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Lab 2: Combinational Circuits in Chisel

The lab session will show you how to describe combinational circuits with Chisel. You get modules, where you need to add the description of combinational circuits. You will run unit tests to test your circuit. Optional you can also synthesize your circuit for an FPGA and test it with the FPGA board.

Having the tests before the implementation is called test driven development and is common in software development, but it is also good practice in hardware design. This time the tests are given to you, in a later lab session you will write your own tests.

After the lab you will know how to use the few constructs to describe common combinational building blocks, such as mulitplexer, encoder, decoder, and function tables in Chisel.

We assume that you have downloaded the complete lab material from GitHub and it is placed in folder chisel-lab.

Background Reading

Compiling and Testing of Combinational Circuits

Today's lab topic is to describe selected combinational building blocks in Chisel. We provide the testing code for your circuits. You have completed all exercises when all tests (run with sbt test) complete without an error.

With IntelliJ import the lab2 project as follows:

  • Start IntelliJ
  • Click Import Project, or on a running IntelliJ: File - New - Project from Existing Source...
  • Navigate to .../chisel-lab/lab2 and select the file build.sbt, press Open
  • Make sure to select a JDK 1.8 or later
  • Press OK on the next dialog box

A Majority Voter

We start as first exercise with a relative simple circuit, a majority voter.

Navigate to the Chisel component Majority by following in the Project navigator along: lab2 - src - main - scala - Majority. Open Majority with a double click.

This is a Chisel component that shall implement the majority voting of three signals (a, b, and c). Majority voting means that the output of the circuit is the majority of the inputs, e.g., if a==1, b==0, and c==1 the result shall be 1. See Dally 3.6 for a solution in VHDL. Your task is to implement that circuit in Chisel.

Open the terminal at the bottom of the IntelliJ window and run:

sbt test

to compile and test your project.

In the Run window you should see several tests failing, similar to:

[info] *** 4 TESTS FAILED ***
[error] Failed: Total 6, Failed 4, Errors 0, Passed 2

For the majority circuit we provide three tests:

  1. MajorityPrinter: A test that simply prints the logic table of the circuit. This form of test is helpful for debugging, but not for automated regression tests.
  2. MajoritySimple: A too simple test that covers only some cases and will succeed for the too simple default implementation. This shows you that testing can usually not guarantee a 100% correct solution.
  3. MajorityFull: is an exhaustive tester that covers all possibilities. This is the best form of a tester. However, exhaustive testing is only possible for very simple circuits.

You run a single test with following command in the terminal window:

sbt "testOnly MajorityPrinter"

Run the MajorityPrinter and watch the printout of the logic table:

[info] [0.002] Logic table for Majority
[info] [0.002] a b c -> out
[info] [0.016] 0 0 0 -> 0
[info] [0.017] 1 0 0 -> 1
[info] [0.018] 0 1 0 -> 0
[info] [0.019] 1 1 0 -> 1
[info] [0.021] 0 0 1 -> 0
[info] [0.022] 1 0 1 -> 1
[info] [0.023] 0 1 1 -> 0
[info] [0.024] 1 1 1 -> 1
test Majority Success: 0 tests passed in 13 cycles taking 0.045750 seconds
[info] [0.025] RAN 8 CYCLES PASSED

This shows that the default implementation just copies the value of a to the output. Clearly not a majority circuit. Change the Majority component to implement the majority circuit. You can watch the logic table for debugging. However, at the end run:

sbt "testOnly MajorityFull"

to make sure you have completed this exercise.

Optional: Generating Hardware

In lab1 you have learned how to generate hardware to run in an FPGA. In the current lab exercise you use testing to run your combinational circuit. However, we can also run those circuits on the FPGA board and use switches and LEDs to test the circuits.

Generate the Verilog description by running the Majority App with:

sbt run

If there are more than one App in a project, you need to select which one to run, the Majority. Like the test cases, you can also directly select which App to run by:

sbt "runMain Majority"

Create a Xiling Vivado project with the source file Majority.v and the constraint file majority.xdc that includes the pin definitions. Synthesize and implement the design, create the bitstream, configure the FPGA, and test the device with the three switches sw0, sw1, and sw2.

Although testing in real hardware gives confidence that the design works it has two drawbacks: (1) synthesizing, even a small design, consumes a considerable amount of time and (2) it is manual. With tests written in Chisel the testing is faster and easier to reproduce and automate.

A Multiplexer (Mux)


A multplexer selects between different input signals. In the above figure it is a 2:1 multiplexer. With sel we route either input a or input b to output y. We assume in this example that a is slected when sel is 0 or false, otherwise b.

Open the Mux2 component to implement the multiplexer. You can test your implementation with:

sbt "testOnly Mux2Spec"

A low-level solution would be to describe the multiplexing function as Boolean equation, such as (!sel & a) | (sel & b). This is correct (try it in Mux2), but hard to read. Furthermore, this equation does not work so easily with multi-bit values.

A better solution is to conditional assignment, in Chisel with when and .otherwise. Look it up in Chapter 5 of the Chisel book and implement the Multiplexer.

As multiplexing is such a fundamental operation, that Chisel provides provides a multiplexer component Mux. Implement you final version of a multiplexer by using the Mux component.

The cool thing on the Mux component is that it can multiplex arbitrary complex data structures, not just a vector of bits. Any user defined data type will work with Mux.

A Decoder


The next exercise is to describe a 2-bit decoder. The test is called as follows:

sbt "testOnly DecoderSpec"

You can find the skeleton of the exercise in Decoder.scala. Fill in the missing statement(s). A Chisel switch statement is probably the most elegant solution, but other solutions are valid as well.

Addition/Subtraction Circuit

As a last exercise you have to build a small arithmetic circuit. The circuit shall be able to add or subtract two unsigned integer. One input (selAdd) decides if the two numbers are added or subtracted (sounds like a multiplexer). The test is called as:

 sbt "testOnly AddSubSpec"

The file for your solution is AddSub.