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github-actions[bot] edited this page Sep 21, 2024 · 19 revisions

⚙️ Configure .env

You can use Docker Compose or install all dependencies and source code locally. But in both cases, you need to configure .env file.

Also you need retrieve token, client id and enable intents on Discord Developer Portal.

  • Create file .env.production (if you developer create .env.development)
  • Fill all fields in .env.* If the field is marked as (Optional), you can skip it.
  • (Required) To get Discord Token and enable intents, follow the Discord Developer Portal section.
  • (Optional) To get YouTube cookies and bypass different errors with YouTube, follow the YouTube section
  • (Optional) To get Spotify Secret and ID, follow the Spotify section.
  • (Optional) To get Yandex Music token, follow the Yandex Music section.
  • (Optional) To get SoundCloud token, follow the Soundcloud section.
  • (Optional) To get Genius token, follow the Genius section.
  • (Optional) To get VKontakte token, follow the VKontakte section.
Name Example Description Required
BOT_VERBOSE_LOGGING false The bot will give more info to the console, useful for debugging
BOT_FFMPEG_LOGGING false The bot will give info about FFMPEG to the console, useful for debugging
BOT_COMMAND_PREFIX // Used only for text commands ✔️
BOT_MAX_SONGS_IN_QUEUE 500 Define max songs count per queue
BOT_MAX_SONGS_HISTORY_SIZE 60 Define max songs history per guild, set to 0 if you want to disable history (this will not delete history in database which already exists)
BOT_LANGUAGE en Supported values: en ru
MONGO_URI Docker: mongodb://aicbot-mongo:27017 or Local: mongodb://localhost:27017 IP address of MongoDB ✔️
MONGO_DATABASE_NAME aicbot Database name in MongoDB ✔️
BOT_DISCORD_TOKEN ODEzNzUwMTY1N... Token from Discord Developer Portal ✔️
BOT_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID 813750165783... Application ID from Discord Developer Portal ✔️
BOT_DISCORD_OVERPOWERED_ID 29016845994426.... Discord bot owner user ID, required for having more bot control for owner ✔️
BOT_GOOGLE_EMAIL Used to automate cookies fetching for YouTube
BOT_GOOGLE_PASSWORD Used to automate cookies fetching for YouTube
BOT_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Used when the Spotify module cannot get the credentials automatically
BOT_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Used when the Spotify module get the credentials automatically
BOT_YANDEXMUSIC_TOKEN Provide to enable Yandex Music module
BOT_YANDEXMUSIC_UID Provide to enable Yandex Music module
BOT_VKONTAKTE_TOKEN Provide to fetch songs from VKontakte
BOT_SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID Provide to fetch more data with SoundCloud Go+ account
BOT_SOUNDCLOUD_TOKEN Provide to fetch more data with SoundCloud Go+ account
BOT_GENIUS_TOKEN Provide to fetch songs lyrics from Genius

🐋 Run in Docker (recommended)

  • Install Docker
  • Copy docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile in empty folder
  • Follow the Configure .env section and copy .env.production in folder with docker-compose.yml etc.
  • (Optional) Follow the YouTube Cookie section and copy yt-cookies.json in the folder with docker-compose.yml etc.
  • Your file structure must be like this
  ├─ .env.production
  ├─ docker-compose.yml
  ├─ yt-cookies.json
  • Run command docker-compose up --detach --force-recreate from folder with files


If you use terminal, Linux or Git Bash etc..., you can copy or to folder with other files. And run command sh to update bot image and restart containers.

🖥️ Run locally (if you are not a developer, this way is no sense)

  • Install Node.js 22 or higher
  • Install Python 3.12
  • Install C++ compiler. Follow this guide
  • Install FFMpeg. Follow this guide
  • Clone repository to your computer
  • Follow the Configure .env section and copy .env.development in folder with repository.
  • (Optional) Follow the YouTube Cookie and copy yt-cookies.json in the folder with repository.
  • Install Node.js packages in the folder with repository
npm install
  • Compile bot
npm run build
  • Run the bot
npm run production

or if you are a developer

npm run development
Clone this wiki locally