Extensible, lean event processing.
Demonstrates a simple CEP implementation. Basic concepts are implemented but the set of high-level functions is still limited. Functions can be provided though using the function
call via sub-classes of FunctionConfig
from config files.
Executing yield without parameters prints a concise function reference.
Example usage (configuration file content):
# Watch a file for changes.
watch "/var/log/sample.log"
# Merge indented lines.
# Read lines as JSON object or convert them if the former fails.
# Apply a regular expression to split up the log event's message.
grok message ^(?<time>[^ ]+) (?<level>\w+)\s+\[(?<module>[^\]]+)\] (?<message>.+)$
# Discard everything but errors. level and module are properties in the JSON event.
where level="ERROR" and module contains "democomponent"
# Save remaining events to a file, one JSON object per event.
save "/tmp/filtered.json