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These are some projects I built for practice—some inspired by existing websites, some from Frontend Practice, and others as fun experiments.
- Weather App
- HTML Table Builder
- Chess Game (In-Progress)
- Flappy Bird
- Roman Numeral Converter
- Resume Builder
- Calculator
- To-Do List
- Snake Game
- Super Tic-Tac-Toe
- Music Website Clone
- Website Clone 1
- NGO Website Clone
- Count Randomizer
- Layout 2
- Parking Lot Management System
- First Web Page
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Layout 1
Projects inspired by Frontend Practice:
(Interactive 3D experiences using Three.js)
(Add more Three.js projects as you build them! 🚀)
Clone this repository and explore the projects in your browser:
git clone https://github.com/aman1919/static-websites.git
cd static-websites