Here you can find examples of common configuration options for react-time-series-chart
. These are applied using callback functions which
reference LightningChart JS API directly. For more materials, refer to LightningChart JS
Documentation and API reference.
Theme can be specified using the theme
- Use preset Theme from
npm i @lightningchart/lcjs
import { Themes } from '@lightningchart/lcjs'
- Use flat color theme from
npm i @lightningchart/lcjs-themes
import { flatThemeLight } from '@lightningchart/lcjs-themes'
- Use self-made color theme made using the online Color Theme editor
npm i @lightningchart/lcjs @lightningchart/lcjs-themes
import { makeFlatTheme } from '@lightningchart/lcjs-themes'
import { ColorHEX } from '@lightningchart/lcjs'
// Created with LCJS Theme Editor
const myLCJSTheme = makeFlatTheme({
isDark: true,
fontFamily: "Segoe UI, -apple-system, Verdana, Helvetica",
backgroundColor: ColorHEX("#181818ff"),
textColor: ColorHEX("#ffffc8ff"),
dataColors: [ColorHEX("#ffff5b"), ColorHEX("#ffcd5b"), ColorHEX("#ff9b5b"), ColorHEX("#ffc4bc"), ColorHEX("#ff94b8"), ColorHEX("#db94c6"), ColorHEX("#ebc4e0"), ColorHEX("#a994c6"), ColorHEX("#94e2c6"), ColorHEX("#94ffb0"), ColorHEX("#b4ffa5")],
axisColor: ColorHEX("#00000000"),
gridLineColor: ColorHEX("#303030ff"),
uiBackgroundColor: ColorHEX("#161616ff"),
uiBorderColor: ColorHEX("#ffffff"),
dashboardSplitterColor: ColorHEX("#2d2d2dff"),
chartConfiguration={chart => {
chart.setTitle('Chart title')
chart.getDefaultAxisX().setTitle('X Axis')
chart.getDefaultAxisY().setTitle('Y Axis')
seriesConfiguration={seriesList => {
seriesList[0].setName('Trend 1')
seriesList[1].setName('Trend 2')
chartConfiguration={chart => {
const legend = chart.addLegendBox().add(chart)
is currently not optimized for handling streaming data. Please see
LightningChart JS React Documentation for best practices in handling
streaming data. Long story short; new data points should not result in series being cleared - new data points should be simply appended in.