = dst_path_join(dst, os.path.basename(src))
-            src_kind, = src_path_kind([src], as_root)
+            src_kind, = await src_path_kind([src], as_root)
             # Batch both checks to avoid a costly extra execute()
-            dst_kind, new_dst_kind = dst_paths_kind([dst, new_dst], as_root)
+            dst_kind, new_dst_kind = await dst_paths_kind([dst, new_dst], as_root)
             if src_kind == 'file':
                 if dst_kind == 'dir':
                     if new_dst_kind == 'dir':
                         raise IsADirectoryError(new_dst)
                     if new_dst_kind == 'file':
-                        dst_remove_file(new_dst)
+                        await dst_remove_file(new_dst)
                         return new_dst
                         return new_dst
                 elif dst_kind == 'file':
-                    dst_remove_file(dst)
+                    await dst_remove_file(dst)
                     return dst
-                    dst_mkdir(os.path.dirname(dst))
+                    await dst_mkdir(os.path.dirname(dst))
                     return dst
             elif src_kind == 'dir':
                 if dst_kind == 'dir':
@@ -781,7 +801,7 @@ def rewrite_dst(src, dst):
                 elif dst_kind == 'file':
                     raise FileExistsError(dst_kind)
-                    dst_mkdir(os.path.dirname(dst))
+                    await dst_mkdir(os.path.dirname(dst))
                     return dst
                 raise FileNotFoundError(src)
@@ -790,18 +810,19 @@ def rewrite_dst(src, dst):
             if not sources:
                 raise src_excep('No file matching source pattern: {}'.format(pattern))
-            if dst_paths_kind([dest]) != ['dir']:
+            if (await dst_paths_kind([dest])) != ['dir']:
                 raise NotADirectoryError('A folder dest is required for multiple matches but destination is a file: {}'.format(dest))
+        async def f(src):
+            return await rewrite_dst(src, dest)
+        mapping = await self.async_manager.map_concurrently(f, sources)
         # TODO: since rewrite_dst() will currently return a different path for
         # each source, it will not bring anything. In order to be useful,
         # connections need to be able to understand that if the destination is
         # an empty folder, the source is supposed to be transfered into it with
         # the same basename.
-        return groupby_value({
-            src: rewrite_dst(src, dest)
-            for src in sources
-        })
+        return groupby_value(mapping)
@@ -824,10 +845,11 @@ def do_push(sources, dest):
         if as_root:
             for sources, dest in mapping.items():
-                for source in sources:
+                async def f(source):
                     async with self._xfer_cache_path(source) as device_tempfile:
                         do_push([source], device_tempfile)
                         await self.execute.asyn("mv -f -- {} {}".format(quote(device_tempfile), quote(dest)), as_root=True)
+                await self.async_manager.map_concurrently(f, sources)
             for sources, dest in mapping.items():
                 do_push(sources, dest)
@@ -902,11 +924,13 @@ def do_pull(sources, dest):
         if via_temp:
             for sources, dest in mapping.items():
-                for source in sources:
+                async def f(source):
                     async with self._xfer_cache_path(source) as device_tempfile:
-                        await self.execute.asyn("cp -r -- {} {}".format(quote(source), quote(device_tempfile)), as_root=as_root)
-                        await self.execute.asyn("{} chmod 0644 -- {}".format(self.busybox, quote(device_tempfile)), as_root=as_root)
+                        cp_cmd = f"{quote(self.busybox)} cp -rL -- {quote(source)} {quote(device_tempfile)}"
+                        chmod_cmd = f"{quote(self.busybox)} chmod 0644 -- {quote(device_tempfile)}"
+                        await self.execute.asyn(f"{cp_cmd} && {chmod_cmd}", as_root=as_root)
                         do_pull([device_tempfile], dest)
+                await self.async_manager.map_concurrently(f, sources)
             for sources, dest in mapping.items():
                 do_pull(sources, dest)
diff --git a/devlib/utils/ssh.py b/devlib/utils/ssh.py
index 9fe4c613a..81aa405c4 100644
--- a/devlib/utils/ssh.py
+++ b/devlib/utils/ssh.py
@@ -499,7 +499,18 @@ def _push_path(self, sftp, src, dst, callback=None):
         push(sftp, src, dst, callback)
     def _pull_file(self, sftp, src, dst, callback):
-        sftp.get(src, dst, callback=callback)
+        try:
+            sftp.get(src, dst, callback=callback)
+        except Exception as e:
+            # A file may have been created by Paramiko, but we want to clean
+            # that up, particularly if we tried to pull a folder and failed,
+            # otherwise this will make subsequent attempts at pulling the
+            # folder fail since the destination will exist.
+            try:
+                os.remove(dst)
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+            raise e
     def _pull_folder(self, sftp, src, dst, callback):