Got it! Let's create a more detailed and specific project structure for a Dropbox clone, tailored to both project managers and engineers.
Step-by-Step Guide
Set Up Your Development Environment:
Install Node.jsand npm on your computer.
Create a new Node.jsproject using npm init.
Install Required Packages:
Install Express for handling HTTP requests: npm install express.
Install AWS SDK for interacting with S3 storage: npm install aws-sdk.
Install Mongoose for database interactions: npm install mongoose.
Install Passport for authentication: npm install passport passport-local.
Configure AWS S3:
Create an S3 bucket in your AWS account.
Obtain your access key and secret key from AWS IAM.
Create the Server:
Set up an Express server to handle file uploads, deletions, listings, and user authentication.
Use the AWS SDK to interact with your S3 bucket.
Use Mongoose to manage user data and file metadata.
Create the UI:
Use React and Bootstrap to create a simple, responsive UI for uploading, deleting, and listing files.
Ensure the UI is intuitive and user-friendly.
Implement User Authentication:
Set up user registration and login using Passport.
Secure API endpoints with authentication middleware.
Implement File Upload:
Create an endpoint in your Express server to handle file uploads.
Use the AWS SDK to upload files to your S3 bucket.
Implement File Deletion:
Create an endpoint to handle file deletions.
Use the AWS SDK to delete files from your S3 bucket.
Implement File Listing:
Create an endpoint to list files in your S3 bucket.
Display the list of files in your UI, allowing for sorting and searching.