Releases: AtB-AS/mittatb-app
Releases · AtB-AS/mittatb-app
v1.9-rc2 release draft
1.9.0 (2021-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- a11y label for title on Onboarding (#1266) (5e2698b)
- a11y labels and prevent auto focus on add favourites (#1255) (cc79232)
- accessibility for favorites and page title focus on scale transitions (#1253) (788a198)
- better onboarding layout strategy (#1267) (f7c632c)
- enable ticketing overlay reset (#1283) (0f1ec4c)
- Handle ticket created before reservation (#1271) (81931c7)
- label always below icon on tabbar (#1238) (1073945)
- Unmount bottomt sheet content on close (#1279) (ec9b229)
- update text Purchase Again (#1288) (696f3f7)
- update ticketing texts (#1277) (e34601c)
- UU AtB as ATB for a11y (#1256) (0fe7872)
- Add favorite departure dialog (#1287) (c8682c8)
- Handle focus on bottom sheet close (#1290) (c2e9d4c)
- Homemade bottom sheet (#997) (0554a4f)
- Move compass from behind zoom buttons (#1251) (5a76c97)
- Registration script for Android versions for mobile token. (#1212) (bb4cd06)
- Set background color for React navigation (#1242) (a6214a7)
- Updated ticket inspection text (#1243) (4f39ad2)
v1.9-rc1 release draft
1.9.0 (2021-06-24)
Bug Fixes
- a11y label for title on Onboarding (#1266) (5e2698b)
- a11y labels and prevent auto focus on add favourites (#1255) (cc79232)
- accessibility for favorites and page title focus on scale transitions (#1253) (788a198)
- better onboarding layout strategy (#1267) (f7c632c)
- Handle ticket created before reservation (#1271) (81931c7)
- label always below icon on tabbar (#1238) (1073945)
- Unmount bottomt sheet content on close (#1279) (ec9b229)
- update text Purchase Again (#1288) (696f3f7)
- update ticketing texts (#1277) (e34601c)
- UU AtB as ATB for a11y (#1256) (0fe7872)
- Add favorite departure dialog (#1287) (c8682c8)
- Homemade bottom sheet (#997) (0554a4f)
- Move compass from behind zoom buttons (#1251) (5a76c97)
- Registration script for Android versions for mobile token. (#1212) (bb4cd06)
- Set background color for React navigation (#1242) (a6214a7)
- Updated ticket inspection text (#1243) (4f39ad2)
v1.8-rc2 release draft
v1.8-rc1 release draft
1.8.0 (2021-06-01)
Bug Fixes
- #1155 Disable links for disabled form fields in buy ticket form (#1160) (635a02f)
- a11y english translations for location results (#1123) (e1a1916)
- Change default profiles when changing product (#1135) (0d79dbb)
- contrast on bottom tab navigator (#1166) (aa28b34)
- Correct CocoaPods-version in Github Actions (#1205) (c72f1e2)
- Don't lock focus after navigation (#1223) (a798e0b)
- Emoji popup crashing on some Android versions (#1210) (24f651a)
- extra padding for bottom navigation on android (#1171) (e6fc1e7)
- Fix theme errors introduced with new design (#1208) (80db8e4)
- Force newer Flipper-version for XCode-compat (#1200) (06f4d1a)
- form values are announced when bying tickets (#1159) (cdc83fb)
- fromPlace as a11y hint for departure favs #1154 (#1156) (25ec46d)
- Handle navigation not found when focusing (#1151) (84a44c2)
- Home button on Nearby screen (#1167) (edfa63a)
- Informative a11y labels on assistant search results (#1175) (37cefab)
- remove beta branding (except ios splash) (#1206) (4d6bd35)
- role=button for UU (#1178) (2977681)
- set focs on load for Nearby screen header (#1204) (bcb3571)
- tariff zones flex layout for screen reader (#1199) (4c60ede)
- Valid through zone -> Valid in zone (#1170) (1171db9)
- Wrong hardcoded font weight on line names (#1161) (af094c8)
- Wrong header color on alternative content (#1219) (41abeb8)
- Info and prices under 'My AtB' (#1221) (02518f5)
- New onboarding styling (#1157) (0a04b76)
- New ticket informational screen (#1202) (01a387b)
- Remove theme overrides for background colors (#1164) (d71ce18)
- Remove ticketing splash (#1218) (f252688)
- Spinner when fetching offer on confirmation screen (#1104) (219f5ad)
- Update to the new non-beta design (#1207) (f0ca59b)
v1.7-rc3 release draft
1.7.0 (2021-04-29)
Bug Fixes
- a11y language fix for pagination previous button (#1098) (4286a29)
- Add some missing translations (#1084) (299e2a3)
- Better formatting of tax amount (#1102) (f790ff9)
- Spacing between label and text in text-input (#1078) (acf9168)
- transitions on android infered from design (#1077) (df0375f)
- Wrong background color theme ref (#1079) (97b00fe)
- Wrong color on tiny message box (#1094) (b4b00a4)
- A11y hint on travel time change button (#1080) (38385ec)
- A11y improvements for travellers selection (#1075) (8f8e6e5)
- Focus header on screen load (#1073) (9b08320)
- Icons scale with the font scale (#1093) (a4e0c44)
- Improvements to zone selection after testing (#1071) (92d2e55)
- Lower severity for Network Errors (#1121) (12aef71)
- navigate to quay from departures (#1074) (708d3cd)
- Not log to Bugsnag if enrollment gives 422 (#1122) (0d81740)
- Not log to Bugsnag if update trip gives 410 (#1101) (b1b9358)
- Retried requests errors logged only once (#1120) (76453ad)
- Screen reader improvements at ticket details (#1083) (5edeac1)
v1.7-rc2 release draft
1.7.0 (2021-04-29)
Bug Fixes
- a11y language fix for pagination previous button (#1098) (4286a29)
- Add some missing translations (#1084) (299e2a3)
- Better formatting of tax amount (#1102) (f790ff9)
- Spacing between label and text in text-input (#1078) (acf9168)
- transitions on android infered from design (#1077) (df0375f)
- Wrong background color theme ref (#1079) (97b00fe)
- Wrong color on tiny message box (#1094) (b4b00a4)
- A11y hint on travel time change button (#1080) (38385ec)
- A11y improvements for travellers selection (#1075) (8f8e6e5)
- Focus header on screen load (#1073) (9b08320)
- Icons scale with the font scale (#1093) (a4e0c44)
- Improvements to zone selection after testing (#1071) (92d2e55)
- navigate to quay from departures (#1074) (708d3cd)
- Not log to Bugsnag if update trip gives 410 (#1101) (b1b9358)
- Screen reader improvements at ticket details (#1083) (5edeac1)
v1.7-rc1 release draft
v1.6-rc6 release draft
1.6.0 (2021-04-07)
Bug Fixes
v1.6-rc5 release draft
1.6.0 (2021-03-25)
Bug Fixes
- bug with excessive padding for inline buttons (#1021) (203f7bf)
- Distribute to all QA groups (#1034) (017b36d)
- issues with showing situations on departure screen and details (#1016) (3337af2)
- padding for profile home screen (#1032) (f1e30d3)
- updates @atb-as/theme to fix dark mode contrast. fixes #1012 (#1031) (4a14d62)