JEMRIS website:
Ubuntu packages:
libsundials-cvode2 libsundials-dev
libxerces-c3.2 libxerces-c-dev
libhdf5-dev libhdf5-cpp-100
libcln6 libcln-dev
libginac6 libginac-dev
“Note that all libraries above are mandatory for compiling JEMRIS (runtime and development versions need to be present)” Compiling JEMRIS (pulseq-export branch) Download the JEMRIS source package from Github. Change into the pulseq-export branch.
Get source code
$ git clone [email protected]:JEMRIS/jemris.git
$ cd jemris
$ git checkout pulseq-export
Compile and install
$ cd jemris
$ mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..
$ make
$ ctest -V
$ sudo make install
In Matlab:
>> addpath /usr/local/share/jemris/matlab
>> JEMRIS_seq;
Load the share/examples/gre.xml example sequence and ‘export to scanner’ to write a Pulseq (.seq) file