General Contract checks
✓ should be deployed
Contract Tests
✓ Mint bond tokens in community vault address (45ms)
✓ should fail if no owner tries to set allowance (38ms)
✓ should set allowance as owner (71ms)
✓ should transfer ownership (48ms)
✓ setAllowance emits SetAllowance (58ms)
✓ Can deploy successfully
✓ Reverts if amount is <= 0
✓ Reverts if amount > allowance (41ms)
✓ Saves users deposit in state (132ms)
✓ Calls transferFrom when conditions are met (126ms)
✓ Updates the pool size of the next epoch (117ms)
✓ Updates the user balance of the next epoch (246ms)
Continuous deposits
✓ Deposit at random points inside an epoch sets the correct effective balance (596ms)
✓ deposit in middle of epoch 1 (108ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 4 (212ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 2 (169ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 5, deposit epoch 5 (251ms)
✓ Reverts if user has no balance
✓ Sets the balance of the user to 0 (109ms)
✓ Calls the `transfer` function on token when all conditions are met (117ms)
Partial withdraw
✓ deposit epoch 1, withdraw epoch 5 (161ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, withdraw epoch 2 (131ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 5, withdraw epoch 5 half amount (245ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 5, withdraw epoch 5 more than deposited (242ms)
Epoch logic
✓ deposit in epoch 0, deposit in epoch 1, deposit in epoch 2, withdraw in epoch 3 (291ms)
✓ deposit in epoch 0, withdraw in epoch 3 (133ms)
✓ deposit in epoch 0, withdraw in epoch 0 (120ms)
✓ deposit in epoch 3, withdraw in epoch 3 (163ms)
✓ deposit in epoch 2, withdraw in epoch 3 (147ms)
✓ multiple users deposit (119ms)
✓ multiple users deposit epoch 0 then 1 withdraw epoch 1 (191ms)
✓ multiple users deposit epoch 0 then 1 withdraw epoch 2 (216ms)
✓ multiple deposits in same epoch (121ms)
✓ deposit epoch 2, deposit epoch 3, withdraw epoch 3 (231ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 3, withdraw epoch 3 (229ms)
✓ deposit epoch 1, deposit epoch 4, deposit epoch 5, withdraw epoch 5 (398ms)
✓ Reverts if there's a gap (62ms)
✓ Returns pool size when epoch is initialized (94ms)
✓ Returns 0 when there was no action ever (44ms)
✓ Returns correct balance where there was an action at some point (92ms)
✓ Returns correct value (45ms)
✓ Returns correct value
✓ Does not work if less than 10 epochs passed
✓ Reverts if user has no balance
✓ Reverts if user has balance but less than 10 epochs passed (63ms)
✓ Reverts if user has balance, more than 10 epochs passed but somebody else did a withdraw (186ms)
✓ Works if more than 10 epochs passed with no withdraw (89ms)
✓ Deposit emits Deposit event (55ms)
✓ Withdraw emits Withdraw event (91ms)
✓ ManualEpochInit emits ManualEpochInit event
✓ EmergencyWithdraw emits EmergencyWithdraw event (71ms)
General Contract checks
✓ should be deployed
✓ Get epoch PoolSize and distribute tokens (331ms)
Contract Tests
✓ User harvest and mass Harvest (491ms)
✓ Have nothing to harvest (322ms)
✓ harvest maximum 25 epochs (863ms)
✓ gives epochid = 0 for previous epochs
✓ it should return 0 if no deposit in an epoch (39ms)
✓ Harvest emits Harvest (179ms)
✓ MassHarvest emits MassHarvest (431ms)
YieldFarm Bond Pool
General Contract checks
✓ should be deployed
✓ Get epoch PoolSize and distribute tokens (145ms)
Contract Tests
✓ User harvest and mass Harvest (308ms)
✓ Have nothing to harvest (181ms)
✓ harvest maximum 12 epochs (303ms)
✓ gives epochid = 0 for previous epochs
✓ it should return 0 if no deposit in an epoch
✓ it should be epoch1 when staking epoch is 5
✓ Harvest emits Harvest (99ms)
✓ MassHarvest emits MassHarvest (148ms)
YieldFarm Liquidity Pool
General Contract checks
✓ should be deployed
✓ Get epoch PoolSize and distribute tokens (133ms)
Contract Tests
✓ User harvest and mass Harvest (305ms)
✓ Have nothing to harvest (496ms)
✓ harvest maximum 100 epochs (1728ms)
✓ gives epochid = 0 for previous epochs
✓ it should return 0 if no deposit in an epoch
✓ Harvest emits Harvest (113ms)
✓ MassHarvest emits MassHarvest (210ms)
80 passing (17s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
contracts/ | 100 | 88.89 | 100 | 100 | |
CommunityVault.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Staking.sol | 100 | 93.75 | 100 | 100 | |
YieldFarm.sol | 100 | 85 | 100 | 100 | |
YieldFarmBond.sol | 100 | 85 | 100 | 100 | |
YieldFarmLP.sol | 100 | 85 | 100 | 100 | |
contracts/interfaces/ | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
IStaking.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
contracts/mocks/ | 73.33 | 100 | 85.71 | 73.33 | |
ERC20Mock.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
ERC20Mock6Decimals.sol | 50 | 100 | 75 | 50 | 29,30,31,33 |
All files | 98.59 | 88.89 | 98.36 | 98.58 | |