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3699 lines (3474 loc) · 113 KB

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3699 lines (3474 loc) · 113 KB


A modern implementation of the Protobuf specification for Java 21 and upwards. Both Protobuf 2 and 3 are supported.

What is ModernProtobuf

Protoc, the default compiler for protobuf schemas, can generate Java classes starting from a schema. The generated code, though, is really verbose and not up to date with modern versions of Java. Moreover, it is not really intended to be edited, which is not optimal if you want to have the protobuf to be part of a publicly available developer API. As a result, most projects that work with Google's protobuf create wrappers around the already gigantic classes generated by Google to make them more usable. While developing Cobalt, I faced these issues myself and, as a result, I decided to develop a custom Protobuf implementation: this repo is the result of this work.

Project setup


  • Dependency

  • Annotation processor



  • Groovy DSL

    • Dependency
    implementation 'com.github.auties00:protobuf-base:3.4.2'
    • Annotation processor
    annotationProcessor 'com.github.auties00:protobuf-serialization-plugin:3.4.2'
  • Kotlin DSL

    • Dependency
    • Annotation processor

Schema generation and updating

Download the CLI tool from the release tab or compile the project yourself using mvn clean install

Run the following command:

protoc generate <proto> --output [directory]

This will generate an immutable record. If you want your model to be mutable, add --mutable. If you don't want to use Optionals, add --nullable.

If you want to update your models, run:

protoc update <proto> <input_directory> --output [directory]

This will update all models in input_directory. If you want your updated models to be mutable, add --mutable If you don't want to use Optionals, add --nullable.

Comparison with Google's implementation

Let's take an example schema to make some considerations on the differences between this library and Google's implementation.

ScalarMessage.proto (15 LOC)
message ScalarMessage {
  optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;
  optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;
  optional int32 int32 = 3;
  optional uint32 uint32 = 4;
  optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;
  optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;
  optional int64 int64 = 7;
  optional uint64 uint64 = 8;
  optional float float = 9;
  optional double double = 10;
  optional bool bool = 11;
  optional string string = 12;
  optional bytes bytes = 13;

Model generation

ModernProtobuf uses records by default to produce immutable and concise models. If you need your models to be mutable, ModernProtobuf's CLI tool can generate a mutable class just as easily. Google's implementation, on the other hand, produces verbose models that cannot be edited. There is no option to make your data immutable. Here are the models generated by each implementation, alongside how many lines of code were used:

ModernProtobuf immutable java record (29 LOC + 201 LOC generated at compile time for ScalarMessageSpec and ScalarMessageBuilder)
public record ScalarMessage(
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.FIXED32)
    int fixed32,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.SFIXED32)
    int sfixed32,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 3, type = ProtobufType.INT32)
    int int32,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 4, type = ProtobufType.UINT32)
    int uint32,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 5, type = ProtobufType.FIXED64)
    long fixed64,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 6, type = ProtobufType.SFIXED64)
    long sfixed64,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 7, type = ProtobufType.INT64)
    long int64,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 8, type = ProtobufType.UINT64)
    long uint64,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 9, type = ProtobufType.FLOAT)
    float _float,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 10, type = ProtobufType.DOUBLE)
    double _double,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 11, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
    boolean bool,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 12, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
    ProtobufString string,
    @ProtobufProperty(index = 13, type = ProtobufType.BYTES)
    ByteBuffer bytes
) { }
Google's Protobuf mutable java class (1832 LOC)
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: scalar.proto

public final class Scalar {
private Scalar() {}
public static void registerAllExtensions( registry) {

public static void registerAllExtensions( registry) {
      ( registry);
public interface ScalarMessageOrBuilder extends
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage) {

   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
  boolean hasFixed32();
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return The fixed32.
  int getFixed32();

   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
  boolean hasSfixed32();
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return The sfixed32.
  int getSfixed32();

   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
  boolean hasInt32();
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return The int32.
  int getInt32();

   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
  boolean hasUint32();
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return The uint32.
  int getUint32();

   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
  boolean hasFixed64();
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return The fixed64.
  long getFixed64();

   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
  boolean hasSfixed64();
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return The sfixed64.
  long getSfixed64();

   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
  boolean hasInt64();
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return The int64.
  long getInt64();

   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
  boolean hasUint64();
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return The uint64.
  long getUint64();

   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return Whether the float field is set.
  boolean hasFloat();
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return The float.
  float getFloat();

   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return Whether the double field is set.
  boolean hasDouble();
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return The double.
  double getDouble();

   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return Whether the bool field is set.
  boolean hasBool();
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return The bool.
  boolean getBool();

   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return Whether the string field is set.
  boolean hasString();
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The string.
  java.lang.String getString();
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The bytes for string.

   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
  boolean hasBytes();
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return The bytes.
   */ getBytes();
 * Protobuf type {@code it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage}
public static final class ScalarMessage extends implements
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
    ScalarMessageOrBuilder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
  // Use ScalarMessage.newBuilder() to construct.
  private ScalarMessage(<?> builder) {
  private ScalarMessage() {
    string_ = "";
    bytes_ =;

  protected java.lang.Object newInstance(
      UnusedPrivateParameter unused) {
    return new ScalarMessage();

  public static final
      getDescriptor() {
    return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_descriptor;

      internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
    return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_fieldAccessorTable
            it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.class, it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.Builder.class);

  private int bitField0_;
  public static final int FIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
  private int fixed32_ = 0;
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
  public boolean hasFixed32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0);
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return The fixed32.
  public int getFixed32() {
    return fixed32_;

  public static final int SFIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
  private int sfixed32_ = 0;
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
  public boolean hasSfixed32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0);
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return The sfixed32.
  public int getSfixed32() {
    return sfixed32_;

  public static final int INT32_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
  private int int32_ = 0;
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
  public boolean hasInt32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0);
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return The int32.
  public int getInt32() {
    return int32_;

  public static final int UINT32_FIELD_NUMBER = 4;
  private int uint32_ = 0;
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
  public boolean hasUint32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0);
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return The uint32.
  public int getUint32() {
    return uint32_;

  public static final int FIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
  private long fixed64_ = 0L;
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
  public boolean hasFixed64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0);
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return The fixed64.
  public long getFixed64() {
    return fixed64_;

  public static final int SFIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER = 6;
  private long sfixed64_ = 0L;
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
  public boolean hasSfixed64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0);
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return The sfixed64.
  public long getSfixed64() {
    return sfixed64_;

  public static final int INT64_FIELD_NUMBER = 7;
  private long int64_ = 0L;
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
  public boolean hasInt64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0);
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return The int64.
  public long getInt64() {
    return int64_;

  public static final int UINT64_FIELD_NUMBER = 8;
  private long uint64_ = 0L;
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
  public boolean hasUint64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0);
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return The uint64.
  public long getUint64() {
    return uint64_;

  public static final int FLOAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 9;
  private float float_ = 0F;
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return Whether the float field is set.
  public boolean hasFloat() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0);
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return The float.
  public float getFloat() {
    return float_;

  public static final int DOUBLE_FIELD_NUMBER = 10;
  private double double_ = 0D;
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return Whether the double field is set.
  public boolean hasDouble() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0);
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return The double.
  public double getDouble() {
    return double_;

  public static final int BOOL_FIELD_NUMBER = 11;
  private boolean bool_ = false;
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return Whether the bool field is set.
  public boolean hasBool() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0);
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return The bool.
  public boolean getBool() {
    return bool_;

  public static final int STRING_FIELD_NUMBER = 12;
  private volatile java.lang.Object string_ = "";
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return Whether the string field is set.
  public boolean hasString() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0);
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The string.
  public java.lang.String getString() {
    java.lang.Object ref = string_;
    if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
      return (java.lang.String) ref;
    } else { bs = 
          ( ref;
      java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
      if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
        string_ = s;
      return s;
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The bytes for string.
      getStringBytes() {
    java.lang.Object ref = string_;
    if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = 

              (java.lang.String) ref);
      string_ = b;
      return b;
    } else {
      return ( ref;

  public static final int BYTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 13;
  private bytes_ =;
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
  public boolean hasBytes() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0);
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return The bytes.
  public getBytes() {
    return bytes_;

  private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
  public final boolean isInitialized() {
    byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
    if (isInitialized == 1) return true;
    if (isInitialized == 0) return false;

    memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
    return true;

  public void writeTo( output)
                      throws {
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
      output.writeFixed32(1, fixed32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
      output.writeSFixed32(2, sfixed32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
      output.writeInt32(3, int32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
      output.writeUInt32(4, uint32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
      output.writeFixed64(5, fixed64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0)) {
      output.writeSFixed64(6, sfixed64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0)) {
      output.writeInt64(7, int64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0)) {
      output.writeUInt64(8, uint64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0)) {
      output.writeFloat(9, float_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0)) {
      output.writeDouble(10, double_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0)) {
      output.writeBool(11, bool_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0)) {, 12, string_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0)) {
      output.writeBytes(13, bytes_);

  public int getSerializedSize() {
    int size = memoizedSize;
    if (size != -1) return size;

    size = 0;
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeFixed32Size(1, fixed32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeSFixed32Size(2, sfixed32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeInt32Size(3, int32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeUInt32Size(4, uint32_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeFixed64Size(5, fixed64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeSFixed64Size(6, sfixed64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeInt64Size(7, int64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeUInt64Size(8, uint64_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeFloatSize(9, float_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeDoubleSize(10, double_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeBoolSize(11, bool_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0)) {
      size +=, string_);
    if (((bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0)) {
      size +=
        .computeBytesSize(13, bytes_);
    size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
    memoizedSize = size;
    return size;

  public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) {
    if (obj == this) {
     return true;
    if (!(obj instanceof it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage)) {
      return super.equals(obj);
    it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage other = (it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage) obj;

    if (hasFixed32() != other.hasFixed32()) return false;
    if (hasFixed32()) {
      if (getFixed32()
          != other.getFixed32()) return false;
    if (hasSfixed32() != other.hasSfixed32()) return false;
    if (hasSfixed32()) {
      if (getSfixed32()
          != other.getSfixed32()) return false;
    if (hasInt32() != other.hasInt32()) return false;
    if (hasInt32()) {
      if (getInt32()
          != other.getInt32()) return false;
    if (hasUint32() != other.hasUint32()) return false;
    if (hasUint32()) {
      if (getUint32()
          != other.getUint32()) return false;
    if (hasFixed64() != other.hasFixed64()) return false;
    if (hasFixed64()) {
      if (getFixed64()
          != other.getFixed64()) return false;
    if (hasSfixed64() != other.hasSfixed64()) return false;
    if (hasSfixed64()) {
      if (getSfixed64()
          != other.getSfixed64()) return false;
    if (hasInt64() != other.hasInt64()) return false;
    if (hasInt64()) {
      if (getInt64()
          != other.getInt64()) return false;
    if (hasUint64() != other.hasUint64()) return false;
    if (hasUint64()) {
      if (getUint64()
          != other.getUint64()) return false;
    if (hasFloat() != other.hasFloat()) return false;
    if (hasFloat()) {
      if (java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(getFloat())
          != java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(
              other.getFloat())) return false;
    if (hasDouble() != other.hasDouble()) return false;
    if (hasDouble()) {
      if (java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(getDouble())
          != java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(
              other.getDouble())) return false;
    if (hasBool() != other.hasBool()) return false;
    if (hasBool()) {
      if (getBool()
          != other.getBool()) return false;
    if (hasString() != other.hasString()) return false;
    if (hasString()) {
      if (!getString()
          .equals(other.getString())) return false;
    if (hasBytes() != other.hasBytes()) return false;
    if (hasBytes()) {
      if (!getBytes()
          .equals(other.getBytes())) return false;
    if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false;
    return true;

  public int hashCode() {
    if (memoizedHashCode != 0) {
      return memoizedHashCode;
    int hash = 41;
    hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode();
    if (hasFixed32()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + FIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getFixed32();
    if (hasSfixed32()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + SFIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getSfixed32();
    if (hasInt32()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + INT32_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getInt32();
    if (hasUint32()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + UINT32_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getUint32();
    if (hasFixed64()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + FIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasSfixed64()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + SFIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasInt64()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + INT64_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasUint64()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + UINT64_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasFloat()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + FLOAT_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(
    if (hasDouble()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + DOUBLE_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasBool()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + BOOL_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) +
    if (hasString()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + STRING_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getString().hashCode();
    if (hasBytes()) {
      hash = (37 * hash) + BYTES_FIELD_NUMBER;
      hash = (53 * hash) + getBytes().hashCode();
    hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode();
    memoizedHashCode = hash;
    return hash;

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( data)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(byte[] data)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      byte[] data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
    return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input)
      throws {
        .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input)
      throws {
        .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input);

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input)
      throws {
        .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);

  public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
  public static Builder newBuilder() {
    return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder();
  public static Builder newBuilder(it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage prototype) {
    return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
  public Builder toBuilder() {
    return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE
        ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this);

  protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) {
    Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
    return builder;
   * Protobuf type {@code it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage}
  public static final class Builder extends<Builder> implements
      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
      it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessageOrBuilder {
    public static final
        getDescriptor() {
      return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_descriptor;

        internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
      return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_fieldAccessorTable
              it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.class, it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.Builder.class);

    // Construct using it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.newBuilder()
    private Builder() {


    private Builder( parent) {

    public Builder clear() {
      bitField0_ = 0;
      fixed32_ = 0;
      sfixed32_ = 0;
      int32_ = 0;
      uint32_ = 0;
      fixed64_ = 0L;
      sfixed64_ = 0L;
      int64_ = 0L;
      uint64_ = 0L;
      float_ = 0F;
      double_ = 0D;
      bool_ = false;
      string_ = "";
      bytes_ =;
      return this;

        getDescriptorForType() {
      return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_descriptor;

    public it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() {
      return it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.getDefaultInstance();

    public it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage build() {
      it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage result = buildPartial();
      if (!result.isInitialized()) {
        throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
      return result;

    public it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage buildPartial() {
      it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage result = new it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage(this);
      if (bitField0_ != 0) { buildPartial0(result); }
      return result;

    private void buildPartial0(it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage result) {
      int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
      int to_bitField0_ = 0;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
        result.fixed32_ = fixed32_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
        result.sfixed32_ = sfixed32_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
        result.int32_ = int32_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
        result.uint32_ = uint32_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
        result.fixed64_ = fixed64_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0)) {
        result.sfixed64_ = sfixed64_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000020;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0)) {
        result.int64_ = int64_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000040;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0)) {
        result.uint64_ = uint64_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000080;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0)) {
        result.float_ = float_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000100;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0)) {
        result.double_ = double_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000200;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0)) {
        result.bool_ = bool_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000400;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0)) {
        result.string_ = string_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
      if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0)) {
        result.bytes_ = bytes_;
        to_bitField0_ |= 0x00001000;
      result.bitField0_ |= to_bitField0_;

    public Builder clone() {
      return super.clone();
    public Builder setField( field,
        java.lang.Object value) {
      return super.setField(field, value);
    public Builder clearField( field) {
      return super.clearField(field);
    public Builder clearOneof( oneof) {
      return super.clearOneof(oneof);
    public Builder setRepeatedField( field,
        int index, java.lang.Object value) {
      return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value);
    public Builder addRepeatedField( field,
        java.lang.Object value) {
      return super.addRepeatedField(field, value);
    public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
      if (other instanceof it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage) {
        return mergeFrom((it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage)other);
      } else {
        return this;

    public Builder mergeFrom(it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage other) {
      if (other == it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
      if (other.hasFixed32()) {
      if (other.hasSfixed32()) {
      if (other.hasInt32()) {
      if (other.hasUint32()) {
      if (other.hasFixed64()) {
      if (other.hasSfixed64()) {
      if (other.hasInt64()) {
      if (other.hasUint64()) {
      if (other.hasFloat()) {
      if (other.hasDouble()) {
      if (other.hasBool()) {
      if (other.hasString()) {
        string_ = other.string_;
        bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
      if (other.hasBytes()) {
      return this;

    public final boolean isInitialized() {
      return true;

    public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
        throws {
      if (extensionRegistry == null) {
        throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
      try {
        boolean done = false;
        while (!done) {
          int tag = input.readTag();
          switch (tag) {
            case 0:
              done = true;
            case 13: {
              fixed32_ = input.readFixed32();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
            } // case 13
            case 21: {
              sfixed32_ = input.readSFixed32();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
            } // case 21
            case 24: {
              int32_ = input.readInt32();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
            } // case 24
            case 32: {
              uint32_ = input.readUInt32();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
            } // case 32
            case 41: {
              fixed64_ = input.readFixed64();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
            } // case 41
            case 49: {
              sfixed64_ = input.readSFixed64();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000020;
            } // case 49
            case 56: {
              int64_ = input.readInt64();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000040;
            } // case 56
            case 64: {
              uint64_ = input.readUInt64();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000080;
            } // case 64
            case 77: {
              float_ = input.readFloat();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000100;
            } // case 77
            case 81: {
              double_ = input.readDouble();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000200;
            } // case 81
            case 88: {
              bool_ = input.readBool();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000400;
            } // case 88
            case 98: {
              string_ = input.readBytes();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
            } // case 98
            case 106: {
              bytes_ = input.readBytes();
              bitField0_ |= 0x00001000;
            } // case 106
            default: {
              if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) {
                done = true; // was an endgroup tag
            } // default:
          } // switch (tag)
        } // while (!done)
      } catch ( e) {
        throw e.unwrapIOException();
      } finally {
      } // finally
      return this;
    private int bitField0_;

    private int fixed32_ ;
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
    public boolean hasFixed32() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0);
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return The fixed32.
    public int getFixed32() {
      return fixed32_;
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @param value The fixed32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFixed32(int value) {

      fixed32_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
      return this;
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFixed32() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
      fixed32_ = 0;
      return this;

    private int sfixed32_ ;
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
    public boolean hasSfixed32() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0);
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return The sfixed32.
    public int getSfixed32() {
      return sfixed32_;
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @param value The sfixed32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setSfixed32(int value) {

      sfixed32_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
      return this;
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearSfixed32() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002);
      sfixed32_ = 0;
      return this;

    private int int32_ ;
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
    public boolean hasInt32() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0);
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return The int32.
    public int getInt32() {
      return int32_;
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @param value The int32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setInt32(int value) {

      int32_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
      return this;
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearInt32() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
      int32_ = 0;
      return this;

    private int uint32_ ;
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
    public boolean hasUint32() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0);
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return The uint32.
    public int getUint32() {
      return uint32_;
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @param value The uint32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setUint32(int value) {

      uint32_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
      return this;
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearUint32() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008);
      uint32_ = 0;
      return this;

    private long fixed64_ ;
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
    public boolean hasFixed64() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0);
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return The fixed64.
    public long getFixed64() {
      return fixed64_;
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @param value The fixed64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFixed64(long value) {

      fixed64_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
      return this;
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFixed64() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010);
      fixed64_ = 0L;
      return this;

    private long sfixed64_ ;
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
    public boolean hasSfixed64() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0);
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return The sfixed64.
    public long getSfixed64() {
      return sfixed64_;
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @param value The sfixed64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setSfixed64(long value) {

      sfixed64_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000020;
      return this;
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearSfixed64() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
      sfixed64_ = 0L;
      return this;

    private long int64_ ;
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
    public boolean hasInt64() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0);
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return The int64.
    public long getInt64() {
      return int64_;
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @param value The int64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setInt64(long value) {

      int64_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000040;
      return this;
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearInt64() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
      int64_ = 0L;
      return this;

    private long uint64_ ;
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
    public boolean hasUint64() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0);
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return The uint64.
    public long getUint64() {
      return uint64_;
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @param value The uint64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setUint64(long value) {

      uint64_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000080;
      return this;
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearUint64() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080);
      uint64_ = 0L;
      return this;

    private float float_ ;
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return Whether the float field is set.
    public boolean hasFloat() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0);
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return The float.
    public float getFloat() {
      return float_;
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @param value The float to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFloat(float value) {

      float_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000100;
      return this;
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFloat() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100);
      float_ = 0F;
      return this;

    private double double_ ;
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return Whether the double field is set.
    public boolean hasDouble() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0);
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return The double.
    public double getDouble() {
      return double_;
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @param value The double to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setDouble(double value) {

      double_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000200;
      return this;
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearDouble() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000200);
      double_ = 0D;
      return this;

    private boolean bool_ ;
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return Whether the bool field is set.
    public boolean hasBool() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0);
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return The bool.
    public boolean getBool() {
      return bool_;
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @param value The bool to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setBool(boolean value) {

      bool_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000400;
      return this;
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearBool() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000400);
      bool_ = false;
      return this;

    private java.lang.Object string_ = "";
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return Whether the string field is set.
    public boolean hasString() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0);
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return The string.
    public java.lang.String getString() {
      java.lang.Object ref = string_;
      if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs =
            ( ref;
        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
          string_ = s;
        return s;
      } else {
        return (java.lang.String) ref;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return The bytes for string.
        getStringBytes() {
      java.lang.Object ref = string_;
      if (ref instanceof String) { b = 
                (java.lang.String) ref);
        string_ = b;
        return b;
      } else {
        return ( ref;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @param value The string to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setString(
        java.lang.String value) {
      if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
      string_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
      return this;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearString() {
      string_ = getDefaultInstance().getString();
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000800);
      return this;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @param value The bytes for string to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setStringBytes( value) {
      if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
      string_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
      return this;

    private bytes_ =;
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
    public boolean hasBytes() {
      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0);
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return The bytes.
    public getBytes() {
      return bytes_;
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @param value The bytes to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setBytes( value) {
      if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
      bytes_ = value;
      bitField0_ |= 0x00001000;
      return this;
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearBytes() {
      bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00001000);
      bytes_ = getDefaultInstance().getBytes();
      return this;
    public final Builder setUnknownFields(
        final unknownFields) {
      return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields);

    public final Builder mergeUnknownFields(
        final unknownFields) {
      return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields);

    // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)

  // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
  private static final it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
  static {
    DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage();

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage getDefaultInstance() {

  @java.lang.Deprecated public static final<ScalarMessage>
      PARSER = new<ScalarMessage>() {
    public ScalarMessage parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
        throws {
      Builder builder = newBuilder();
      try {
        builder.mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
      } catch ( e) {
        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial());
      } catch ( e) {
        throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException().setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial());
      } catch ( e) {
        throw new
      return builder.buildPartial();

  public static<ScalarMessage> parser() {
    return PARSER;

  public<ScalarMessage> getParserForType() {
    return PARSER;

  public it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() {


private static final
private static final

public static
    getDescriptor() {
  return descriptor;
private static
static {
  java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
    "\n\014scalar.proto\022\022it.auties.protobuf\"\337\001\n\rS" +
    "calarMessage\022\017\n\007fixed32\030\001 \001(\007\022\020\n\010sfixed3" +
    "2\030\002 \001(\017\022\r\n\005int32\030\003 \001(\005\022\016\n\006uint32\030\004 \001(\r\022\017" +
    "\n\007fixed64\030\005 \001(\006\022\020\n\010sfixed64\030\006 \001(\020\022\r\n\005int" +
    "64\030\007 \001(\003\022\016\n\006uint64\030\010 \001(\004\022\r\n\005float\030\t \001(\002\022" +
    "\016\n\006double\030\n \001(\001\022\014\n\004bool\030\013 \001(\010\022\016\n\006string\030" +
    "\014 \001(\t\022\r\n\005bytes\030\r \001(\014"
  descriptor =
      new[] {
  internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_descriptor =
  internal_static_it_auties_protobuf_ScalarMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new
      new java.lang.String[] { "Fixed32", "Sfixed32", "Int32", "Uint32", "Fixed64", "Sfixed64", "Int64", "Uint64", "Float", "Double", "Bool", "String", "Bytes", });

// @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)
Google's Lite Protobuf mutable java class (1318 LOC)
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: scalar.proto

public final class Scalar {
private Scalar() {}
public static void registerAllExtensions( registry) {
public interface ScalarMessageOrBuilder extends
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage) {

   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
  boolean hasFixed32();
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return The fixed32.
  int getFixed32();

   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
  boolean hasSfixed32();
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return The sfixed32.
  int getSfixed32();

   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
  boolean hasInt32();
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return The int32.
  int getInt32();

   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
  boolean hasUint32();
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return The uint32.
  int getUint32();

   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
  boolean hasFixed64();
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return The fixed64.
  long getFixed64();

   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
  boolean hasSfixed64();
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return The sfixed64.
  long getSfixed64();

   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
  boolean hasInt64();
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return The int64.
  long getInt64();

   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
  boolean hasUint64();
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return The uint64.
  long getUint64();

   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return Whether the float field is set.
  boolean hasFloat();
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return The float.
  float getFloat();

   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return Whether the double field is set.
  boolean hasDouble();
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return The double.
  double getDouble();

   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return Whether the bool field is set.
  boolean hasBool();
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return The bool.
  boolean getBool();

   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return Whether the string field is set.
  boolean hasString();
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The string.
  java.lang.String getString();
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The bytes for string.

   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
  boolean hasBytes();
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return The bytes.
   */ getBytes();
 * Protobuf type {@code it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage}
public  static final class ScalarMessage extends<
        ScalarMessage, ScalarMessage.Builder> implements
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
    ScalarMessageOrBuilder {
  private ScalarMessage() {
    string_ = "";
    bytes_ =;
  private int bitField0_;
  public static final int FIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
  private int fixed32_;
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
  public boolean hasFixed32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0);
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @return The fixed32.
  public int getFixed32() {
    return fixed32_;
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
   * @param value The fixed32 to set.
  private void setFixed32(int value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
    fixed32_ = value;
   * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
  private void clearFixed32() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
    fixed32_ = 0;

  public static final int SFIXED32_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
  private int sfixed32_;
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
  public boolean hasSfixed32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0);
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @return The sfixed32.
  public int getSfixed32() {
    return sfixed32_;
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
   * @param value The sfixed32 to set.
  private void setSfixed32(int value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
    sfixed32_ = value;
   * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
  private void clearSfixed32() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002);
    sfixed32_ = 0;

  public static final int INT32_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
  private int int32_;
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
  public boolean hasInt32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0);
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @return The int32.
  public int getInt32() {
    return int32_;
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
   * @param value The int32 to set.
  private void setInt32(int value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
    int32_ = value;
   * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
  private void clearInt32() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
    int32_ = 0;

  public static final int UINT32_FIELD_NUMBER = 4;
  private int uint32_;
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
  public boolean hasUint32() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0);
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @return The uint32.
  public int getUint32() {
    return uint32_;
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
   * @param value The uint32 to set.
  private void setUint32(int value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
    uint32_ = value;
   * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
  private void clearUint32() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008);
    uint32_ = 0;

  public static final int FIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
  private long fixed64_;
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
  public boolean hasFixed64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0);
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @return The fixed64.
  public long getFixed64() {
    return fixed64_;
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
   * @param value The fixed64 to set.
  private void setFixed64(long value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
    fixed64_ = value;
   * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
  private void clearFixed64() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010);
    fixed64_ = 0L;

  public static final int SFIXED64_FIELD_NUMBER = 6;
  private long sfixed64_;
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
  public boolean hasSfixed64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0);
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @return The sfixed64.
  public long getSfixed64() {
    return sfixed64_;
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
   * @param value The sfixed64 to set.
  private void setSfixed64(long value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000020;
    sfixed64_ = value;
   * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
  private void clearSfixed64() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
    sfixed64_ = 0L;

  public static final int INT64_FIELD_NUMBER = 7;
  private long int64_;
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
  public boolean hasInt64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0);
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @return The int64.
  public long getInt64() {
    return int64_;
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
   * @param value The int64 to set.
  private void setInt64(long value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000040;
    int64_ = value;
   * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
  private void clearInt64() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
    int64_ = 0L;

  public static final int UINT64_FIELD_NUMBER = 8;
  private long uint64_;
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
  public boolean hasUint64() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) != 0);
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @return The uint64.
  public long getUint64() {
    return uint64_;
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
   * @param value The uint64 to set.
  private void setUint64(long value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000080;
    uint64_ = value;
   * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
  private void clearUint64() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080);
    uint64_ = 0L;

  public static final int FLOAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 9;
  private float float_;
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return Whether the float field is set.
  public boolean hasFloat() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) != 0);
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @return The float.
  public float getFloat() {
    return float_;
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
   * @param value The float to set.
  private void setFloat(float value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000100;
    float_ = value;
   * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
  private void clearFloat() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100);
    float_ = 0F;

  public static final int DOUBLE_FIELD_NUMBER = 10;
  private double double_;
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return Whether the double field is set.
  public boolean hasDouble() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000200) != 0);
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @return The double.
  public double getDouble() {
    return double_;
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
   * @param value The double to set.
  private void setDouble(double value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000200;
    double_ = value;
   * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
  private void clearDouble() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000200);
    double_ = 0D;

  public static final int BOOL_FIELD_NUMBER = 11;
  private boolean bool_;
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return Whether the bool field is set.
  public boolean hasBool() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000400) != 0);
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @return The bool.
  public boolean getBool() {
    return bool_;
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
   * @param value The bool to set.
  private void setBool(boolean value) {
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000400;
    bool_ = value;
   * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
  private void clearBool() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000400);
    bool_ = false;

  public static final int STRING_FIELD_NUMBER = 12;
  private java.lang.String string_;
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return Whether the string field is set.
  public boolean hasString() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000800) != 0);
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The string.
  public java.lang.String getString() {
    return string_;
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @return The bytes for string.
      getStringBytes() {
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @param value The string to set.
  private void setString(
      java.lang.String value) {
    java.lang.Class<?> valueClass = value.getClass();
bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;
    string_ = value;
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
  private void clearString() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000800);
    string_ = getDefaultInstance().getString();
   * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
   * @param value The bytes for string to set.
  private void setStringBytes( value) {
    string_ = value.toStringUtf8();
    bitField0_ |= 0x00000800;

  public static final int BYTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 13;
  private bytes_;
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
  public boolean hasBytes() {
    return ((bitField0_ & 0x00001000) != 0);
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @return The bytes.
  public getBytes() {
    return bytes_;
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
   * @param value The bytes to set.
  private void setBytes( value) {
    java.lang.Class<?> valueClass = value.getClass();
bitField0_ |= 0x00001000;
    bytes_ = value;
   * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
  private void clearBytes() {
    bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00001000);
    bytes_ = getDefaultInstance().getBytes();

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( data)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(byte[] data)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom(
      byte[] data, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry);

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input)
      throws {
    return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input);

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
    return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input);
  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
      throws {
        DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry);

  public static Builder newBuilder() {
    return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder();
  public static Builder newBuilder(it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage prototype) {
    return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(prototype);

   * Protobuf type {@code it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage}
  public static final class Builder extends<
        it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage, Builder> implements
      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
      it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessageOrBuilder {
    // Construct using it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.newBuilder()
    private Builder() {

     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return Whether the fixed32 field is set.
    public boolean hasFixed32() {
      return instance.hasFixed32();
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return The fixed32.
    public int getFixed32() {
      return instance.getFixed32();
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @param value The fixed32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFixed32(int value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional fixed32 fixed32 = 1;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFixed32() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return Whether the sfixed32 field is set.
    public boolean hasSfixed32() {
      return instance.hasSfixed32();
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return The sfixed32.
    public int getSfixed32() {
      return instance.getSfixed32();
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @param value The sfixed32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setSfixed32(int value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 2;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearSfixed32() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return Whether the int32 field is set.
    public boolean hasInt32() {
      return instance.hasInt32();
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return The int32.
    public int getInt32() {
      return instance.getInt32();
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @param value The int32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setInt32(int value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional int32 int32 = 3;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearInt32() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return Whether the uint32 field is set.
    public boolean hasUint32() {
      return instance.hasUint32();
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return The uint32.
    public int getUint32() {
      return instance.getUint32();
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @param value The uint32 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setUint32(int value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional uint32 uint32 = 4;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearUint32() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return Whether the fixed64 field is set.
    public boolean hasFixed64() {
      return instance.hasFixed64();
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return The fixed64.
    public long getFixed64() {
      return instance.getFixed64();
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @param value The fixed64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFixed64(long value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional fixed64 fixed64 = 5;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFixed64() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return Whether the sfixed64 field is set.
    public boolean hasSfixed64() {
      return instance.hasSfixed64();
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return The sfixed64.
    public long getSfixed64() {
      return instance.getSfixed64();
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @param value The sfixed64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setSfixed64(long value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 6;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearSfixed64() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return Whether the int64 field is set.
    public boolean hasInt64() {
      return instance.hasInt64();
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return The int64.
    public long getInt64() {
      return instance.getInt64();
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @param value The int64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setInt64(long value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional int64 int64 = 7;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearInt64() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return Whether the uint64 field is set.
    public boolean hasUint64() {
      return instance.hasUint64();
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return The uint64.
    public long getUint64() {
      return instance.getUint64();
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @param value The uint64 to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setUint64(long value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional uint64 uint64 = 8;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearUint64() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return Whether the float field is set.
    public boolean hasFloat() {
      return instance.hasFloat();
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return The float.
    public float getFloat() {
      return instance.getFloat();
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @param value The float to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setFloat(float value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional float float = 9;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearFloat() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return Whether the double field is set.
    public boolean hasDouble() {
      return instance.hasDouble();
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return The double.
    public double getDouble() {
      return instance.getDouble();
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @param value The double to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setDouble(double value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional double double = 10;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearDouble() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return Whether the bool field is set.
    public boolean hasBool() {
      return instance.hasBool();
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return The bool.
    public boolean getBool() {
      return instance.getBool();
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @param value The bool to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setBool(boolean value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional bool bool = 11;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearBool() {
      return this;

     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return Whether the string field is set.
    public boolean hasString() {
      return instance.hasString();
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return The string.
    public java.lang.String getString() {
      return instance.getString();
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return The bytes for string.
        getStringBytes() {
      return instance.getStringBytes();
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @param value The string to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setString(
        java.lang.String value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearString() {
      return this;
     * <code>optional string string = 12;</code>
     * @param value The bytes for string to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setStringBytes( value) {
      return this;

     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return Whether the bytes field is set.
    public boolean hasBytes() {
      return instance.hasBytes();
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return The bytes.
    public getBytes() {
      return instance.getBytes();
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @param value The bytes to set.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder setBytes( value) {
      return this;
     * <code>optional bytes bytes = 13;</code>
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public Builder clearBytes() {
      return this;

    // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
  @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "fallthrough"})
  protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( method,
      java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) {
    switch (method) {
        return new it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage();
      case NEW_BUILDER: {
        return new Builder();
      case BUILD_MESSAGE_INFO: {
          java.lang.Object[] objects = new java.lang.Object[] {
          java.lang.String info =
              "\u0001\r\u0000\u0001\u0001\r\r\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u1006\u0000\u0002\u100d\u0001" +
              "\u0003\u1004\u0002\u0004\u100b\u0003\u0005\u1005\u0004\u0006\u100e\u0005\u0007\u1002" +
          return newMessageInfo(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, info, objects);
      // fall through
        return DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
      case GET_PARSER: {<it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage> parser = PARSER;
        if (parser == null) {
          synchronized (it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage.class) {
            parser = PARSER;
            if (parser == null) {
              parser =
                  new DefaultInstanceBasedParser<it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage>(
              PARSER = parser;
        return parser;
      return (byte) 1;
      return null;
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:it.auties.protobuf.ScalarMessage)
  private static final it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
  static {
    ScalarMessage defaultInstance = new ScalarMessage();
    // New instances are implicitly immutable so no need to make
    // immutable.
    DEFAULT_INSTANCE = defaultInstance;
      ScalarMessage.class, defaultInstance);

  public static it.auties.protobuf.Scalar.ScalarMessage getDefaultInstance() {

  private static volatile<ScalarMessage> PARSER;

  public static<ScalarMessage> parser() {
    return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.getParserForType();

static {

// @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)

ModernProtobuf's model is around 8x times smaller than Google's(including generated sources!)

The actual ratio will differ based on the size of the Protobuf schema, this is based on the provided example


Reading that the schema is so much smaller, you might think that I had to compromise on performance. Let's benchmark how much it takes to deserialize 1000 times a message created from the ScalarMessage.proto example: Here is the source for the test in case you want to run it yourself. Here are the results:

Benchmark                                                     Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.googleLiteProtobufDeserialization  avgt    5  181.916 ± 0.615  us/op
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.googleLiteProtobufSerialization    avgt    5  157.393 ± 1.001  us/op
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.googleProtobufDeserialization      avgt    5  118.161 ± 0.397  us/op
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.googleProtobufSerialization        avgt    5   77.071 ± 0.273  us/op
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.modernProtobufDeserialization      avgt    5   69.503 ± 1.633  us/op
SimplePerformanceBenchmark.modernProtobufSerialization        avgt    5   70.181 ± 0.152  us/op

ModernProtobuf is the fastest!

I'm committed to maintain ModernProtobuf's performance, so, if under any edge cases its performance doesn't live up to expectation, I'm happy to work on it. The Protobuf spec is not so small, so if you have better performance benchmarks to propose compared to the one implemented, feel free to open a PR or an issue.

The basics - How to encode/decode a message

After you have generated the model, compile your project. Let's say your model is named ScalarMessage, at compile time, two useful classes will be generated:

  • ScalarMessageBuilder
  • ScalarMessageSpec

Here is how you can use them:

ScalarMessage scalarMessage = new ScalarMessageBuilder()
        // Set the fields you want
var encoded = ScalarMessageSpec.encode(scalarMessage); // Encodes a message as an array of bytes
var decoded = ScalarMessageSpec.decode(encoded); // Decodes a message from an array of bytes

Advanced features

The best library I've ever used, speaking in developer experience, has to be Jackson. I really like the extreme flexibility of the library expressed through annotations. While "annotation magic" can be argued to be counterproductive if the code that the developer writes is too abstracted compared to the actual implementation, like in ORMs for example, I think that Jackson doesn't fall in this category. As a result, ModernProtobuf, tries to provide a similar level of flexibility through annotations and mixins.

  1. @ProtobufBuilder

    Each ProtobufMessage has a builder class generated by default with all of its protobuf properties. Additional builders can be generated from any constructor or static method annotated with this annotation:

    // The name of the default builder is ScalarMessageBuilder
    public record ScalarMessage(
      @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.FIXED32)
      int fixed32,
      @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.SFIXED32)
      int sfixed32,
      @ProtobufProperty(index = 3, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
      ProtobufString string,
      @ProtobufProperty(index = 4, type = ProtobufType.BYTES)
      ByteBuffer bytes
    ) {
       // A class named ScalarMessageGroupedBuilder will be generated
       // This method could be package private if you want only the builder to access it
       @ProtobufBuilder(className = "ScalarMessageGroupedBuilder")
       public ScalarMessage(int scalar, ProtobufString string) {
          this(scalar, scalar, string, string == null ? null : StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(string.toString()));
       // A class named ScalarMessageGroupedAlternativeBuilder will be generated
       // This method could be package private if you want only the builder to access it
       @ProtobufBuilder(className = "ScalarMessageGroupedAlternativeBuilder")
       public static ScalarMessage of(int scalar, ProtobufString string) {
          return new ScalarMessage(scalar, string);
  2. @ProtobufDefaultValue

    The default value for primitive protobuf types is 0, interpreted as false for booleans, while for objects, that is messages and enums, it's null. The default behaviour for a message can be changed by declaring a static method annotated with this annotation:

    public record WrapperMessage(
       @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
       ProtobufString value
    ) {
        private static final WrapperMessage EMPTY = new WrapperMessage(null);
        public static ScalarMessage empty() {
           return EMPTY;

    The same can be done for enums by annotating any enum constant with this annotation:

    public enum EnumType {
        final int index;
        EnumType(@ProtobufEnumIndex int index) {
            this.index = index;
  3. @ProtobufGetter

    Fields annotated with @ProtobufProperty are accessed by the enclosing message's spec-class using:

    1. Direct access, if the field is package-private, protected or public
    2. An accessor or getter, if one exists with the same name as the field

    If you want to specify a getter that doesn't follow these conventions, you can do so using this annotation:

    public final class BoxMessage {
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        private final ProtobufString value;
        public BoxMessage(String value) {
            this.value = value;
        @ProtobufGetter(index = 1)
        public ProtobufString unbox() {
            return value;

    Getters can also be used to specify standalone properties that don't need to be stored in the message:

    public final class BoxMessage {
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        private final ProtobufString value;
        public BoxMessage(String value) {
            this.value = value;
        @ProtobufGetter(index = 1)
        public ProtobufString unbox() {
            return value;
        @ProtobufGetter(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        public ProtobufString type() {
           return ProtobufString.wrap("Box"); 

    The protobuf type needs to be specified for standalone getters, mixins and packed properties are also supported. Also make sure to not include the property in the protobuf constructor as standalone getters should only represent properties that don't need to be stored in the object.

  4. @ProtobufSerializer and @ProtobufDeserializer

    Let's say a server sends a Protobuf message whose schema is defined as follows:

    message Person {
       optional string name = 1;
       optional string surname = 2;
       optional string birthday = 3;

    Where birthday is a String whose format is defined like DD/MM/YY. The associated ModernProtobuf schema could be defined as follows:

    record Person(
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        ProtobufString name,
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        ProtobufString surname,
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 3, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
        ProtobufString birthday
    ) {

    But what if you wanted to represent the field birthday with a record named BirthdayDate defined like the one below?

    record BirthdayDate(int day, int month, int year) {

    This is a simple example, but in cases where it's either impossible to change the model of the incoming Protobuf(ex. reverse engineering) or simply impractical, changes that could be very easy become tedious, especially in Google's library where you can't even edit the Java model to add a method that returns a parsed representation of birthday. In ModernProtobuf, you can achieve this by:

    1. Changing the type of the birthday to BirthdayDate, without modifying the protobuf type as the incoming value will still be a string:
      record Person(
          @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
          ProtobufString name,
          @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
          ProtobufString surname,
          @ProtobufProperty(index = 3, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
          BirthdayDate birthday
      ) {
    2. Adding two methods to the BirthdayDate record, respectively to serialize and deserialize the object representation:
      record BirthdayDate(int day, int month, int year) {
         static of(ProtobufString date) {
            if(date == null) {
               return null;
            var dateParts = date.split("/", 3);
            if(dateParts.length != 3) {
                return null;
            try {
               var day = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(dateParts[0]);
               var month = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(dateParts[1]);
               var year = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(dateParts[2]);
               return new BirthdayDate(day, month, year);
            }catch(NumberFormatException exception) {
               return null;
         public ProtobufString formatted() {
               return "%s/%s/%s".formatted(day, month, year);

    This record is not a ProtobufMessage, but of(String date) and @toString() allow the library to serialize and deserialize a valid protobuf value, without needing to modify the protobuf schema. As you can also see, of(String date) is a package-private method: this is allowed because if the records Person and BirthdayDate are in the same package, the PersonSpec and PersonBuilder classes, that need to access that method, will also be in the same package. This is very convenient because you might not want to expose those methods to a developer using your API to make it less confusing and/or because they may return nullable values, which is, at least generally speaking, not good practice.

    @ProtobufDeserializer can also be used in a ProtobufMessage to modify how the enclosing message's spec and builder initialize a new instance of the message. Here is a relatively complex example where that could be useful:

    public final class OptionalMessage {
     private static final OptionalMessage EMPTY = new OptionalMessage(null);
     @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.STRING)
     private final ProtobufString value;
     // This constructor is not accessible by the Spec or builder
     private OptionalMessage(String value) {
         this.value = value;
     // Override the default value from null to OptionalMessage.empty()
     public static OptionalMessage empty() {
         return EMPTY;
     // Override the default initialization strategy for OptionalMessage from the constructor to OptionalMessage.ofNullable(String) 
     public static OptionalMessage ofNullable(String value) {
         return value == null ? EMPTY : new OptionalMessage(value);
     public ProtobufString value() {
         return value;
  5. @ProtobufUnknownFields

    Let's say your client can receive a protobuf message defined by a schema like this:

    message Features {
       optional bool firstTestFeature = 1;
       optional bool secondTestFeature = 2;

    The associated ModernProtobuf schema could be defined as follows:

    record Features(
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool firstTestFeature,
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool secondTestFeature
    ) {}

    Considering that your client might not be up-to date, you want to log fields from the incoming message that your client doesn't support. This can be achieved by using the @ProtobufUnknownFields annotation:

    record Features(
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool firstTestFeature,
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool secondTestFeature,
        Map<Integer, Object> unknownFeatures
    ) {}

    The field unknownFeatures is a Map where the key-value pair represent respectively the index and the value of the unknown field. If you wanted, you could also use an object that isn't a map, here is an example:

    record Features(
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 1, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool firstTestFeature,
        @ProtobufProperty(index = 2, type = ProtobufType.BOOL)
        bool secondTestFeature,
        UnknownFeatures unknownFeatures
    ) {}
    class UnknownFeatures {
       public final Set<Integer> unknownFeatures;
       UnknownFeatures() {
         this.unknownFeatures = new HashSet<>();
       public void addFeature(int index, Object value) {
          if(value instanceof Boolean flag && flag) {
       public boolean hasFeature(int index) {
          return unknownFeatures.contains(index);

    As you can see, by using @ProtobufUnknownFields.Setter you can make any object work as an unknown fields wrapper. @ProtobufUnknownFields also supports mixins if you need them.


Annotations work very well if you can modify the source class, but what if you wanted to use a type that is part of the Standard Java Library or an external library, in your Protobuf model? This is possible using Mixins. This library provides built-in mixins for the following standard types:

  1. AtomicReference, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicBoolean (ProtobufAtomicMixin)
  2. Optional, OptionalInt, OptionalLong and OptionalDouble (ProtobufOptionalMixin)
  3. CompletableFuture (ProtobufFutureMixin)
  4. Map, HashMap, ConcurrentMap, NavigableMap and SortedMap (ProtobufMapMixin)
  5. List, Set, Queue, Deque, ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView (ProtobufRepeatedMixin)
  6. UUID (ProtobufUUIDMixin)
  7. URI (ProtobufURIMixin)

These mixins are registered by default, but you can register your own by passing them to mixins when annotating a field with @ProtobufProperty. A custom mixin can be defined by declaring a class annotated with @ProtobufMixin. Inside this class, you can use @ProtobufSerializer, @ProtobufDeserializer and @ProtobufDefaultValue to define how Protobuf should handle these types. Here is an example on how to support java.lang.Optional, which is already supported by default:

public class ProtobufOptionalMixin {
    public static <T> Optional<T> newOptional() {
        return Optional.empty();

    @ProtobufDeserializer(builderBehaviour = ProtobufDeserializer.BuilderBehaviour.OVERRIDE)
    public static <T> Optional<T> ofNullable(T value) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(value);
    public static <T> T toNullableValue(Optional<T> value) {
        return value == null ? null : value.orElse(null);

You can also decide whether the deserializer should be used as an override, an alias or ignored in the generated builder for the message that wraps the property that registered the mixin. In this example, all properties with type Optional<T> that register the ProtobufOptionalMixin mixin, will have type T in the generated builder.