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File metadata and controls

136 lines (100 loc) · 3.87 KB


  • This package is designed to be used by a Cloak app.
  • Included styles are written in Stylus only
  • Stylus expects bukwild-stylus-library mixins to already be imported

Getting Started

Add this to, so that vue-form's components are registered globally in Nuxt:

buildModules: ['@nuxt/components', 'vue-form/nuxt']

Build your form:

  #default="{success, error, submitting, submitted}"
  //- Form message
  .message(v-if='success') Thanks!
  .message(v-else-if='error') Error.
  .message(v-else) Sign up

  //- Form Fields
  //- Use any DOM structure as long as the fields
  //- are a descendant of vue-form.

      label="Your Name"

      label="Email Address"
      placeholder="Your email address"
    ) Sign up

Add your submit handler:

  onSubmit: (form) -> 
    # Executed only if all input has passed client-side validation.
    # `form` is an object with all your field data
    # Can be async
    await @uploadToSomewhere(form)
    # vue-form catches errors, sets @error and @submitted to true, and logs the error to console as a console.warn
    throw("Couldn't connect to remote service")

Custom Styling

To skin vue-form, you have two options:

  • Import vue-form's Stylus stylesheet into your component, and create a theme by overriding a few Stylus variables.

  • Start from scratch. Vue-form's components include no styles by default. This is by design, to give you the most flexibility.

To import vue-form's Stylus stylesheet and create a theme:

>>>  // 👈 Deep selector is required if your component styles are scoped
  // Customize variables (see "vue-form/src/assets/definitions.styl")
  form-color-base = white
  form-bkg-base = grey
  // Import vue-form styles
  @import '~vue-form/index.styl'


Each field validates itself on blur and submit, and shows/hides its own validation message.

Fields have a rules prop that accepts an array of strings or functions.

Strings represent preset validators included in this package:

  • "email": Must be a valid email
  • "required": Must not be empty or unchecked.
  • "url": Must be a valid URL.
  • "notUrl"
  • "ipAddress": Must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • "notIpAddress"

Functions are your custom validator functions. A validator function must:

  • Accept one argument (the field value)
  • Return true (valid), false (invalid), or a string (invalid, with a custom validation error message)


Why does this package use an event bus?

Most Vue form libraries manage field values with a direct data binding. The result is that each field's name is repeated up to four times:

vue-form(:form='form' :rules='rules')
    v-model="" // 👈 Field name (1st time)
    label="Email Address"
    name="email" // 👈 Field name (2nd time, for the input label's `for` attribute)
export default
  data: ->
    form: {
      name: "" // 👈 Field name (3rd time, or else this property is not reactive)

    rules: {
      email: ['required', 'email']  // 👈 Field name (4th time, if we want validation rules)

Forgetting or misspelling any of these four name instances will break something important. In a big form, this can be a lot to manage.

In this form library, the form component and the fields communicate directly using an event bus (tiny-emitter library, so it's Vue 3 compatible). This is a tradeoff: it introduces complexity (it's a manual data binding outside of Vue), but it allows us to eliminate this 4x name repetition. It also lets us make rules a prop on each field which is a nice API.