- Search.
- Improve CSS.
- Add your own item with Web Storage API.
- Dark theme.
The list keeps growing as I discover more. Check out my blog and follow me on Twitter.
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. Having a package manager, makes installs of my most used software, that much easier. It is a great way to keep track of the software you have and which version of that software you are on. So installing Chocolatey is going to be what I do when set up windows for the first time.
Installing Chocolatey (Click to expand):
Run the following command in Powershell:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
To install Chocolatey GUI, run the following command:
choco install chocolateygui -y
Google Chrome - The most widely used Web browser.
MPC-BE - A free and open source audio and video player for Windows.
Visual Studio Code - An advanced code editor with IntelliSense.
foobar2000 - An advanced lightweight audio player.
Internet Download Manager - Fully featured download manager.
Simplewall - A simple open source filewall solution.
TaskbarX - Customize taskbar icon position to the center + cool animations.
AutoHotKey - Compile and run .ahk automation script on Windows.
Steam - Because I play dota2 and csgo and nothing else.
PowerToys - Windows system utilities by Microsoft. I use FancyZone feature a lot.
AdoptOpenJDK - Prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by community.
Everything - A simple and fast file search utility.
EverythingToolbar - Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
BleachBit - A good opensource alternative to CCleaner.
Easy 7-Zip - A fork of 7-Zip with a few additional quality-of-life features.
NVCleanstall - Lets you customize the NVIDIA GeForce Driver.
TechPowerUp GPU-Z - Give you all information about your GPU.
WHDownloader - Downloads Windows hotfix/security update standalone installer (.msu).
Windows Update Manager - Windows update managemetn tool for windows 10.
DriverStore Explorer - A simple and powerfull tool for you to manually uninstall the driver you not want.
Process Explorer - A powerfull verison of Task Manager by Microsoft
SpaceSniffer - Finds the files and folders using the most disk space on your hard drive.
Display Driver Uninstaller - A driver removal utility that can help you completely uninstall AMD/NVIDIA graphics card drivers and packages from your system.
ShareX - A very powerful open source screen capture program.
Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot Tools - A simple tool for managing Xiaomi devices on desktop using ADB and Fastboot.
HWiNFO - a comprehensive hardware monitoring program.
Windows Repair Toolbox - (Almost) everything you need to repair Windows problems in one small handy tool.
Rufus - A simple tool for creating bootable USB.
Ventoy - A new way of making bootable USB drive.
Megabasterd - An unofficial Mega.nz downloader with proxy built-in for bypassing the free account download limit.
Dism ++ - A powerful tool for managing Windows.
SMLoadr-AUX - A graphical frontend for SMLoadr.
SharpKeys - A simple tool to remap keys on Windows.
Open Video Downloader - An excellent desktop frontend for yt-dlp (youtube-dl fork).
Firewall App Blocker (Fab) - Easy-to-use firewall management sofware by Sordum.
OCCT - All-in-one hardware monitor for overclockers.
- π§° Policy Plus - An improved Group Policy editor.
uBlock Origin - An efficient ad blocker for Chromium.
ImprovedTube - Provides extra functionalities while watching YouTube.
Imagus - Enlarge thumbnails, and show images/videos from links with a mouse hover.
Reddit Check - Check if current URL is submitted on reddit to avoid reposting it.
Grammarly - fix grammatical errors, typos, definition and more.
WhenX - Adds Timestamp with last visit time beside purple links in Google search.
Save to Google Drive - Save web content or screen capture directly to Google Drive through a context menu.
Tampermonkey - Userscript manager for chrome.
Buster - reCAPTCHA captcha solver just in one click! ( My Review )
Read Aloud - An open source multi language text-to-speech voice reader.
FastForward - Bypass annoying websites that makes you wait (Adf.ly, Adfoc.us, Shorte.st and more).
Bitwarden - Free cloud-backed password manager that doesn't suck.
Picture-in-Picture Extension (by Google) - Enable PIP mode without needing a button in the video player. Perfect for Twitch.tv.
FrankerFaceZ - Get 3rd-party twich emotes support and tons of customization.
h264ify - Force YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos. (Recommended for older hardware)
Local YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos from the video stream.
Resize Youtube Player To Window Size - Moves the video to the top of the website and resizes it to the screen size.
Return YouTube Dislike - Yep.
Adguard Popup Blocker - A userscript that blocks all unwanted pop-up windows in different browsers made by Adguard.
Reddit highlight newest comments - Highlights new comments in a thread since your last visit.
Colorfull reddit usernames (CRU) - Colorizes usernames on reddit comments.
CPL (Customized Pixel Launcher) - A Launcher3 fork from a Russian developer in 4pda.ru forums.
MiXplorer - A fully featured Android file manager. ( My Review )
AdAway - AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file.
Boost for reddit (Beta) - A customizable Reddit mobile app.
YouTube Vanced - YouTube Vanced is a modded version of YouTube with few unique features such as Amoled theme and background playback.
NetMonster - Mobile network monitoring app which shows detailed information about celluar networks.
Skit - A well designed application manager for Android.
Castro - Gathers real-time information about your Android phone hardware & software.
Google Authenticator - A 2FA code generator from google.
- Awesome list - by @sindresorhus
- Userscripts - by @Ede123
- @CHEF-KOCH - cool dude, you can follow him on twitter.