Unleash the power of Bukkit!
- Blog : http://www.admincmd.com
- Ticket (for bug/feature request) : http://bug.admincmd.com/
- Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
- Download : http://www.admincmd.com/download
- License : GPLv3
AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
- Time Commands
- Items Commands
- Player Commands
- Teleport Commands
- Weather Commands
- Warp Commands
- Mob Commands
- Spawn Commands
- Home Commands (in Teleport Commands)
- Permissions support (see below)
- Multi-World Support
- Auto-Afk with Auto-Kick (can be configured in confg File)
- Support Permissions Plugins (Official Bukkit, TheYeti version, PermissionsEX)
- Support for OddItem
- Support for mChat
- Configurable with a config file
- Always overridden by other plugin (Example : you have multihome. My /home command will be disabled automatically)
- Colored Sign : see below with Color.
- Multi-lingual : English and German
- Prioritize system for the command, meaning you can choose if some of my command will override other plugin commands.
- Disable command : you can choose witch command you want to disable.
Use some code under GPLv3 of ProtocolLib made by @aadnk. All the reflection code used in this plugin belong to @aadnk.