An extra node is provided to help with the integration of the wheel odometry on your vehicle. This node is intended to be used as a middleware if you already have a topic with the wheel odometry values running on your system. At the moment, messages of the type geometry_msgs/Twist
, geometry_msgs/TwistWithCov
and nav_msgs/Odometry
are accepted. To select one of these, modify the topic_type
in the odom_converter.yaml
file. You can choose to send just the x component of this velocity, both the x and y components, or the entire velocity. If sending more than one component (and intending for it to be used in the fusion engine), make sure that the wheelspeed sensor's configuration has the dimensions field correctly configured.
The speed values from the selected topic are extracted, converted, and republished to the /fixposition/speed
topic, where they will be consumed by the main ROS driver node, and sent to the VRTK2.
Please note that currently, the odometry converter only works for situations where the desired input odometry has just one value, the total vehicle speed or the total vehicle speed, configured to be RC. For situations where more sensor inputs are desired, a custom converter is necessary.
The odom_converter.yaml
file exposes the necessary parameters for the correct operation of the node. The parameter that may cause the most doubt is the multiplicative_factor
. This should be chosen such that the inputed float velocity value is transformed into milimeters per second, e.g. 1000 for an input that is expressed in meters per second.
After the configuration is set, to launch the node simply run:
roslaunch fixposition_odometry_converter_ros1 odom_converter.launch
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details