- All changes made to the sites will be recorded here (Grouped by Version)
Added Main Thumbnail Image Slider (Carousel Style)
- Automatic + Manual
- With Arrows
- With Bullets
- Reset the Sliding Timer everytime a Slide is selected manually
- Fading Effects
- Coupled with Text, Links and Btns (not just images)
- Automatic + Manual
Added Formatting, Effects and Animations to Thumbnail Components
Added Layout and Styling to Article Blocks
- Flex Ratio Layout
- Images and Texts (Alternating between left and right)
- Titles and Read more Link
Added Styling and Scaling to all Article Texts
Added New Fonts
- Source Sans Pro (Body-text Contents)
- Lato (Light and Bold)
Added Footer Contents and Styling
- Flex Display (for both containers and contents)
- Newsletter Form (Styled with div and span)
- Social Media Links
- Flex Lists
- COpyrights
Added pointer and hover effects for all the links and functional buttons
Changed the Colors to be more pleasing
Changed the Font Units used to rem (root html: 10px) and em
- Defined in reset.css
Reduced the Fonts size for the Navigation bar
- Removed the slideshow sample files
- Removed Borders from default Buttons
- Removed the little cart button that looked out of place