Operationalize AZTK with the provided Python SDK.
Find some samples and getting stated tutorial in the examples/sdk/
directory of the repository.
create_cluster(self, cluster_conf: aztk.spark.models.ClusterConfiguration, wait=False)
Create an AZTK cluster with the given cluster configuration
- cluster_conf: models.ClusterConfiguration - the definition of the cluster to create - wait: bool = False - If true, block until the cluster is running, else return immediately
- aztk.spark.models.Cluster
create_clusters_in_parallel(self, cluster_confs: List[aztk.models.ClusterConfiguration])
Create an AZTK clusters with the given list of cluster configurations
- cluster_confs: List[aztk.models.ClusterConfiguration]
- None
delete_cluster(self, cluster_id: str)
Delete an AZTK cluster with the given ID
- cluster_id: str - The ID of the cluster to delete
- None
get_cluster(self, cluster_id: str)
Retrieve detailed information about the cluster with the given ID
- cluster_id - the ID of the cluster to get
- aztk.models.Cluster()
Retrieve a list of existing AZTK clusters.Returns:
- List[aztk.models.Cluster]
get_remote_login_settings(self, cluster_id: str, node_id: str)
Return the settings required to login to a node
- cluster_id: str The cluster to login to - node_id: str The node to login to
- aztk.spark.models.RemoteLogin
submit(self, cluster_id: str, application: aztk.spark.models.Application)
- cluster_id: str The cluster that the application is submitted to - application: aztk.spark.models.Application The application to submit
- None
submit_all_applications(self, cluster_id: str, applications: List[aztk.spark.models.Application])
Submit a list of applications to be exected on a cluster
- cluster_id: str The cluster that the applications are submitted to - applications: List[aztk.spark.models.Application] List of applications to submit
- None
wait_until_application_done(self, cluster_id: str, task_id: str)
Block until the given application has completed on the given cluster
- cluster_id: str The cluster on which the application is running - task_id The application to wait for
- None
wait_until_applications_done(self, cluster_id: str)
Block until all applications on the given cluster are completed
- cluster_id: str The cluster on which the application is running
- None
wait_until_cluster_is_ready(self, cluster_id: str)
Block until the given cluster is running
- cluster_id: str The ID of the cluster to wait for
- aztk.spark.models.Cluster
wait_until_all_clusters_are_ready(self, clusters: List[str])
Wait until all clusters in the given list are ready
- clusters: List[str] A list of the IDs of all the clusters to wait for
- None
create_user(self, cluster_id: str, username: str, password: str = None, ssh_key: str = None)
Create a user on the given cluster
- cluster_id: List[str] The cluster on which to create the user - password: str The password to create the user with (mutually exclusive with ssh_key) - ssh_key: str The ssh_key to create the user with (mutually exclusive with password)
- None
get_application_log(self, cluster_id: str, application_name: str, tail=False, current_bytes: int = 0)
Get the logs of a completed or currently running application
- cluster_id: str The id of the cluster on which the application ran or is running. - application_name: str The name of the application to retrieve logs for - tail: bool Set to true if you want to get only the newly added data after current_bytes. - current_bytes: int The amount of bytes already retrieved. To get the entire log, leave this at 0. If you are streaming, set this to the current number of bytes you have already retrieved, so you only retrieve the newly added bytes.
- aztk.spark.models.ApplicationLog
get_application_status(self, cluster_id: str, app_name: str)
Get the status of an application
Parameters: - cluster_id: str The id of the cluster to which the app was submitted
- app_name the name of the application in question
- str
submit_job(self, job_configuration)
Submit an AZTK Spark Job
- job_configuration: aztk.spark.models.JobConfiguration The configuration of the job to be submitted
- aztk.spark.models.Job
List all created AZTK Spark Jobs
- job_configuration: aztk.spark.models.JobConfiguration The configuration of the job to be submitted
- List[aztk.spark.models.Job]
list_applicaitons(self, job_id)
List all applications created on the AZTK Spark Job with id job_id
- job_id: str The id of the Job
- Dict{str: aztk.spark.models.Application or None} - the key is the name of the application - the value is None if the application has not yet been scheduled or an Application model if it has been scheduled
get_job(self, job_id)
Get information about the AZTK Spark Job with id job_id
- job_id: str The id of the Job
- List[aztk.spark.models.Job]
stop_job(self, job_id)
Stop the AZTK Spark Job with id job_id
- job_id: str The id of the Job
- None
delete_job(self, job_id)
Delete the AZTK Spark Job with id job_id
- job_id: str The id of the Job
- bool
get_application(self, job_id, application_name)
Get information about an AZTK Spark Job's application
- job_id: str The id of the Job - application_name: str The name of the Application
- aztk.spark.models.Application
get_job_application_log(self, job_id, application_name)
Get the log of an AZTK Spark Job's application
- job_id: str The id of the Job - application_name: str The name of the Application
- aztk.spark.models.ApplicationLog
stop_job_app(self, job_id, application_name)
Stop an Application running on an AZTK Spark Job
- job_id: str The id of the Job - application_name: str The name of the Application
- None
wait_until_job_finished(self, job_id)
Wait until the AZTK Spark Job with id job_id is complete
- job_id: str The id of the Job - application_name: str The name of the Application
- None
wait_until_all_jobs_finished(self, jobs)
Wait until all of the given AZTK Spark Jobs are complete
- jobs: List[str] The ids of the Jobs to wait for
- None
The definition of an AZTK Spark Application as it exists in the cloud. Please note that this object is not used to configure Applications, only to read information about existing Applications. Please see ApplicationConfiguration if you are trying to create an Application.
- name: str - last_modified: datetime - creation_time: datetime - state: str - state_transition_time: datetime - previous_state: str - previous_state_transition_time: datetime - exit_code: int
Define a Spark application to run on a cluster.
- name: str Unique identifier for the application. - application: str Path to the application that will be executed. Can be jar or python file. - application_args: [str] List of arguments for the application - main_class: str The application's main class. (Only applies to Java/Scala) - jars: [str] Additional jars to supply for the application. - py_files: [str] Additional Python files to supply for the application. Can be .zip, .egg, or .py files. - files: [str] Additional files to supply for the application. - driver_java_options: str Extra Java options to pass to the driver. - driver_library_path: str Extra library path entries to pass to the driver. - driver_class_path: str Extra class path entries to pass to the driver. Note that jars added with --jars are automatically included in the classpath. - driver_memory: str Memory for driver (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1024M). - executor_memory: str Memory per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G). - driver_cores: str Cores for driver (Default: 1). - executor_cores: str Number of cores per executor. (Default: All available cores on the worker) - max_retry_count: int Number of times the Spark job may be retried if there is a failure
Holds the logged data from a spark application and metadata about the application and log.
- name: str - cluster_id: str - log: str - total_bytes: int - application_state: str - exit_code: str
An AZTK cluster. Note that this model is not used to create a cluster, for that see
- id: str The unique id of the cluster - pool: azure.batch.models.CloudPool A pool in the Azure Batch service. - nodes: azure.batch.models.ComputeNodePaged A paging container for iterating over a list of ComputeNode objects - vm_size: str The size of virtual machines in the cluster. All virtual machines in a cluster are the same size. For information about available sizes of virtual machines, see Sizes for Virtual Machines (Linux) (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-sizes/). AZTK supports all Azure VM sizes except STANDARD_A0 and those with premium storage (STANDARD_GS, STANDARD_DS, and STANDARD_DSV2 series). - visible_state The current state of the cluster. Possible values are: resizing = 'resizing' steady = 'steady' stopping = 'stopping' active = 'active' deleting = 'deleting' upgrading = 'upgrading' - total_current_nodes The total number of nodes currently allocated to the cluster. - total_target_nodes The desired number of nodes in the cluster. Sum of target_dedicated_nodes and target_low_pri_nodes. - current_dedicated_nodes The number of dedicated nodes currently in the cluster. - current_low_pri_nodes The number of low-priority nodes currently in the cluster. Low-priority nodes which have been preempted are included in this count. - target_dedicated_nodes The desired number of dedicated nodes in the cluster. - target_low_pri_nodes The desired number of low-priority nodes in the cluster.
Define a Spark cluster to be created.
- custom_scripts: [CustomScript] A list of custom scripts to execute in the Spark Docker container. - cluster_id: str A unique ID of the cluster to be created. The ID can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores, and cannot contain more than 64 characters. The ID is case-preserving and case-insensitive (that is, you may not have two IDs within an account that differ only by case). - vm_count: int The number of dedicated VMs (nodes) to be allocated to the cluster. Mutually exclusive with vm_low_pri_count. - vm_size: str The size of virtual machines in the cluster. All virtual machines in a cluster are the same size. For information about available sizes of virtual machines, see Sizes for Virtual Machines (Linux) (https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-sizes/). AZTK supports all Azure VM sizes except STANDARD_A0 and those with premium storage (STANDARD_GS, STANDARD_DS, and STANDARD_DSV2 series). - vm_low_pri_count: int The number of VMs (nodes) to be allocated to the cluster. Mutually exclusive with vm_count. - docker_repo: str The docker repository and image to use. For more information, see [Docker Image](./12-docker-image.md). - spark_configuration: aztk.spark.models.SparkConfiguration Configuration object for spark-specific values.
Custom Script
A script that executed in the Docker container of specified nodes in the cluster.
- name: str A unique name for the script - script: str Path to the script to be run - run_on: str Set which nodes the script should execute on. Possible values: all-nodes master worker Please note that by default, the Master node is also a worker node.
Define an AZTK Job.
__init__( self, id, applications=None, custom_scripts=None, spark_configuration=None, vm_size=None, docker_repo=None, max_dedicated_nodes=None)
- id: str - applications: List[aztk.spark.models.ApplicationConfiguration] - custom_scripts: str - spark_configuration: aztk.spark.models.SparkConfiguration - vm_size: int - gpu_enabled: str - docker_repo: str - max_dedicated_nodes: str
__init__(self, cloud_job_schedule: batch_models.CloudJobSchedule, cloud_tasks: List[batch_models.CloudTask] = None)
- id: str
- last_modified: datetime
- state: datetime
- state_transition_time: datetime
- applications: datetime
The Batch, Storage, Docker and SSH secrets used to create AZTK clusters. For more help with setting these values see Getting Started.
Exactly one of
must be provided to this object. If both or none validation will fail.Fields: service_principal: ServicePrincipalConfiguration shared_key: SharedKeyConfiguration docker: DockerConfiguration
ssh_pub_key: str ssh_priv_key: str
Configuration needed to use aad auth.
Fields: tenant_id: str client_id: str credential: str batch_account_resource_id: str storage_account_resource_id: str
Configuration needed to use shared key auth.
Fields: batch_account_name: str batch_account_key: str batch_service_url: str storage_account_name: str storage_account_key: str storage_account_suffix: str
Configuration needed to use custom docker.
Fields: endpoint: str username: str password: str
Define cluster-wide Spark specific parameters.
- spark_defaults_conf: str Path to spark_defaults.conf configuration file to be used. - spark_env_sh: str Path to spark_env.sh configuration file to be used. - core_site_xml: str Path to core-site.xml configuration file to be used. - jars: [str] Additional Jars to be uploaded