Java planetarium for mobile phones with J2ME support.
Project site:
This project was developed under environment listed below:
- Netbeans IDE 8.0
- Java ME SDK 3.4 Plugins for NetBeans
- Java ME SDK 3.4
- JDK 1.8
In the project code you can see comments marked like:
// AFFC, p. 123
It means a reference to the corresponding book (abbreviation) and page (or pages) where the implemented algorithm was taken from.
Abbreviations are:
- PEC: Montenbruck, Practical Ephemeris Calculations
- AFFC: Meeus, Astronomical Formulae For Calculators
- AA: Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms
- PAWC: Duffett-Smith, Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator
Most of algorithms are taken from PAWC book.