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File metadata and controls

97 lines (49 loc) · 6.05 KB

Data Integration Pipelines

The Data Factory that you can deploy with this solution will contain several pipelines that showcase different activities.


Top level pipeline

  • 00-ControlPipeline This pipeline calls all other pipelines and serves as orchestration for the entire loading process. This pipeline is triggered by a daily trigger. It uses Execute Pipeline activities to call the other pipelines.


Folder D365

This folder contains the pipelines for handling data from Dynamics 365. If you have created a demo account and entered its credentials when deploying the solution to Azure, the pipelines in this folder will process the data from Dynamics 365.

  • 01-CopySalesActivityToCosmos This pipeline reads the sales activity entity from Dynamics 365 and writes its contents to Cosmos DB. It uses a copy activity to achieve this


    After this pipeline was run, you can browse your Cosmos DB using the data explorer from the Azure portal to see the entities that were written


  • 02-CopyD365SalesLeadToStorage This pipeline copies the Leads from Dynamics 365 to your storage account. It uses a copy activity to achieve this


    After it was run, you can locate the data in your storage accout when browsing it through the Azure portal. The leads will be contained in the d365data container in a folder structure containing the year, month and day, you ran the pipeline in a file called ``leads.txt`


  • 03-CopyD365SalesLeadsToSQL This pipeline copies the same leads to the dedicated pool of your Azure Synapse Analytics workspace. You need to grant permissions to your ADF managed identity in order to run this pipeline by following the steps in the main documentation.


    After you ran this pipeline, your sales leads are visible in the dedicated SQL pool in your Synapse workspace


  • 04-AnonymizeSalesLeads This pipelines runs the Leads through a presidio webapp in order to remove personal information from it before storing it to the data lake. It iterates the files in the storage account and runs each row of each file through the presidio analyzer and presidio anonymizer before storing them to the storage account. Calling the presidio solution is handled in 04-01-DataAnonymizationSingleFile for each single file.

    First all files are iterated


    For each file the 04-01-DataAnonymizationSingleFile is called


    In 04-01-DataAnonymizationSingleFile, the files are read and a loop over their contents is created


    In the foreach loop, the presidio APIs are called:


    After 04-AnonymizeSalesLeads has been called, in the storage account in the d365data container, there will be a folder called leads_anonymized that will contain the anonymized records


  • 05-TransformDynamicsData calls the DFActivitiesAndLeads dataflow (description below) that transforms the dynamics data and loads it into Common Data Model output format


Folder OpenDataset

This folder contains Pipelines to load and transform data from the New York Taxi dataset hosted on Azure

  • 01-StageOpenData copies the Taxi Data from the Parquet files in which it is provied into json files. It uses a copy activity to move the data


  • 02-TransformTaxiData calls the DFMoveTaxiData dataflow (described below) that transforms the taxi data before loading it to the Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pool



The solution contains two dataflows that transform the data:

  • DFActivitiesAndLeads This dataflow joins the data from the Dynamics 365 Activites (located in Cosmos DB) and the Dynamics 365 Leads (located in the Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool). It then checks if an activity is associated with a lead or not and writes the activitites with leads and the activities without leads into different folders


    Running this dataflow for the first time will take several minutes as the cluster hosting the dataflow needs to be started. After the dataflow has completed, you will find two folders in the exports container of your storage account, one containing the activities with leads the other one containing the activities without leads


  • DFMoveTaxiData loads the taxi data and adds a qualifier about the trip distance as a derived column to the dataset. Then it stores the data in your Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool.


    After running this dataflow, you will find a taxidata table in your dedicated synapse pool containg the original data and the distance qualification from the derived column in the dataflow.
