Many of the concepts here are similar to MessageKit, so if you are familiar with that library you will be able to get going very quickly.
is the basic protocol used to represent messages and contains all necessary information to do so.
public enum MessageAlignment {
case left, right
public protocol MessageType: Identifiable, Equatable {
/// Unique ID that identifies this message
var messageID: String { get }
/// When the message was sent
var timestamp: Date { get }
/// The kind of message
var kind: MessageKind { get }
/// Determines which side the message is placed on
/// This is ignored for messages with a `.system` kind and all custom messages
var alignment: MessageAlignment { get }
determines the type of message and how it is displayed. There are a few kinds built in by default with an option for custom messages:
public enum MessageKind {
case text(TextItem)
case system(AttributedString)
case image(ImageItem)
case custom(CustomItem)
All of these have protocols or types that define a message's information, the files for which are here.
This is the main view of the library, taking the messages to be shown and an input bar view. BasicInputBarView
is provided if you don't want to make your own. Many different options can be chained onto this view to modify it, all of which are explained below.
All of the modifiers are defined in MessagesViewModifiers.swift
AllujaMessages supports changing the default maximum message width (75% of the view width) and the default corner radius (8.0) through the .messageMaxWidth()
and .messageCornerRadius()
modifiers respectively. The width modifier is a closure that takes the view's geometry information and returns a CGFloat
AllujaMessages has built-in support for message grouping along with multiple ways to customize it. This puts messages together if they fall under a certain rule (changeable by the configureMessageEndsGroup()
To enable grouping, chain the .groupingOptions()
to your MessagesView
The options for grouping are as follows:
public enum TimestampPositionAnchor: Equatable {
case bottom, top
public enum MessageGroupingOption: Equatable {
/// Hides profile picture for all but last message in group
case collapseProfilePicture
/// Collapses message header and footer to use first header and last footer for message chain
case collapseEnclosingViews
/// Collapses all timestamps to a single one either at the absolute top or bottom of the group
case collapseTimestamps(TimestampPositionAnchor)
All headers, footers, and avatars take a message object and return a SwiftUI view. Below is an example implementation:
} // End of MessagesView declaration
.messageHeader { message in
.messageFooter { _ in
if dontShowFooter {
EmptyView() // Using an EmptyView removes the header/footer/avatar from the message
} else {
.messageAvatar { message in
if case .custom(_) = message.kind {
} else {
LinearGradient(colors: [.purple, .red, .orange], startPoint: .topLeading, endPoint: .bottomTrailing)
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)
Using an EmptyView
removes the view from the message.
Messages can have context menus through the .messageContextMenu()
modifier. Similarly to headers, footers and avatars, returning an EmptyView
from this builder disables the context menu for the specific given message.
AllujaMessages uses a ScrollViewReader
internally to allow control over which messages are shown at any given time. The current implementation allows for you to hook the .onAppear()
and .onChange(messages)
events through the .proxyOnAppear()
and .proxyOnMessagesChange()
modifiers respectively. These modifiers provide a reference to the ScrollViewProxy
given by the internal ScrollViewReader
. .proxyOnMessagesChange()
also provides a reference to the internal messages array which is recommended to use over your source message array due to SwiftUI's update order.
Sample recommended implementation:
} // End of MessagesView declaration
.proxyOnAppear { value in
withAnimation {
.proxyOnMessagesChange { value, msgs in
withAnimation {
AllujaMessages provides a simple way to implement your own custom messages. This implementation falls into two parts:
- Data implementation
- Renderer implementation
You need to provide a CustomItem
implementation in order to register as a valid MessageKind
. The protocol for which is below:
public protocol CustomItem {
/// Unique ID for the custom item type, used to split up custom rederers into sepearate declarations
var id: String { get }
/// Some data for the custom type
var data: Any? { get }
The id
field is very important as it controls which renderer is used to display the custom message, which leads into the next section.
To display a custom message you need to add a renderer. A renderer is initialized as a modifier that is registered to a specific custom message ID (discussed in previous section). A renderer closure takes a message with a .custom()
kind and a CustomRendererInfo
structure with a suggested width and corner radius if you want to use the standard message style and returns a SwiftUI view. Multiple custom renderers may be chained to your MessagesView
, but make sure to use a different ID for each renderer otherwise you may experience random renderer selection.
} // End of MessagesView declaration
.customRenderer(forTypeWithID: "custom1") { message, _ in
if case .custom(let item) = message.kind {
Text("Custom 1: Hi, \( as? String ?? "unknown")")
} else {
.customRenderer(forTypeWithID: "custom2") { message, info in
HStack {
if message.alignment == .right {
if case .custom(let item) = message.kind {
Text("Custom 2: Bye, \( as? String ?? "unknown")")
.frame(width: info.suggestedWidth, alignment: message.alignment == .right ? .trailing : .leading)
} else {
if message.alignment == .left {
If you feel that your custom message cell is reusable and useful to a large number of people, open a pull request to propose to have it converted into a built-in MessageKind
If you want to be able to pull to refresh on the MessagesView
for functionality such as loading earlier messages, you can use the SwiftUI .refreshable()
modifier with an async function.
The default timestamp display format shown during the timestamp drag gesture can be changed using the .messageTimestampFormatter()
modifier and passing in a pre-configured DateFormatter
When loading images from a URL for messages with the .image()
kind, you can specify a placeholder view to use while the image is being loaded with the .messageImagePlaceholder()
modifier which takes a message and returns a SwiftUI view.