- #97 Adds support for a default resource definition map parameter that simlpifies the reuse of resource definitions. This also adresses #95, however in a different way than it was proposed.
- #100 resources can specify :as-response to plug in custom implementations
- Bumps version of hiccup to 1.0.3
- Bumps plugin versions to prepare compatibility with 1.6
- lein-midje -> 3.1.3
- lein-ring -> 0.8.10
- ring-devel -> 1.2.1
- ring-jetty-adapter -> 1.2.1
- Adds lein alias to run tests with different clojure versions
- Reenable suppport for keyword as a handler function
- #71 Add locations header to 201 created
- #65 Make sure svg path is highlighted
- #77 Multiple link header values as vector
- #49 OPTIONS should return 200 OK and "Allow" header
- #50 HTTP 405 response must include an Allow-Header
- #68 handle-options sends 201 created and not 200 or 204
- Improved documentation
- Add support for 422 unprocessable entity via processable?
- Rename decision if-none-match to if-none-match?
- UTF-8 is now the default charset for Representations
- Adds web console for traces, include trace link header
- Add "ETag" and "Last-Modified" automatically
- Add "Vary" automatically
- Add declaration :available-media-types?
- Add support for HEAD request
- Rework redirecting handlers. Now supports pickup of redirect location from context key :location
- Extractor for graphivz dot file that reads core.clj
- Bump hiccup dependency to 1.0.2
- Add can-put-to-missing?
- Fix representation render-map-csv
- Make liberator build with lein 2.0.0RC1 (manage dependencies)
- Drop unnecessary methods from Representation
- Dispatch Representation on MapEquivalence and Sequential which increased robustness
- Fixes to HTML Table representation (missing tr)
- Render Clojure Representation using *print-dup*
- Support "application/edn" representation
- #28 Head requests
- Do not re-use generated ETag and Last-Modified during request because they can have changed after post! et. al.
- Handlers for redirect status work now reliably
- Fix Postbox example using value, not function for post!
- Include olympics example data with source
- Handle line-break and whitespace in Accept headers
- Ignore case in character set negotiation
- #12 String representation sets character set
- #9 Missing media-type for "hello george" example
- #11
- #14 Use newer org.clojure:data.csv
Revision 0.7.0 has been accidently skipped