The following sections are intended for developers.
Developers should use virtualenv to maintain multiple side-by-side environments to test with. Specifically, all contributions must be tested with both 2.7.6 and 3.4.3 to ensure the library is syntax compatible between the two versions.
Here was my basic setup on Mac OS X:
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 ~/.venv/pynuodbsource ~/.venv/pynuodb/bin/activatepip install mockpip install nosepip install pytestpip install coverage
There are some commonly used libraries with this:
pip install sqlalchemypip install sqlalchemy-nuodb
Or simply:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then once those are setup...
Prerequisite for testing is to unset LC_CTYPE:
unset LC_CTYPE
My basic means of testing has been:
source ~/.venv/pynuodb/bin/activatecd <project directory>py.test
First and foremost, painful py.test less, it captures STDOUT and will not display your log messages. To disable this behavior and enable sane logging the following option is suggested:
To stop on first failure you could augment that with the pdb option:
py.test --pdb
To run a specific test you could do something like this:
py.test -k "SomeTest and test_something"
Or any combination of the above, if you like.
To gather coverage information you can run the following command:
py.test --cov=pynuodb --cov-report html --cov-report term-missing
With pip installed, you can install this project via:
pip install -e .
Maintain the list of changes per release in CHANGES.rst. Also note the known defects.