diff --git a/Docs/operational-scripts-reference.md b/Docs/operational-scripts-reference.md index 8aac1228..c451bbe3 100644 --- a/Docs/operational-scripts-reference.md +++ b/Docs/operational-scripts-reference.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Ou #### `-WindowsNewLineCells []` -Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only fro Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell +Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only for Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell #### `-Interactive ` @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Set to false if used non-interactive #### `-SuppressConfirmation []` -Suppresses prompt for confirmation to delete existing file in interactive mode +Suppresses prompt for confirmation to delete an existing file in interactive mode #### `-IncludeManualPolicies []` @@ -77,14 +77,17 @@ Filter by Policy Assignment names (array) or ids (array). Filter by Policy effect (array). #### `-NoWait []` +Indicates that the script should not wait for the remediation tasks to complete. #### `-WhatIf []` +Simulates the actions of the command without actually performing them. Useful for testing. #### `-Confirm []` +Prompts for confirmation before executing the command. ## Script `New-AzureDevOpsBug` -Creates a Bug on the current Iteration of a team when one or multiple Remediation Tasks failed. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and Url properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed. +Creates a Bug on the current Iteration of a team when one or multiple Remediation Tasks fail. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and URL properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed. ```ps1 New-AzureDevOpsBug [-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString] [-ModuleName] [-OrganizationName] [-ProjectName] [-PersonalAccessToken] [-TeamName] [] @@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps team. ## Script `New-GitHubIssue` -Creates an Issue in a GitHub Repository that is located under a GitHub Organization when one or multiple Remediation Tasks failed. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and Url properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed. +Creates an Issue in a GitHub Repository that is located under a GitHub Organization when one or multiple Remediation Tasks fail. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and URL properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed. ```ps1 New-GitHubIssue [-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString] [-OrganizationName] [-RepositoryName] [-PersonalAccessToken] [] @@ -182,10 +185,10 @@ File extension type for the output files. Defaults to '.jsonc'. Operating mode: -- `export` exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, should be used with -Interactive $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or use with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment. +- `export` exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, which should be used with -Interactive $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or used with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment. - `collectRawFile` exports the raw data only; Often used with 'inputPacSelector' when running non-interactive in a multi-tenant scenario to collect the raw data once per tenant into a file named after the EPAC environment - `exportFromRawFiles` reads the files generated with one or more runs of b) and outputs the files the same as normal 'export'. -- `exportRawToPipeline` exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, should be used with `-Interactive` $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or use with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment. +- `exportRawToPipeline` exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, which should be used with `-Interactive` $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or used with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment. - `psrule` exports EPAC environment into a file which can be used to create policy rules for PSRule for Azure #### `-InputPacSelector ` @@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ Set to false if used non-interactive #### `-FileExtension ` -File extension type for the output files. Valid values are json and jsonc. Defaults to json. +File extension type for the output files. Valid values are json or jsonc. The default output file is json. #### `-ActiveExemptionsOnly []` @@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ Get-AzPolicyAliasOutputCSV [] ## Script `New-AzPolicyReaderRole` -Creates a custom role 'Policy Reader' that provides read access to all Policy resources for the purpose of planning the EPAC deployments. +Creates a custom role 'Policy Reader' that provides read access to all Policy resources to plan the EPAC deployments. ```ps1 New-AzPolicyReaderRole [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] ] [-DefinitionsRootFolder ] [-Interactive ] [] @@ -373,7 +376,7 @@ The folder path to create the definitions root folder (./Definitions) ## Script `New-EpacGlobalSettings` -Creates a global-settings.jsonc file with a new guid, managed identity location and tenant information +Creates a global-settings.jsonc file with a new GUID, managed identity location and tenant information ```ps1 New-EpacGlobalSettings [-ManagedIdentityLocation] [-TenantId] [-DefinitionsRootFolder] [-DeploymentRootScope] []