In this section, we explain to you how to connect your device to Pybytes quickly using the Firmware Updater.
{% hint style="info" %} In case you want to extend Pybytes library you can flash Pybytes library manually. Click here for more information. {% endhint %}
At the last step of the "Add Device" process:
- Download the firmware updater for your operating system;
- Copy the device token.
Install the Firmware updater on your computer.
- Start the
Firmware updater
Select your device serial port (Make sure your device is connected to your computer);
Mark the options "Erase flash file system" and "Force update Pybytes registration";
- Paste your device token from Pybytes;
- The firmware updater will update the device's firmware.
Now it's time to display data from your device into Pybytes dashboard.
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