This ReactJS webapp was bootstrapped thanks to Create React App.
It is a really basic app, using JSONPlaceholder and RoboHash external APIs for loading and displaying dummy data. Nothing really special here... 🙂
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, a SUPER Passionate, enthusiasm software engineer 🤖
I love reading too (non-fiction books), and learning new things every single day!
I also post on a daily basis at Daily Learning Habit, new interesting and short thoughts about what I learnt during the day, or the past few days in order to share with others (and learn more efficiency what I just read/heard).
I'm also the founder of pH7's Social Dating Builder and hundreds of open source projects too 😊 (a few are available here on my GitHub profile).
Contact me at: pierrehenrysoria {[AT]} gmail {[D0T]} com