diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 729a4d5..a87b0ed 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-RawDataReader supports a wide range of aerosol instruments, including NEPH, SMPS, AE33, and many more. It handles
-various file types and time resolutions, making data processing efficient and standardized.
-For a detailed list of supported instruments, file types, and data columns, please refer to
-our [RawDataReader Usage Guide](docs/guide/RawDataReader) in the `docs` folder.
-### Key Features:
-- Supports multiple aerosol instruments
-- Applies customizable quality control measures
-- Offers flexible data filtering and resampling options
-- Enables easy data export to CSV format
-### Supported Instruments
-The AeroViz project currently supports data from the following instruments:
-- SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer)
-- APS (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer)
-- GRIMM (GRIMM Aerosol Technik)
-- TEOM (Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor)
-- NEPH (Nephelometer)
-- Aurora (Nephelometer)
-- AE33 (Aethalometer Model 33)
-- AE43 (Aethalometer Model 43)
-- BC1054 (Black Carbon Monitor 1054)
-- MA350 (MicroAeth MA350)
-- OCEC (Organic Carbon Elemental Carbon Analyzer)
-- IGAC (In-situ Gas and Aerosol Compositions monitor)
-- XRF (X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer)
-- VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds Monitor)
-> **Note:** We are continuously working to support more instruments. Please check back for updates or contribute to our
-> project on GitHub.
-The AeroViz project currently supports the following processing methods:
-- **Chemistry**:
-- **Optical**
-- **SizeDistr**
-- **VOC**
For detailed documentation, please refer to the `docs` folder, which includes:
@@ -109,17 +80,9 @@ For detailed documentation, please refer to the `docs` folder, which includes:
| [User Guide](docs/guide) | Basic usage instructions |
| [Changelog](docs/changelog.md) | List of changes |
Related Source
-* #### [PyMieScatt](https://github.com/bsumlin/PyMieScatt.git)
-* #### [py-smps](https://github.com/quant-aq/py-smps.git)
-* #### [ContainerHandle](https://github.com/yrr-Su/ContainerHandle.git)
For bug reports and feature requests please visit [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/Alex870521/DataPlot/issues).
@@ -129,6 +92,4 @@ For bug reports and feature requests please visit [GitHub Issues](https://github

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guide/RawDataReader.md b/docs/guide/RawDataReader.md
index 784ece8..b739727 100644
--- a/docs/guide/RawDataReader.md
+++ b/docs/guide/RawDataReader.md
@@ -141,24 +141,26 @@ This will display the first few rows of the processed data, including timestamps
# Supported Instruments: Default Time Resolutions and File Types
-| Instrument | Time Resolution | File Type | Display Columns | QAQC method |
-| NEPH | 5min | .dat | G | default |
-| Aurora | 1min | .csv | G | default |
-| SMPS | 6min | .txt, .csv | all | default |
-| GRIMM | 6min | .dat | all | default |
-| APS_3321 | 6min | .txt | all | default |
-| AE33 | 1min | .dat | BC6 | default |
-| AE43 | 1min | .dat | BC6 | default |
-| BC1054 | 1min | .csv | BC9 | default |
-| MA350 | 1min | .csv | BC5 | default |
-| TEOM | 6min | .csv | PM_Total, PM_NV | default |
-| OCEC | 1h | *LCRes.csv | Thermal_OC, Thermal_EC, Optical_OC, Optical_EC | default |
-| IGAC | 1h | .csv | Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, SO42- | default |
-| XRF | 1h | .csv | Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu... | default |
-| VOC | 1h | .csv | voc | default |
-| EPA | 1h | .csv | all | default |
-| Minion | 1h | .csv, .xlsx | Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe | default |
+### The AeroViz project currently supports data from the following instruments:
+| Instrument | Time Resolution | File Type | Display Columns | QAQC method |
+| NEPH (Nephelometer) | 5min | .dat | G | default |
+| Aurora (Nephelometer) | 1min | .csv | G | default |
+| SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) | 6min | .txt, .csv | all | default |
+| GRIMM (GRIMM Aerosol Technik) | 6min | .dat | all | default |
+| APS_3321 (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer) | 6min | .txt | all | default |
+| AE33 (Aethalometer Model 33) | 1min | .dat | BC6 | default |
+| AE43 (Aethalometer Model 43) | 1min | .dat | BC6 | default |
+| BC1054 (Black Carbon Monitor 1054) | 1min | .csv | BC9 | default |
+| MA350 (MicroAeth MA350) | 1min | .csv | BC5 | default |
+| TEOM (Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor) | 6min | .csv | PM_Total, PM_NV | default |
+| OCEC (Sunset Organic Carbon Elemental Carbon Analyzer) | 1h | *LCRes.csv | Thermal_OC, Thermal_EC, Optical_OC, Optical_EC | default |
+| IGAC (In-situ Gas and Aerosol Compositions monitor) | 1h | .csv | Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, SO42- | default |
+| XRF (X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer) | 1h | .csv | Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu... | default |
+| VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds Monitor) | 1h | .csv | voc | default |
+| EPA | 1h | .csv | all | default |
+| Minion | 1h | .csv, .xlsx | Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe | default |
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f8d0482..a7011b0 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "AeroViz"
-version = ""
+version = ""
description = "Aerosol science"
authors = [{ name = "alex", email = "alex870521@gmail.com" }]
license = { text = "MIT" }