Running theses tests requires having matrix-oidc-playground running in the same machine as the tests. Make sure to follow the setup instructions there before running the tests.
Once you have matrix-oidc-playground running, simply run:
composer test
The tests pass when the output ends with something like:
JWT token {
iss: 'https://localhost:8443/',
sub: 'admin',
aud: 'oidc-server-plugin-tests',
iat: 1695316090,
exp: 1695319690,
auth_time: 1695316090,
nonce: '7926217c4ad37e6db5cc8e6f78a421ed'
userinfo {
scope: 'openid profile',
username: 'admin',
name: 'admin',
nickname: 'admin',
picture: '',
sub: 'admin'