Running vehicle nodes
- ROS Noetic
- ZED SDK (Not necessary on arcturus_docker for most of you)
Runing simulation: - Gazebo: Install gazebo 9 at
To download the ZED SDK(DON'T INSTALL ON DOCKER UNLESS YOU'RE USING AN ACTUAL CAMERA), find and download the correct installer from or use curl
curl -L -o # Replace link with if using docker
chmod +x
Run installer
sudo apt install zstd # Run this if on a linux/jetson OS
Clone the repository:
git clone
If you're on a jetson device, you'll also need to create an alias to the path for opencv
sudo ln -s /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2 /usr/include/opencv
First, we need to install all the rospackage dependencies. Navigate to the top-level of the repository then run
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Next, we'll build the main packages of the repository and source the build
catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="pilot_suite;mapping_suite;perception_suite"
source devel/setup.bash
- Start up the gazebo simulation
roslaunch sim_suite boat.launch
In the simulation, delete the boat_with_sensors model then insert another one(fixes weird glitch). Then you can hit play to start the simulation.
- Run the SITL simulation from arduRover -v APMrover2 --console
- Run mavros with
roslaunch arcturus_pilot mavros