diff --git a/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/static/index.html b/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/static/index.html
index ce1baee..070cf62 100644
--- a/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/static/index.html
+++ b/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/static/index.html
@@ -40,29 +40,9 @@
X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM) Images Puzzl
Remaining guesses: {{ state["remaining_guesses"] }}
diff --git a/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/views.py b/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/views.py
index 1c193e8..57686df 100644
--- a/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/views.py
+++ b/openday_scavenger/puzzles/imagereveal/views.py
@@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ async def index(
db: Annotated["Session", Depends(get_db)],
visitor: Annotated[VisitorAuth, Depends(get_auth_visitor)],
- # We demonstrate the use of state by incrementing a counter each time a user
- # access this puzzle endpoint.
- # Use this to store any intermediate state of the visitor while completing a puzzle.
+ # state stores the intermediate state of the visitor while completing a puzzle.
state = get_puzzle_state(db, puzzle_name=PUZZLE_NAME, visitor_auth=visitor)
state["complete"] = False
state["answer"] = 0
@@ -82,27 +80,6 @@ async def index(
-# @router.post("/reset_puzzle")
-# async def reset_puzzle(
-# request: Request,
-# db: Annotated["Session", Depends(get_db)],
-# visitor: Annotated[VisitorAuth, Depends(get_auth_visitor)],
-# ):
-# state = get_puzzle_state(db, puzzle_name=PUZZLE_NAME, visitor_auth=visitor)
-# state["complete"] = False
-# state["state_access_count"] = 0
-# state["correct_guesses"] = 0
-# state["remaining_guesses"] = INITIAL_GUESSES
-# state["animal_id"] = 1
-# state["fraction_ix"] = 0
-# state["fraction"] = FRACTIONS[0]
-# set_puzzle_state(db, puzzle_name=PUZZLE_NAME, visitor_auth=visitor, state=state)
-# print("Reset endpoint")
-# return 0
async def partsubmission(
animal: Annotated[str, Form()],
@@ -110,16 +87,10 @@ async def partsubmission(
db: Annotated["Session", Depends(get_db)],
visitor: Annotated[VisitorAuth, Depends(get_auth_visitor)],
- # We demonstrate the use of state by incrementing a counter each time a user
- # access this puzzle endpoint.
- # Use this to store any intermediate state of the visitor while completing a puzzle.
state = get_puzzle_state(db, puzzle_name=PUZZLE_NAME, visitor_auth=visitor)
animal_id = state.get("animal_id")
- # print(f"### animal: {animal}, animal_id:{animal_id}, MATCHES[animal_id - 1]: {MATCHES[animal_id - 1]}, clause: {int(animal) == MATCHES[animal_id - 1]}")
if int(animal) == MATCHES[animal_id - 1]:
- # correct guess
- print("Correct guess")
+ # A correct guess
state["correct_guesses"] = state.get("correct_guesses", 0) + 1
state["remaining_guesses"] = state.get("remaining_guesses", INITIAL_GUESSES)
state["fraction_ix"] = 0
@@ -141,15 +112,12 @@ async def partsubmission(
context={"puzzle": PUZZLE_NAME, "state": state},
- # incorrect guess
- print("Incorrect guess")
+ # An incorrect guess
state["correct_guesses"] = state.get("correct_guesses", 0)
state["remaining_guesses"] = state.get("remaining_guesses", INITIAL_GUESSES) - 1
if state["remaining_guesses"] < 1:
# failed to solve puzzle
# Do something if there are no remaining guesses
- print("No remaining guesses")
state["complete"] = True
state["answer"] = 0