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Fusion 360 Gallery Dataset License

The dataset to which this license is attached is data from the Fusion 360 Gallery Dataset (the "Dataset") provided by Autodesk, Inc. (“Autodesk”). You may only access and/or use the Dataset subject to the following terms and conditions (this “License”):

  1. You may access, use, reproduce and modify the Dataset, in each case, only for non-commercial research purposes.

  2. You may not redistribute or make available to others the Dataset in its entirety; however you may direct others to to obtain the Dataset.

  3. You may redistribute or make available to others portions of the Dataset or modifications of the Dataset (your “Modified Set”) only if you adhere to the following requirements:

    3.1. You do not explicitly or implicitly represent that that your Modified Set is the Dataset itself. One way to satisfy this requirement is, in connection with such redistribution, to prominently indicate that your Modified Set is a portion or modification of the Dataset and to provide the attribution in Item 5 below.

    3.2. You may not allow others to access, use, reproduce or modify the Modified Set except for non-commercial research purposes.

    3.3. If you allow others to redistribute or make available the Modified Set (or their modifications to the Modified Set), you must require them to: (i) do so only for non-commercial research purposes; (ii) restrict their recipients to non-commercial research purposes through terms at least as restrictive as provided in these Items 3.2 and 3.3; (iii) include terms at least as protective of Autodesk as provided in Items 7 and 8; and (iv) retain any notices or attributions associated with the Dataset that were provided by you (and to impose this requirement on any downstream recipients, if any).

  4. You will comply with applicable data security and privacy laws. You shall not attempt to re-associate any model in the Dataset with the creator of the model or any identifiable individual.

  5. At your discretion as subject to general principles of academic attribution, if your use of the Dataset was a substantial contributor to your research, provide attribution to the “Fusion 360 Gallery Dataset” and the relevant citations provided on the Dataset website.

  6. This License does not grant you permission to use any Autodesk trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Dataset and satisfying the request for attribution in Item 5 above.

  7. Autodesk makes no representations or warranties regarding the Dataset, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

  8. You accept full responsibility for your use of the Dataset and shall defend and indemnify Autodesk, Inc. including its employees, officers and agents, against any and all claims arising from your use of the Dataset, including but not limited to your use of any copies of copyrighted images that you may create from the Dataset.

  9. Autodesk reserves the right to terminate this license at any time and may cease access to the Dataset at any time in its sole discretion.

  10. All rights and licenses to the Dataset not explicitly provided hereunder are reserved for Autodesk.

  11. If you are employed by a for-profit, commercial entity, your employer shall also be bound by this License, and you hereby represent that you are fully authorized to enter into this License on behalf of such employer.

  12. The laws of the State of California shall apply to all disputes under this License.

Updated 11/2021