Type conversion means converting a data type into another data type
. But there are two kinds of type conversion in JavaScript.
In this type conversion, the type of data will be changed manually
by a developer which is known as explicit type conversion.
There are 3 types of conversion methods in JS:
// Number to String Conversion
let numToStr = 46;
console.log(typeof numToStr, numToStr); //number 46
numToStr = String(numToStr);
console.log(typeof numToStr, numToStr); //string 46
// String to Boolean Conversion
let strToBool = "";
console.log(typeof strToBool, strToBool); //string
strToBool = Boolean(strToBool);
console.log(typeof strToBool, strToBool); //boolean false
strToBool = "false";
console.log(typeof strToBool, strToBool); //string false
strToBool = Boolean(strToBool);
console.log(typeof strToBool, strToBool); //boolean true
// Null to Number Conversion
let nullToNum = null;
console.log(typeof nullToNum, nullToNum); //object null
nullToNum = Number(nullToNum);
console.log(typeof nullToNum, nullToNum); //number 0
// String to Number Conversion
let strToNum = "";
console.log(typeof strToNum, strToNum); //string
strToNum = Number(strToNum);
console.log(typeof strToNum, strToNum); //number 0
strToNum = "Ajay";
console.log(typeof strToNum, strToNum); //string Ajay
strToNum = Number(strToNum);
console.log(typeof strToNum, strToNum); //number NaN
In this type conversion, the JavaScript engine automatically
converts data from one type to another type which is known as implicit type conversion.
Implicit type conversion is also known as
type coercion
in JavaScript.
// Type Coercion
console.log(564 + "Ajay"); //"564Ajay"
console.log(543 + "55"); //"54355"
console.log(50 - "55"); //-5
console.log(50 / "10"); //5
console.log("50" / "10"); //5