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  • Sample code of visionOS HandTracking on real device.
  • Virtual hands entities in immersive space.
  • Make your own spatial gesture!
  • If you don't have real VisionPro device, "HandTrackFake" will be a good debugging partner, because "HandTrackFake" provides handtracking feature which works on VisionPro simulator.


VisionGesture Playground

You can do this with VisionGesture. Play and create your own gestures!


If you want to use VisionGesture in simulator, set enableFake to true in HandTrackFake.swift

class HandTrackFake: NSObject {
	var enableFake = true  // <--- true:simulator, false:real device
	var rotateHands = false
	var zDepth: Float = 0.0

Make your own spatial gesture

Gesture template code is available.
Search "TODO: MyGesture" in VisionGesture project on Xcode.
Gestrue_Draw.swift and Gesture_Aloha.swift are the good example of how to make your own spatial gestures.
Now add your own gestures and send me pull request!

Create the gesture logic in Gesture_MyGesture.swift.

  • Calculate the positional relationship of finger joints.
  • When the hand make a specific pose, it means the gesture has started.
  • While the gesture is valid, the hand position is used to perform gesture-delegate job.
  • When the hand make another specific pose, it means the gesture has ended.
class Gesture_MyGesture: GestureBase
	override init() {

	convenience init(delegate: Any) {
		self.delegate = delegate as? any GestureDelegate

	// Gesture judging loop
	override func checkGesture(handJoints: [[[SIMD3<Scalar>?]]]) {
		self.handJoints = handJoints
		switch state {
		case .unknown:	// initial state. waiting for first gesture pose
			// TODO: MyGesture: wait for my gesture to start
			if(isMyGesturePose()) {
				delegate?.gesture(gesture: self, event: GestureDelegateEvent(type: .Began, location: [CGPointZero]))
				state = State.waitForRelease
		case .waitForRelease:	// do something while in gesture. wait for release of first pose

			// TODO: MyGesture: do something while in gesture
			let position:SIMD3<Float> = [0,0,0]
			delegate?.gesture(gesture: self, event: GestureDelegateEvent(type: .Moved3D, location: [position]))

			if(!isMyGesturePose()) {	// wait until pose released
				delegate?.gesture(gesture: self, event: GestureDelegateEvent(type: .Ended, location: [CGPointZero]))
				state = State.unknown
	// TODO: MyGesture: Check the position of the finger joints in space to determine if it is a new gesture
	func isMyGesturePose() -> Bool {
		if HandTrackProcess.handJoints.count > 0 {
			let check = 0
			// joint compare function available in "GestureBase.swift"
//			if isStraight(hand: .right, finger: .thumb){ check += 1 }
//			if isBend(hand: .right, finger: .index){ check += 1 }
//			if isBend(hand: .right, finger: .middle){ check += 1 }
//			if isBend(hand: .right, finger: .ring){ check += 1 }
//			if isStraight(hand: .right, finger: .little){ check += 1 }
			if check == 5 { return true }
		return false

Use GestureDelegate(in ImmersiveView.swift) to create application-specific jobs using gestures.

  • GestureDelegate will be called back when Gesture_MyGesture.swift judge specific gestures.
  • Spatial coordinates will be passed to the delegate job.
	// TODO: MyGesture: make gesture logic
	func handle_myGesture(event: GestureDelegateEvent) {
		switch event.type {
		case .Moved3D:
			if let pnt = event.location[0] as? SIMD3<Scalar> {
				// pnt ... gesture location in immersive space
		case .Fired:
		case .Moved2D:
		case .Began:
		case .Ended:
		case .Canceled:

In GestureBase.swift, create a function that becomes the basis for determining gestures.

  • Some functions are already provided.
  • To calculate finger joint positions that cannot be determined using existing functions, a new calculation function is required.
  • Please look at the sample code to understand how to compare coordinate positions of joints.
class GestureBase {
	// MARK: Compare joint positions

	func cv2(_ pos: SIMD3<Scalar>?) -> CGPoint? {
		guard let p = pos else { return CGPointZero }
		return CGPointMake(CGFloat(p.x),CGFloat(p.y))
	// is finger bend or outstretched
	func isBend(pos1: CGPoint?, pos2: CGPoint?, pos3: CGPoint? ) -> Bool {
		guard let p1 = pos1, let p2 = pos2, let p3 = pos3 else { return false }
		if p1.distance(from: p2) > p1.distance(from: p3) { return true }
		return false
	func isBend(hand: HandTrackProcess.WhichHand, finger: HandTrackProcess.WhichFinger) -> Bool {
		let posTip: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:finger, joint: .tip))
		let pos2nd: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:finger, joint: .pip))
		let posWrist: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:.wrist, joint: .tip))
		guard let posTip, let pos2nd, let posWrist else { return false }

		if posWrist.distance(from: pos2nd) > posWrist.distance(from: posTip) { return true }
		return false
	func isStraight(pos1: CGPoint?, pos2: CGPoint?, pos3: CGPoint? ) -> Bool {
		guard let p1 = pos1, let p2 = pos2, let p3 = pos3 else { return false }
		if p1.distance(from: p2) < p1.distance(from: p3) { return true }
		return false
	func isStraight(hand: HandTrackProcess.WhichHand, finger: HandTrackProcess.WhichFinger) -> Bool {
		let posTip: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:finger, joint: .tip))
		let pos2nd: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:finger, joint: .pip))
		let posWrist: CGPoint? = cv2(jointPosition(hand:hand, finger:.wrist, joint: .tip))
		guard let posTip, let pos2nd, let posWrist else { return false }

		if posWrist.distance(from: pos2nd) < posWrist.distance(from: posTip) { return true }
		return false


Simulate hand tracking movements in order to debug hand tracking on VisionPro simulator.
You no longer need real VisionPro device to test your spatial gestures. This module uses VNHumanHandPoseObservation on Mac to capture finger movement.
And send that hand tracking data to VisionPro simulator on Mac via bluetooth.
All you need is Mac (additionally iPhone/iPad as TrackingSender) to debug visionOS hand tracking.


HandTrackFake module


// Public properties
var enableFake = true // false:use VisionPro real handtracking.  true:use fake handtracking on Mac

Sample project


  • Capture your hand movement using front camera of Mac (or iPhone/iPad) .
  • Encode hand tracking data (2D) into Json.
  • Send that Json to via bluetooth.

Mac camera has no depth infomation of Z axis, but FakeTrackingSender has slider input to fake Z-depth. zaxis


let handTrackFake = HandTrackFake()


// Activate fake data sender

// Send fake data


Privacy - Camera Usage Description
Privacy - Local Network Usage Description  
Bonjour services  
 - item 0 : _HandTrackFake._tcp  
 - item 1 : _HandTrackFake._udp  

VisionGesture (receiver of fake handtracking data)

  • Receive hand tracking data (Json) from via bluetooth.
  • Decode Json data into hand tracking data (3D).
  • Display hands (finger positions) on VisionPro simulator display.


let handTrackFake = HandTrackFake()


// Activate fake data browser
if handTrackFake.enableFake == true {

// Check connection status
let nowState = handTrackFake.sessionState


// Receive 2D-->3D converted hand tracking data
let handJoint3D = handTrackFake.receiveHandTrackData()


Privacy - Local Network Usage Description  
Bonjour services  
 - item 0 : _HandTrackFake._tcp  
 - item 1 : _HandTrackFake._udp  

VisionGesture is a part of technics from "Air Poolbar" app

VisionGestrue is an open source version of some of the techniques used in the "Air Poolbar" app which is available on the visionOS App Store.


Explanation in other languages
