Nov 12: Initial check-in between teams. See the progress.html page for assigned teams. Nov 19: Evaluator delivers rubric to the team they are helping. By default, use the GitHub issue tracker for the team's project. If feedback is NOT in the issue tracker by Nov 19, please contact @davclark and explain the situation. Dec 3: Final presentations, with a brief tour of the project. Evaluation should be incorporated into class website and repo as appropriate. Dec 10: Alternate date for presentations. This file is meant to ultimately land (with appropriate edits) into the project description page (in this projects directory).
Please adopt a friendly but critical perspective. You are trying to help the other team, and no one is going to "lose points" for any shortcomings. The goal is to get everyone as far towards their goals as possible!
Essential to a good "open" project is discoverability by a friendly netizen. Ideally, someone would be able to get up to speed on a project without bothering you until they have something useful or constructive to share! Thus, please provide URLs below (where appropriate) where someone could find this information on the internet.
Real-world challenge
What new understanding will be obtained? What public good would be served? What business opportunities are available? Who would benefit, who are consumers/users of your data or technology?
Why are you motivated to work on this project?
Data / Materials
What data sources or data collection methods have you used? Are they automatic/numerically collected, or manually collected (as with a survey)? Where / how is data stored? What will you do / have you done to get data? Is there important metadata (e.g., time of collection, source, etc.)? Why is the data you have or expect to have sufficient or insufficient to meet your challenge?
What are the risks? What technical approaches have been explored, and which remain to be explored? Where does the prototype "run?" What methods (e.g., statistics, signal processing, transformation) and tooling (e.g., python libraries, hardware platforms) are being used/evaluated/considered?
When does analysis come in.
What skills are needed, and what skills remain to be learned by your team? How would someone learn these skills?
Project Management
What is your first milestone? What is your current milestone? What is your "final" milestone for completing this project (even if that milestone is currently unreasonable ;).
How do you evaluate progress and work remaining? How are next tasks determined and divided between team members?
Who did what / what role did people play, and how could you find out (e.g., from the issue tracker, meeting notes, git commits, etc.)?
Please provide any feedback you find useful! In particular, please help your partner team to identify potential problems that might cause their project to "fail." Also recommend any resources that you think may be useful.
Ideally, also "execute" or "test" the current prototype. This could range from assembling the bill of materials (i.e., shopping cart) to build the hardware to actually running some code on your own computer. If this is not possible, please describe what would be necessary to do so, and why you are unable to.