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client.Transcripts.ListAsync(ListTranscriptParams { ... }) -> TranscriptList

📝 Description

Retrieve a list of transcripts you created. Transcripts are sorted from newest to oldest. The previous URL always points to a page with older transcripts.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.ListAsync(new ListTranscriptParams());

⚙️ Parameters

request: ListTranscriptParams

client.Transcripts.SubmitAsync(TranscriptParams { ... }) -> Transcript

📝 Description

Create a transcript from a media file that is accessible via a URL.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.SubmitAsync(
    new TranscriptParams
        LanguageCode = TranscriptLanguageCode.EnUs,
        LanguageDetection = true,
        LanguageConfidenceThreshold = 0.7f,
        Punctuate = true,
        FormatText = true,
        Disfluencies = false,
        Multichannel = true,
        DualChannel = false,
        WebhookUrl = "https://your-webhook-url/path",
        WebhookAuthHeaderName = "webhook-secret",
        WebhookAuthHeaderValue = "webhook-secret-value",
        AutoHighlights = true,
        AudioStartFrom = 10,
        AudioEndAt = 280,
        WordBoost = new List<string>() { "aws", "azure", "google cloud" },
        BoostParam = TranscriptBoostParam.High,
        FilterProfanity = true,
        RedactPii = true,
        RedactPiiAudio = true,
        RedactPiiAudioQuality = RedactPiiAudioQuality.Mp3,
        RedactPiiPolicies = new List<PiiPolicy>()
        RedactPiiSub = SubstitutionPolicy.Hash,
        SpeakerLabels = true,
        SpeakersExpected = 2,
        ContentSafety = true,
        IabCategories = true,
        CustomSpelling = new List<TranscriptCustomSpelling>()
            new TranscriptCustomSpelling
                From = new List<string>() { "dicarlo" },
                To = "Decarlo",
        SentimentAnalysis = true,
        AutoChapters = true,
        EntityDetection = true,
        SpeechThreshold = 0.5f,
        Summarization = true,
        SummaryModel = SummaryModel.Informative,
        SummaryType = SummaryType.Bullets,
        CustomTopics = true,
        Topics = new List<string>() { "topics" },
        AudioUrl = "",

⚙️ Parameters

request: TranscriptParams

client.Transcripts.GetAsync(transcriptId) -> Transcript

📝 Description

Get the transcript resource. The transcript is ready when the "status" is "completed".

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.GetAsync("transcript_id");

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

client.Transcripts.DeleteAsync(transcriptId) -> Transcript

📝 Description

Remove the data from the transcript and mark it as deleted.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.DeleteAsync("{transcript_id}");

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

client.Transcripts.GetSubtitlesAsync(transcriptId, subtitleFormat, GetSubtitlesParams { ... }) -> string

📝 Description

Export your transcript in SRT or VTT format to use with a video player for subtitles and closed captions.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.GetSubtitlesAsync(
    new GetSubtitlesParams()

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

subtitleFormat: SubtitleFormat — The format of the captions

request: GetSubtitlesParams

client.Transcripts.GetSentencesAsync(transcriptId) -> SentencesResponse

📝 Description

Get the transcript split by sentences. The API will attempt to semantically segment the transcript into sentences to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.GetSentencesAsync("transcript_id");

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

client.Transcripts.GetParagraphsAsync(transcriptId) -> ParagraphsResponse

📝 Description

Get the transcript split by paragraphs. The API will attempt to semantically segment your transcript into paragraphs to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.GetParagraphsAsync("transcript_id");

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

client.Transcripts.WordSearchAsync(transcriptId, WordSearchParams { ... }) -> WordSearchResponse

📝 Description

Search through the transcript for keywords. You can search for individual words, numbers, or phrases containing up to five words or numbers.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.WordSearchAsync("transcript_id", new WordSearchParams());

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript

request: WordSearchParams

client.Transcripts.GetRedactedAudioAsync(transcriptId) -> RedactedAudioResponse

📝 Description

Retrieve the redacted audio object containing the status and URL to the redacted audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.Transcripts.GetRedactedAudioAsync("transcript_id");

⚙️ Parameters

transcriptId: string — ID of the transcript


client.Realtime.CreateTemporaryTokenAsync(CreateRealtimeTemporaryTokenParams { ... }) -> RealtimeTemporaryTokenResponse

📝 Description

Create a temporary authentication token for Streaming Speech-to-Text

🔌 Usage

await client.Realtime.CreateTemporaryTokenAsync(
    new CreateRealtimeTemporaryTokenParams { ExpiresIn = 480 }

⚙️ Parameters

request: CreateRealtimeTemporaryTokenParams


client.Lemur.TaskAsync(LemurTaskParams { ... }) -> LemurTaskResponse

📝 Description

Use the LeMUR task endpoint to input your own LLM prompt.

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.TaskAsync(
    new LemurTaskParams
        TranscriptIds = new List<string>() { "64nygnr62k-405c-4ae8-8a6b-d90b40ff3cce" },
        Context = "This is an interview about wildfires.",
        FinalModel = LemurModel.AnthropicClaude35Sonnet,
        MaxOutputSize = 3000,
        Temperature = 0f,
        Prompt = "List all the locations affected by wildfires.",

⚙️ Parameters

request: LemurTaskParams

client.Lemur.SummaryAsync(LemurSummaryParams { ... }) -> LemurSummaryResponse

📝 Description

Custom Summary allows you to distill a piece of audio into a few impactful sentences. You can give the model context to obtain more targeted results while outputting the results in a variety of formats described in human language.

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.SummaryAsync(
    new LemurSummaryParams
        TranscriptIds = new List<string>() { "47b95ba5-8889-44d8-bc80-5de38306e582" },
        Context = "This is an interview about wildfires.",
        FinalModel = LemurModel.AnthropicClaude35Sonnet,
        MaxOutputSize = 3000,
        Temperature = 0f,

⚙️ Parameters

request: LemurSummaryParams

client.Lemur.QuestionAnswerAsync(LemurQuestionAnswerParams { ... }) -> LemurQuestionAnswerResponse

📝 Description

Question & Answer allows you to ask free-form questions about a single transcript or a group of transcripts. The questions can be any whose answers you find useful, such as judging whether a caller is likely to become a customer or whether all items on a meeting's agenda were covered.

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.QuestionAnswerAsync(
    new LemurQuestionAnswerParams
        TranscriptIds = new List<string>() { "64nygnr62k-405c-4ae8-8a6b-d90b40ff3cce" },
        Context = "This is an interview about wildfires.",
        FinalModel = LemurModel.AnthropicClaude35Sonnet,
        MaxOutputSize = 3000,
        Temperature = 0f,
        Questions = new List<LemurQuestion>()
            new LemurQuestion
                Question = "Where are there wildfires?",
                AnswerFormat = "List of countries in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format",
                AnswerOptions = new List<string>() { "US", "CA" },
            new LemurQuestion
                Question = "Is global warming affecting wildfires?",
                AnswerOptions = new List<string>() { "yes", "no" },

⚙️ Parameters

request: LemurQuestionAnswerParams

client.Lemur.ActionItemsAsync(LemurActionItemsParams { ... }) -> LemurActionItemsResponse

📝 Description

Use LeMUR to generate a list of action items from a transcript

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.ActionItemsAsync(
    new LemurActionItemsParams
        TranscriptIds = new List<string>() { "64nygnr62k-405c-4ae8-8a6b-d90b40ff3cce" },
        Context = "This is an interview about wildfires.",
        FinalModel = LemurModel.AnthropicClaude35Sonnet,
        MaxOutputSize = 3000,
        Temperature = 0f,
        AnswerFormat = "Bullet Points",

⚙️ Parameters

request: LemurActionItemsParams

client.Lemur.GetResponseAsync(requestId) -> OneOf

📝 Description

Retrieve a LeMUR response that was previously generated.

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.GetResponseAsync("request_id");

⚙️ Parameters

requestId: string

The ID of the LeMUR request you previously made. This would be found in the response of the original request.

client.Lemur.PurgeRequestDataAsync(requestId) -> PurgeLemurRequestDataResponse

📝 Description

Delete the data for a previously submitted LeMUR request. The LLM response data, as well as any context provided in the original request will be removed.

🔌 Usage

await client.Lemur.PurgeRequestDataAsync("request_id");

⚙️ Parameters

requestId: string — The ID of the LeMUR request whose data you want to delete. This would be found in the response of the original request.