Spawns a magazine into the weapon as an attachment or into the internal magazine. Calls CF_AttachMagazine
on the spawned magazine.
bool CF_SpawnMagazine(string magazineType, int quantity = -1, float health = 1)
The class type of the magazine, must inherit from Magazine_Base
The amount of ammunition in the stack/magazine, -1 for max
The normalized health value, 0 is ruined, 1 is max health
True if the magazine was spawned succesfully
PlayerBase player;
Class.CastTo(player, GetGame().GetPlayer());
Weapon_Base weapon;
Class.CastTo(weapon, player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AKM"));
if (weapon.CF_SpawnMagazine("Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd"))
Print("Spawned magazine");
Attaches a magazine to the weapon, fills up the internal magazine and chamber for all muzzle points.
bool CF_AttachMagazine(Magazine_Base magazine)
The magazine to be attached
True if operation successful
PlayerBase player;
Class.CastTo(player, GetGame().GetPlayer());
Magazine_Base magazine;
Class.CastTo(magazine, player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd"));
Weapon_Base weapon;
Class.CastTo(weapon, player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AKM"));
if (weapon.CF_AttachMagazine(magazine))
Print("Attached magazine");
Finds the best stable state that matches the weapon.
bool CF_FindBestStableState()
The magazine to be attached
True if the repair was successful
PlayerBase player;
Class.CastTo(player, GetGame().GetPlayer());
array<EntityAI> items();
player.GetInventory().EnumerateInventory(InventoryTraversalType.PREORDER, items);
foreach (auto item : items)
Weapon_Base weapon;
if (!Class.CastTo(weapon, item)) continue;
WeaponFSM fsm = weapon.CF_GetFSM();
if (!fsm) continue;
if (!fsm.CF_FindBestStableState()) continue;
Print("Successfully repair weapon");